Motor Racing

Formula 1 car with the Debrett's logo appearing on it

Different race meetings have various codes of conduct and levels of formality. Here is some general advice for a successful day's racing.

Stylish Dressing

There are no dress codes within the paddocks at Formula One events, but in general dress is smart casual. Ladies be warned: there is a lot of walking involved, so don't wear your highest stilletos to watch the racing.

Rain may be a problem at some locations, and as you're ineveitably going to be outside make sure you have raincoats and umbrellas.

If you're attending events abroad, be aware of local dress codes - for example in Islamic countries women should cover their heads and be careful about exposing too much flesh.

Track-side Etiquette

Adrenalin-fuelled Formula One racing is invariably exciting, especially if you're a partisan supporter. While it's fine to cheer and applaud, don't deafen fellow-spectators, and don't jump around and obstruct their view.

Formual One is a dangerous sport, and the drivers are risking their lives. If a driver has to retire never cheer because they're out of the race. Remember they might be badly hurt.

Be wary of standing too close to crash barriers as fatalities have been known when a car collides into a tyre wall and causes high-speed impact with onlookers.

Bar Behaviour

Within the paddocks, food and alcohol are free and it can be tempting to over-indulge. Pace yourself. Alternate drinking with indulging in the many pleasures on offer - manicures, hairdressing, driver talks, pit lane walkabouts. There's plentiful gourmet food on offer, which will also help to offset the effects of alcohol.

Gracious Host

If you're acting the host, ensure that everyone is comfortable, is well supplied with drinks, and has the opportunity to sit down when they need to.

If you're somebody's guest, remember your manners and don't forget that all-important thank you letter afterwards.


It's easy to get carried away - but don't rush the drivers at inappropriate times or badger them for their autographs.

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Motor racing

Formula One calendar




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