Art of Letter Writing

In our modern times, the art of letter-writing should not be forgotten. The dangers of email, the bashed-out "R U OK? I am gr8" ugliness of texting, the over-impulsive angry phone-call - all these fade into white noise beside the elegant, deliberated simplicity of a note written by hand.

Crisp vellum stationery, the elegant flow of letters pouring across a page: these are the building blocks of our civilisation.

Yes, we now have the printed word but do we want future civilisations to believe that ours was an age of bank statements and bureaucracy? Where are the love letters, the tellings-off from parent to errant teenager, the little billet-doux of correspondence that make the world go round? Stored on hard drives, listened to by bugging governments, deleted from voicemails?

Writing by hand focuses the mind. There is no delete button, no backspace, so words must be considered and chosen carefully before being committed to paper, making their meaning all the more succinct. Handwritten notes are both personal and permanent; a love letter is worth a thousand texts.



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