Theatre Etiquette

Theatre balcony

Despite being subjected to reminders at the start of virtually every show, still the mobile rings, sweet wrappers rustle and someone chatters incessantly...

Golden Rules for theatre-goers

Don't cut it too fine before curtain-up - latecomers are made to wait. Arrive in good time and order any interval drinks in advance.

Disengage all mobile phones. Don't wear clouds of choking perfume and avoid big hair. If you must eat sweets, decant and unwrap your ration before curtain up, or wait for a roar of laughter to drown out rustles.

No talking, no canoodling and no fidgeting. Don't lean forward, obscure the view of those behind you or put feet on seats. No snoring.

Cheering and whooping should be kept to a minimum and whistling avoided. Boo-ing a performer is never acceptable (unless at a pantomime).

Join in and finish when the clapping starts and subsides - you should never have your own solo performance before or after the main body of applause.

Debrett's suggests

RSC Season

Chichester Theatre Festival



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Guide to Entertaining etiquette

Guide to Entertaining etiquette

Guide to Entertaining Etiquette

Guide to Entertaining Etiquette

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