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Watch & Rate – submission FAQs | British Board of Film Classification
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British Board of Film Classification

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Watch & Rate – submission FAQs


How much does it cost?

Standard Submission Costs

  • Submission Fee: £22
  • Per minute Fee: £2.75

Fast turnaround submissions

  • Pre-Booking Express (PBE): Standard tariff + 10% (Running time charges rounded up to the nearest 15 minutes)


  • 90 minute feature - £269.50 (£296.45 with fast turnaround PBE)
  • 28 minute TV episode - £99 (£114.95 with fast turnaround PBE)

NOTE: Standard costs for digital age ratings are offset if (1) the same work is later submitted for a DVD/Blu-ray age rating under the VRA and (2) we have the original Watch and Rate submission in a format that makes it possible to compare with the VRA submission. Where a video submission consists of several elements that have each received individual VOD classifications, only one of the original fixed fees are included in the discount. PBE fees are not offset during subsequent VRA submissions.


How do I submit a work for age rating?

We encourage submission of content via digital file delivery but will accept any of the following formats:

  • Delivery via Globus Online
  • Delivery to the BBFC FTP server
  • File collection from your FTP or Media Asset Management system
  • Streaming from your live or test service
  • Digital File delivery via thumb drive, SD card or hard drive
  • DVD or Blu-ray disc


In what format do I submit my work?

The BBFC accepts most formats of digital video. 

Technical requirements are available here.


Digital On Screen Graphics (DOGs)

We will accept works with discreet Digital On-Screen graphics for security watermarking purposes, but may ask for works to be resubmitted if any DOGs or watermarks obscure any content that could affect the age category awarded.

For Watch & Rate works, please consult the Digital Services team if you have any questions.

Please click here for more detail on our DOGs policy.


Works not in the English language 

A work in a language other than English and which does not have subtitles will be viewed by an external interpreter if an Examiner speaking that language is not available.  

A work which is aimed at speakers of the original language will be viewed by an Examiner who speaks that language or an external interpreter, whether the material has English language subtitles or not.

Where the BBFC judge that an interpreter is required you will be informed before viewing, and your invoice will reflect these additional costs. Full details of which works are considered to be aimed at speakers of the original language can be obtained from our customer services team.  


Cuts and Resubmissions

If you require a lower age category for your work than the one received, the BBFC will issue a cuts list on request. There is no additional charge for this. The works must then be resubmitted. This resubmission is free of charge on the basis that only the requested edits have been made. If additional edits are found, then the submission and original rating will be withdrawn. The work will then need to be submitted as a new work and normal Watch and Rate viewing charges will apply.  Resubmitted works will only be accepted in via the same media format/delivery mechanism as the original submission. 


How do I pay for my work?

We will make a request for payment of your submission before we schedule the work for viewing.

Our Accounts team will provide a pro-forma invoice after submission. We now accept online payments.

The BBFC is happy to hold a deposit on your account to ensure that works are not held up waiting for payment. More details can be obtained from accounts@bbfc.co.uk.


How long will it take to receive my age rating?

We generally provide an age rating within 7 to 10 days of submission, and often sooner (although decisions can be delayed if you fail to deliver your content or settle your invoice promptly).

We examine works on a first-come first-served basis. Turnaround times therefore may vary depending upon the overall volume of submissions.


How can I guarantee a faster decision?

If you would like to guarantee faster turnaround, please use our Pre-Booking Express (PBE) service. PBE enables us to provide you age rating within two days of receipt of your content.

Full details about Pre-Booking Express can be found here.


How do I receive my age rating and BBFCinsight?

Once we have rated your work, we will send you an email confirming details of our decision including your BBFCinsight.

Complete details of all the works you have submitted for age ratings can be found on your extranet page.


What will you do with my work after submission?

When supplied in a suitable format the BBFC will archive any work(s) submitted for age rating in our secure digital archive.

We are happy to discuss any concerns you might have about retaining your content. Please contact us at digital@bbfc.co.uk



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