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The Voice Season 5 Semifinal Results Recap: Did the Right Three Singers Make the Finale? | TVLine
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The Voice Season 5 Semifinal Results Recap: Did the Right Three Singers Make the Finale?

The Voice Season 5 Semifinals Results RecapWho says there’s no life after The Voice?

Season 5’s Top 5 results telecast felt like an aggressive response to the blogosphere complaint that NBC’s reality-singing behemoth has yet to produce a viable chart-topper — this week’s Top 10 iTunes milestones for covers by three current semifinalists notwithstanding. (Cue Xtina rageface, followed by an indignant, “Excuse me, but I’m No. 10 on Billboard right this very second, bitches!” No, girl, we’re talking about contestants, not coaches.)

RELATED | The Voice Season 5 Semifinal Performance Recap: Keep Calm and ‘Carry On’

But yes, while it’s true that no alumni of the show has reached Carrie Underwood or Fantasia Barrino or even Phillip Phillips status, it’s important to recall that The Voice only debuted in late April, 2011. (And let’s not forget that just a year after American Idol‘s inaugural season, poor Kelly Clarkson’s career was absorbing the brutal body blow of From Justin to Kelly; becoming a superstar takes a little time and nurturing, yo!)

With great ratings success, though, ought to come the serious responsibility of helping to promote the careers of the artists on whose vocal cords you’ve built your skyrocketing ad rates (and Monday/Tuesday programming blocks). Which is why it was so encouraging to see Mark Burnett & NBC make room over the course of the hour for four separate alumni performances — from Season 3 champ Cassadee Pope, plus Season 4 winner Danielle Bradbery and her runners-up Michelle Chamuel and The Swon Brothers. (Truth be told, I liked the non-champs’ tunes better than the victors’ pop-country offerings. Michelle, as always, was fabulous…and made me regret not downloading her “Go Down Singing” the instant it came out. I will remedy the situation post haste.)

RELATED | The Voice: 25 Song Suggestions to Make Season 5 More Surprising (and Delightful)

The show’s sudden give-back-to-our-grads vibe isn’t just about altruism — it’s smart business. What better way to signal The Voice‘s growing industry cred than by presenting Cassadee with her first Gold Record — denoting 500,000 in sales for her debut single “Wasting All These Tears” (AKA what Season 5’s Amber Nicole will always remember as the song Cee Lo used to sabotage her). When you think about it, though, is it more important as a viewer to see Voice alumni compete with the Rihannas and Biebers of the world, or for you to have access to young artists producing exciting new music that’s in heavy rotation on your iPod?

Those qualities shouldn’t be mutually exclusive, but as somebody who deeply digs the music of Voice also-rans Grace Askew, Matt Cermanski, Jamar Rogers, Juliet Simms, Vicci Martinez and Jamie Lono, I find my demands that the show deliver us a platinum artist or else hang up its shingle feel increasingly hollow (or at least churlish).

Enough philosophizin’, though. Let’s cut to the results. With three artists advacing to the Season 5 finals, it meant two had to get axed, and Carson Daly announced the first of the week’s Bottom 2 vote-getters early in the show:

Eliminated First: James Wolpert (Team Adam) — “It’s been the time of my life!” he repeated to Coach Adam, before exiting the stage. Not a huge surprise, considering James needed the Instant Save last week, and charted lowest among the remaining quintet on iTunes by the end of this week’s voting period.

RELATED | The Voice‘s Caroline Pennell on Tackling Bieber, Rocking ‘Royals,’ Accepting Cee Lo’s Laid-Back Coaching: ‘Everyone Else Was Standing Up’

After that, Carson kept it positive, intermittently checking in to announce which acts were moving forward in the competition — rather than who was in trouble.

Advancing to the Finals (in Order of Announcement)
Tessanne Chin (Team Adam)
Jacquie Lee (Team Xtina)
Will Champlin (Team Adam)

Second Elimination
Cole Vosbury (Team Blake)

And with that, the Blake Shelton win steak ends at three — leaving either Adam to get his first victory since Season 1, or Xtina to get her first victory ever. In my mind, it’s the correct trio of finalists, too — based both on the quality of Monday’s final performances and the singers’ full bodies of work over the last few months.

Maybe that’s just me. What did you think of Top 5 results night? Did the right two singers go home? Who are you rooting for in next week’s finale? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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  1. Mel says:

    Nope. Should have been ALL Team Adam. James instead of Jacquie. He’s a million times better than she is. But i’m incredibly happy with Will and Tessanne there.

    • Laura says:

      I agree! James all the way!

      • Maymay says:

        You guys should go see The Perils of Growing Up Flat-Chested on Youtube, if you haven’t yet. It’s a short film, James is in it and his original music is in the soundtrack. I don’t know if I should warn you or not that it gets kinda awkward, but in a funny and great way. It’s a very cute film with a whole different side of James.

      • Jaszy says:

        James is so fake!

    • Kaba says:

      Too bad he was no good at proving he was better

      • AlyB says:

        Ouch lol. I do agree with the way things panned out though. I wonder if they’ll do away with the instant save next season since every person saved by twitter ended up going home the very next week. Of course if it was just a ploy to engage people on twitter for the results show, it worked. I think the judges saves during battles & knockouts are necessary but the twitter save just marks them like a dead man walking. They should just go back to sending the lowest vote getters home. Then the one that does scrape by at least knows they earned their spot via votes based on the performance show just like everyone else & not through a twitter gimmic.

        • Kaba says:

          The instant save needs to be destroyed. It’s their attempt to find some kind of save equivalent to Xfactors save-me song and and American Idol’s save. This is a horrible idea.

          • Sam says:

            I think the Instant save was to bring more excitement to the eliminations process. Just looking at iTunes charts you know who’s staying and who’s going and it’s usually allover the internet. I’ve mixed feelings about the Instant twitter save.

        • Luciana says:

          I can’t say it often enough (and Michael never says it) but the ‘twitter save’ is a terrible idea because it leaves people in 2 time zones unable to vote.

    • Teeny Bikini says:

      James could have easily been there. Adam tanked him with weird songs choices, and I think all of his wanna-be rocker schtick (i.e., rasping screaming at the top of his lungs) killed his voice. It was a good run though….

      • analythinker says:

        I agree with you, Adam promised something great, didn’t he? Boo, Adam. Ya know what I’d have picked for James (not that I’m someone influential, heh)? If Adam was gonna stick to the oldie rock songs for James, I was hoping he’d choose Mr. Big’s Goin’ Where the Wind Blows, stripped down.

    • James was always singing out of tune and Adam couldn’t have kissed more his ass. I think this is the correct trio of finalists and hope Jacquie will win but anyone is deserving.

      • MC says:

        ITA. This final threesome redeems the season for me. I personally am not digging any of these three quite as much as Candice or Danielle, but imo they were certainly the best of this season (of those who made it to the live shows). Tessanne could still be a very memorable champion if she nails her last few songs.

      • Mel says:

        I find it funny that you think James was singing out of tune but yet you want Jacquie to win lol She was off key for most of every performance lol

    • Ruth Prodan says:

      Agree Jacquie should be gone! I don’t know if I can stand to hear her screeeeeeeeeeech another song.

      • Ano Nymous says:

        Jacquie is the FIRST person that ever has real and true star potential from this show!

      • will says:

        The definition of the word screech does not match up to the way Jacquie sounds. This is not a matter of opinion. Based on what the word means and how Jacquie sounds, you are objectively wrong.

        • Lilly says:

          Oh my gosh, then give me a word!! You know what we mean. IMO: Jacquie is incredibly talented, but she is too immature and is only comfortable when she is belting out notes at the top of her lungs. Frankly, they are usually on pitch. But I’m just sick of the “belting” (and not just from her)! Angel had the potential to be powerful, controlled, and quiet, but Jacquie still turned it into a “belting” note-fest, most of it anyway.

          • justsaying says:

            Well, there you go. Belting and screeching are completely opposite words.

          • Mel says:

            the word i would use would be SHRILL. When she tries to hit the high notes and is ALWAYS a little under or a little over the note, it’s cringe-worthy

          • HTGR says:

            If she is only comfortable belting it out then how come she was so awesome on the delicate bulk of the song this week? And how come she was better on the softer parts of her second song the other week actually?
            She did not remotely belt out most of her song this week.
            (at least it is fair that you added you are sick of belting in general, because some others there have done it every bit as much and recently even more, and if you don’t like any of it when it does happen that’s fair at least)

    • RalphE says:

      James is NOT better than any of the top 3, let alone Jacqui. The judging should be in support of the performances given, not to the contestants we LIKE the best. We don’t know these people. We should be voting according to the quality of their performances. And Thank goodness, that’s exactly how it went. The trio in the finals are the best this season has had to offer. Bravo to the voters, Good luck to the contestants!

      • Mel says:

        That is exactly what I was doing. Jacquie sounds off key for the majority of her performance every week, I judge based on singing. I don’t just say a person is bad because I don’t like them. I can admit when someone I don’t enjoy listening to has a great performance, i did it with Caroline on her last performance.

        James has an AMAZING voice, and I’ll definitely be buying his music when it comes out. As for this finale. I’m going for Will, but will be happy if him or Tessanne wins.

        • HTGR says:

          @Mel – so Jacquie misses every note and James and Will never miss notes and never ‘scream’ or strain and you judge 100% based upon singing and not upon whether you like a contestant are not…. I think that is what they refer to when they talk about things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
          Anyway it was a heck of a semi-final.

          • Mel says:

            Did I say anything about Will or James never missing notes? I don’t think I did. The week James was sick, he wasn’t great. Will has had a few weaker weeks. I can admit these things even when I like the artist.

          • HTGR says:

            Well you sure seemed to imply it by going with stuff like “find it funny that you think James was singing out of tune but yet you want Jacquie to win lol She was off key for most of every performance lol”, ” Jacquie sounds off key for the majority of her performance every week, I judge based on singing.”, “James has an AMAZING voice.”
            What was one to take from that?
            Especially when she (at the very least arguably) hasn’t strained as much or hit those notes off as much as some of the others. Not that I really want to get on them. But I don’t see how what you were saying really adds up to ” it adds up to “[unlike others] I judge based on singing. I don’t just say a person is bad because I don’t like them.”

          • Mel says:

            Really don’t get what you’re trying to say here. lolol. MY point was that EVERY week I cringed through Jacquie’s off key shrill performances, while enjoying Will and James that missed a note hear or there but it wasn’t as flat as most of Jacquie’s performance. If she even took her songs down a step from where they are now she would be able to hit the notes no problem. James has that rock voice where he can do what he does and do it well. If he couldn’t do it well, Adam would have told him to not do it anymore, that’s the point of coaches.

            Also what I was saying is that I can admit when someone I’m not a fan of has a good performance, I didn’t like Caroline at all but with her last performance she did REALLY well. Plus some other people too but I can’t remember any now. But I can also admit when someone I am a big fan of has a bad performance, like when James was sick, and Will had an off week a couple of weeks ago. Tessanne is the only one that has never had a bum note in a song.

            Jacquie is the one that sounds like she’s stretching and reaching for every big note she tries to hit, there hasn’t been once where Jacquie convinced me that she’s a strong singer like Caroline did as I mentioned earlier.

            Don’t really know why I’m explaining all this lol but whatever, I come from a musical family, I know what’s off key and what’s not and I can very much admit when my favourite isn’t on top of their game. Jacquie has never convinced me, she’s only 16, she needs a few more years of training to be able to get those big notes every time she tries for one.

            Do you know what to take from that now? hmmm? lol. If not, I don’t know how to explain it any clearer

          • Kimbo says:

            I come from a musical family and I’ve been involved with music for something over a decade now. I recognize that Jacquie has hit some bum notes, but certainly not more than James or Will.
            It seems we’ve come to a disagreement. Right?

          • HTGR says:

            @Mel – well we will have to agree to disagree since it seemed pretty clear to me that James strained for notes WAY, WAY more often and missed notes more often so I don’t know what you are hearing. I also thought that he did way better when he didn’t try to pull off the rocker rocker thing and I’m far from the only one to say that here. And Will strained more than Jacquie this week. Not that I want to harp on him since I like him too. Maybe since the guys are lower pitched that automatically means more in tune and less strain to you regardless. And wait, now you say that even Caroline is a much stronger singer and the ability to hit more notes than Jacquie, come on, I liked Caroline a lot too, but come on, that was not her forte.

    • Carla Krae says:


    • Tyler says:

      Agree. I was hoping for a Team Adam finale too. But Will amazes me. After being bounced around in the battle and knockout rounds and saved by Adam in the Top 20, he deserves to be in the Top 3. Still rooting for Tessanne to win it though.

      • Mel says:

        Yes! I LOVE the fact that Will is still there. Shows that even though the judges did bounce him around, the audience LOVES him.

      • SC says:

        I like both Tessane and Will, either of them win will be much better than Jacquie,I don’t think Jacquie Lee is a strong singer,eventhough I do like Jacquie, but to be fair I don’t thin she shoulld be the winner.

    • Mertzkitchen says:

      I agree. James should still be there.

    • KK says:

      Totally agree with who’s left although FOR SURE it’s either Tessanne or Jacquie who will walk away with the top honours. My vote goes to Jacquie – so young, unique, and full of promise.

    • JO says:


  2. Jacqi says:

    Those 3 are by FAR the most deserving to be in the finals!!! No more Blake wins! Now the question is who do I vote for next week? I have voted for all 3 all season.

  3. Teeny Bikini says:

    Totally agree. This is the right Top 3. Michelle Chamuel was amazingness as usual. Glad to see her back! Tessanne Chin for the win. I figure I’ll keep saying that until she wins this thing… :) I think the finale will be worth watching, which is more than I can say for most. And with that I am happy. This was a pretty anticlimactic show. Everyone seems to watch the iTunes rankings now. Cheers.

    • Davey says:

      I would like Will and Tessanne to be the top 2 next week and for them to both get record deals. Adam could sign them. And have his whole team go on tour.

      • Teeny Bikini says:

        That is my top 2 as well, but Jacquie might have something to say about it :) I love the tone of Will’s voice and when his not over singing – there is real magic happening. Tessanne is just beyond. I like her spin on reggae and wouldn’t mind a few songs from her like that.

        • Better Sundays says:

          Concur about Will, Teeny. I’m utterly in love with his smooth falsetto AND sexy vibratto. His range is crazy wide, but I hope he keeps all his vocal gymnastics in check. Given the insane talent (and overall likeability) of the artists this season, though, I think what sets Will apart is that he’s so darned driven, and works the hardest. Did anyone see him stay up and keep his Champ army company ALL FREAKING NIGHT on Twitter, answering fangirl DMs and cheering them on? I could almost imagine him with pompoms and doing cartwheels. Talk about dedication and gratitude. And PATIENCE with the occasional nutcrackers in his fanbase. From battle round underdog to the Top 3 — the guy totally deserves this. In related news, call me cray, but I still would’ve preferred Charismatic Matthew over Screechy Jacquie in the finale with Tessanne and Will, but hey. No use beating a dead horsey.

        • Tyler says:

          I’m with you, Teeny. I’m just glad two of my 3 picks made it to the finale. (My other pick was Matthew.) I believe Tessanne has the momentum to win it all. (I liked her reggae-infused songs too. But I also liked her Royals performance. Actually, I think that should be her reprise song selection.) I like the tone of Will’s voice too. It has a lot of intensity and power. I think it’d be awesome if Tessanne and Will can do a duet together–two of the most intense vocalists in the bunch.

          • Kaba says:

            Her reprise would have to be a song she sang as a live show performance for votes. And I’ve been hearing rumors that this season will ax the reprises and just produce a song for each contestant like in season 1. Think that’s one of the better options.

      • Gailer says:

        I agree, I was so happy Will made it and was shocked Cole didn’t.

        • Terry says:

          Cole had an off night, which was too bad because when I first heard the song choice for him I thought he would so well with it. I’m happy my top 2 faves made it to the final – Tessanne and Will (in that order). Fingers crossed they get good songs to sing and knock them out of the park next week!

          • Tyler says:

            I think Cole was nervous because he was never pitchy as he was last nite.

          • Mary says:

            I think Cole was complacent the last few weeks. Every song sounded the same for me. I actually was surprise that he made it this far, part of the reason was Blake.

        • Hannah005 says:

          Finally someone talked about cole. I feel the same.

          • Miss Otis Regrets... says:

            It was the first (and only, as of now) performance of his I ffed. Bad time to have a bad night.

  4. Kelly says:

    So excited that Will is the last man standing! He deserves it, he has been the dark horse throughout this entire competition. He’s amazing!

    • Better Sundays says:

      Amazing, yes. And, when he doesn’t look like he’s gonna have a full-on panic attack, quite the hottie. (Has anyone noticed his — cough — pants?)

  5. Stacie says:

    Perfect Final 3. I picked these guys as the best 3 a number of weeks. I think they all deserve to be there, I don’t think I would be dissapointed in any of these 3 winning. As long as the person that does the best wins then that will be fine. Overall I think Jacquie has had a stronger run, but Will has been solid and Tessanne has probably been the strongest of the 3 the past few weeks. So it’s anyone’s to win. Should be a great finale.

    • HTGR says:

      Yeah hard to say who will win. Jacquie has had the most moment of the night type performances over the season for me and her tone is the most unique to me, love her she can jump into all sorts of rich, varied, delicate tones and power it out and she tends to bring that connection that just makes it.

  6. Deniz says:

    The perfect top 3… out of the top 5.

    Cole and James should have gone home earlier in favor of Caroline and Matthew.

    But still an amazing top 3.

  7. Kaba says:

    I thought that…. Michelle was bamf and nobody else needed my attention. The right people went through according to iTunes. Tessanne and Jacquie have my support.

  8. So happy for Will! The underdog, the guy who was given upon TWICE is a finalist! That has to be the coolest story of this show! Go Will!

  9. BA says:

    Tessanne FTW!!!

  10. Sly says:

    Finals about right. However, not a great performance night. Mix was off for one thing. The good news is I won the bet on number of times Michele squatted — over/under was 10 and I had 11.

  11. Sergio says:

    Yes!! My fav is will but I think Tessane has this!!!

  12. Jeremy says:

    I’m happy for Will. He’s like the most hard-working contestant left. However, I still kinda wish that the final spot was Matthew, Caroline or even Holly Henry.

  13. Dan says:

    “Jacquie Lee is in it to win it!” your words, not mine, Michael. But I share the sentiment, tbh.

  14. “And let’s not forget that just a year after American Idol‘s inaugural season, poor Kelly Clarkson’s career was absorbing the brutal body blow of From Justin to Kelly”

    Actually, we probably should forget that.

  15. GTS says:

    I thought Michelle Chamuel’s performance was the best of the season (regardless of her in-ear problems).

  16. alw123 says:

    I love this top 3!! It’s what I’ve been hoping for for awhile!!! Next Monday is gonna be quite the show :)

  17. Efe says:

    The perfect top 3 out of the top 5.

    James and Cole should have gone earlier in favor of Caroline and Matthew.

    Then the top 3 should have been Tessanne, Jacquie and Caroline.

  18. ervic says:

    Caroline Pennell FTW!

    • Lol. I was hoping for a TCW…..Tessanne, Caroline and Will. That being water under the bridge, I think we got the next best combination. I think Tessanne deserves to win with that amazing tone, range and control. Very impressive. Would love to hear another duet with Tessanne and Caroline. Really sorry that Caroline did not handle some of her bad song selections like Tessanne did hers. Tessanne just turned every song into gold. I am not blaming Caroline because she had a coach to guide her………..so Ceeeeeeeloooo’s got some explaining to do

  19. Mel says:

    Go Will!!!! So very happy now!!!

  20. meeee says:

    Based on overall, it should have been Will, Cole, and Jacquie/Tess. Will and Cole should have been top two. Based on last night I can see why Cole is out. Poor song choice by Blake. Cole is best whenever he chooses his own song… Jacquie and Tessann have been inconsistent, and I do not get their appeal at all. They are technically very good, but I find Tessann’s voice bland and Jacquie’s voice irritating.

  21. MAB says:

    I am really happy with the top 3. I really like Blake a lot but I just think if he would have won this season with Cole who is great but not a stand out compared to the rest of the top 5 it would have been bad for the show. I think Cole has a terrific voice and I even downloaded a couple of his songs but on most performances I forgot what he sang by the end of the show. He just was to bland and generic.

  22. Ginger Snap says:

    Based on last night, that is the right final 3. And Tessanne FTW!

  23. Quinn Carson says:

    Excellent results, and I loved it when the crowd chanted Will’s name.
    Also, glad to see Michelle back! She was my favorite voice contestant ever.

  24. Maya says:

    That awkward moment when Caroline Pennell isnt in the top 3… Stupid instant save ruining everything.

  25. jennvozik says:

    I think I have a Michelle Chamuel problem. I like her too much, LOL. Ok, now that I’ve admitted my addiction, Go Will!

  26. Davey says:

    Loved Michelle Chamuel’s song tonight. That’s the one I want to download. She is unique. I felt Danielle and Cassadee were interchangeable, their songs sounded the same. I am praying for a Tessanne or Will win next week. Let some adults win for a change.

    • Timmah says:

      Other than Danielle, haven’t all the winners been adults?

    • Tyler says:

      I actually liked the Swon Brothers performance the most tonight.

      • Hannah005 says:

        I liked the brothers the best too. I thought they should have won last season. Danielle has no emotion and I don’t like Michelle voice.

      • Tenney says:

        I liked the Swon Brothers performance the most too. They just always seem to have fun on stage. You just know if you see them in concert that you would have a good time. Plus, I thought their song was pretty good also. I did like Michelle’s performance a lot but the song was just so-so.

        • Lilly says:

          Agree! I said it last season: The Swon Brothers are the most marketable from the Voice so far. I still think Danielle – with the right guidance and mentoring – will be big someday too. But the Swon Brothers have “something” that can’t be faked. They were sooo much better last night than they ever sang last season (and I was a fan then).

  27. AlyB says:

    This is my dream team of finalists. I can hardly believe it actually happened. I wholeheartedly agree that this is the trio that belongs there. For the first time ever or any competition show, I can say I’d be happy to see any of them win.
    As far as next week goes, it’s going to be about the whole performance package. That will include the song selection, technical execution, artistry & stage performance. I can see either of these three taking the crown with a blow it out of the box performance. That said, realistically it’s Will that will need to bring the house down. The battle is between Tessanne & Jacquie Lee otherwise but he does have a shot at this & he is capable. I think next week is going to be crazy good. It’s just so weird to actually like all of them enough to be happy to see any of the three win this thing.

    • Jeremy says:

      Will has two songs in the top 10, Tess and Jacquie only have one, so basically, it’s everyone’s games right now,

    • LB says:

      I would also be relatively ok with any of them winning, but Will is probably the only one whose music I would actually buy. Love me some WGWG/ WGWB (banjo)/ WGWP (piano).

      • Davey says:

        I think we have to be prepared for histrionics from Jacquie Lee, lots of screaming and throwing mike stands. I hope Will get to show off his awesome instrument skills. And Tessanne just has to do her usual awesome thing.

        • Angie_Overrated says:

          Can’t the same slam about histrionics be said of Christina, Adam, and Cee Lo? Or if we really wanna go histrionic, let’s look at Lady Gaga, Prince or Madonna. Amanda Brown threw a mic stand and it was hailed (rightfully) as one of the greatest performances ever on the show.

          • Tyler says:

            But it looked natural when the above-mentioned names did it. IMO it didn’t look natural when Jacquie did it. That’s the difference.

        • HTGR says:

          The other two belt just as much and one strained at times. Jacquie actually powered less this week. So I don’t get the comment. Anyway a good top three.

      • AlyB says:

        Me too! Will is the most well rounded musician of the three and I think whatever he does will be interesting for me because his musical sensibilities seem to align with mine. I think Jacquie Lee has enormous potential & I loved the choices she made for herself early on. I just wonder if once the industry gets a hold of her, she’ll just get boxed into putting out over produced pop princess drivel that sounds just like everyone else. I’d give it a listen though to see. Tessanne has such a magnificent voice. Whether I’d buy something original of hers will depend on what direction she takes after the show. Of the three, I really don’t know what she wants to do.

        • Angie_Overrated says:

          Will being a legitimate pianist is something I will give him. Although he’s never REALLY played the piano while singing, but who cares? Almost no one can do that well. Even Alicia Keys and Elton John save the piano heavy lifting work for when they’re not singing. What I can’t stand are those ones who clunk out a chord on the piano and pretend to be playing and everyone thinks they’re awesome cuz they’re “playing the piano.” Angie Miller, I’m looking at you!

          • Sergio says:

            Really??? OMG… Do you remember Secrets??

          • Mark says:

            Are you kidding? Did you not even watch/hear the beginning to “A Change is Gonna Come”? True in typical NBC fashion they never put a light on his hands but those beautiful chords at the beginning were ALL him. I was in the audience so we saw it live, and while his performance was good, that piano playing was BADASS. Everyone was blown away. Boo NBC for always downplaying it. I suggest you hit up 1iota and get tickets to actually see these people in action, then comment.

  28. Chablis says:

    For the first time in a long time I am happy with a finale .

    • Angie_Overrated says:

      This has got NOTHING on Candice versus Kree. Now THAT was epic.

      • Kaba says:

        I think this finale can prove to be spectacular. If Tessanne does another “Bridge Over Troubled Water” worthy performance, Jacquie performs a song that makes people want to stab their love ones out of blissful frustration, and Will is fiercely muted…should be great, right?
        Oh boy I just realized something, this ought to give you a kick. Will and Adam will be doing a duet next week. I bet you loathe the idea as much as I do -___-

        • Mapa says:

          @kaba & @angieoverrated You sound like a pair of constipated losers- bet both of you are just sitting together backing up each other’s pathetic comments bc no one else will.

          • Angie_Overrated says:

            As always, a super productive, insightful, and provocative post, Mapa. Thanks!

          • Mapa says:

            Oh because your comments are? Please explain to me how incessantly bashing another contestant is “productive” and “insightful”. But hey at least you got the provocative right.

          • abz says:

            LOL @mapa “constipated losers” made me laugh. I don’t think this is the first time I’ve seen these two have this almost exact conversation on these comment sections sharing their hatred over Adam and his contestants. Adam’s voice is great and Maroon 5’s massive success over the years backs all that up. No one’s forcing you to listen to him sing, but clearly there are millions out there who are fans of him and his music.

          • Amie says:

            It’s called handpuppets.

          • Amie says:

            Actually, I meant SOCKpuppets. Sorry.

          • mapa says:

            @Amie: LOL, thats probably true!

        • Angie_Overrated says:

          I just audibly groaned reading your last sentence. Honestly, it’s Adam that I don’t want to hear, not Will. God bless the mute button.

          • Kaba says:

            Adam’s voice reminds me of a saxophone hitting it’s highest note…and never deviating from that note ever. I’d much rather watch Christina, CeeLo, Usher, Shakira, or Blake promote their music. I can’t wait for Usher to be back on the panel. I feel like he and Blake are the only coaches that never have their heads up their rears during the season. Christina seemed to be showing promise…now she’s regressing.

          • Angie_Overrated says:

            I’ve never understood the Adam Levine love. It’s such a thin voice. And I don’t think I would mind that so much if he didn’t have such a huge ego, but thin voice + huge ego = my undying hatred. Christina’s got quite the ego too, but man does she have the voice to back it up. And I’m cool with any of the other judges. Shakira has the strangest voice I’ve ever heard in my life, but she’s such a sweetheart that I don’t care that her voice is somewhat extraterrestrial. It just makes me like her more.

          • Tyler says:

            Adam’s songwriting backs up his ego.

  29. GuessWhat says:

    James going home was ok for me.
    But I wish Cole stayed over Jacquie.
    I don’t get why she is so popular.

    I do like Will and Tessanne.
    Pretty obvious that Tessanne will win!

    • jaxguy says:

      because jacquie has a great voice

    • Angie_Overrated says:

      Yup. Not since season 1 with Javier has there ever been a more obvious winner with Tessanne. I’m cool with that outcome.

      • Kaba says:

        Oh…I thought Danielle was the obvious winner last season. As much as I’ll proclaim that Michelle is lightyears better (she is) it was obvious that the season was meant for Danielle when she hit the itunes multiplier with “Grandpa”

        • MAB says:

          What about Cassadee Pope. She was always charting on iTunes. It was pretty obvious she was going to win. The only winner that wasn’t obvious was season two. I keep forgetting his name. Juliet Simms was the favorite that season.

          • Kaba says:

            Cassadee was chosen by tptb from her blinds…so yes she counts. Nothing was stopping her.

          • Angie_Overrated says:

            Were Cassadee and Danielle that obvious? I honestly don’t remember. I was so blinded by my Amanda Brown and Michelle Chamuel love that maybe I missed that.

          • MAB says:

            Neither was my favorite either but they dominated the iTunes chart weekly. Much more so than the contestants this year. Many of us hoped for different results but the handwriting was on the wall.

          • Kaba says:

            I was obsessively always checking to see if michelle was beating danielle at something and always the charts said otherwise. And I hated everything about season 3 so I watched the first live show, then I watched a part of the finale. But Cassadee was obvious. Danielle was less obvious but her following was just too annoying

    • Mary says:

      I guess that is why the saying different strokes for different folks applies. Some people, myself included likes Jacquie voice. With the right song I think she is the most marketable. Cole reminded me of a lounge singer, nice, quaint, but no personality. I do not think it is obvious that Tessanne will win. I believe it depends on how well they perform next week. I do think the final two will be the girls, but you never know.

  30. Chris says:

    Wow. That was quite nerve-wracking. I was just happy to see Will make it to the finale. It sucked that it came down to either him or Cole though. I would have loved a Tessanne-Will-Cole finale.

    • Davey says:

      Me, too. The producers like teenage girls. It fits their ratings demo.

      • Chris says:

        True. I can’t be too mad though. I find Jacquie more tolerable than any of the other sixteen year olds music competitions have tried to shove down my throat.

        • Miss VCI says:

          This, one of the reason I hated Danielle last year was she wasn’t able to connect with any song mostly do to her age. SHe sang every song with this doe-eyed looked and it pissed me off. But Jacqui has proven me wrong about young talent. Not only does she technically sing beautiful, she puts emotion and feeling into it. Comparing Danielle to Jacqui is like comparing Taylor Swift to Adele (they are both the same age, but one sings with depth and soul, while the other just sings nice songs)

          still don’t want Jacqui to win, it should be Tessanne hands down.

      • Mary says:

        America voted them in not the producers. The guys were interchangeable and Will gave the better performance Monday night. Itune pushed him over Cole pure and simple.

      • HTGR says:

        I don’t know about this show and it may be different, but it was revealed that the largest demo for AI is middle-aged women from Middle America and the South.
        What makes you think it’s only teenage girls who like Jacquie’s vocals the best?

  31. danin says:

    James deserved top 3. He wad the most original out of everyone. Adam started pimping Will weeks ago to build him up.Bet Adam knew Will before this show cause of Will’s dad. Probably talked him into being on show.

    • AC Milan says:

      Indeed, which is why he picked James over Will in the knockouts to prevent any conspiracy theories.

    • mapa says:

      LOL, the comments that I read on this blog…
      But just in case you are serious(i hope not) James has actually been Adams pet the whole season, and if he was pimping someone it was James. Will hasn’t been given the recognition and praise he deserves, but that’s ok, because he will get more than just that when he wins the Voice.

    • LD. Scott says:

      You don’t know what you’re talking about. Adam was pimping James and Mathew since the beginning. Will has been “the hard worker” underdog for the entire series. I know the Champlins. They don’t know Adam. Will’s dad Bill, had never seen The Voice before this season. It’s ridiculous to assume everyone in the music business knows each other. Chicago is a different generation than Maroon 5. will had no connections on the show. He’s just a super talented kid with a fabulous voice and killer musician chops.

  32. Leondre says:

    Yay!!! Best final 3 ever!!

    Have they announced who’s preforming on the finale?

    • Timmah says:

      They will likely bring back all the finalists. I know that Caroline mentioned somewhere that she will be coming back.

    • Stephan says:

      Supposedly Christina is going to use the show to perform her track from the new Hunger Games film at some point. Originally it was supposed to be this week, but the song is a good “finale” song.

      • AC Milan says:

        For this, I’m putting the over/under at 50.5% of her tits hanging out

        • Stephan says:

          Eh… the song is a ballad and apparently Christina is trying to be more “low-key” this season.

          I’ve personally missed Christina’s crazy outfits and her flaunting of “the girls.” Made the middle of the coaching panel more interesting between her and Ceelo.

  33. AC Milan says:

    Like the rest of you, I agree that the right people made it. I’ve supported Tessanne from the beginning, and I still think she has the highest level of star potential on the show.

    Jacquie has amazing potential, but she’s years away. She reminds me of a baseball player who swings for the fences constantly and desperately needs to learn how to play softer and take the pitches as they come. I hope she gets the proper vocal coaching that she needs and comes back and has a successful career, because she has incredible tools. Finish high school, take coaching lessons, and then take the industry by storm.

    Will and Cole both have futures as professional musicians. I see Will’s ceiling as a Josh Groban, Gavin Degraw type, which is still pretty damn successful. I see Cole’s ceiling as a singer/songwriter on par with William Fitzsimmons, Paolo Nuttini, etc.

  34. Angie_Overrated says:

    Not the right final 3 in my opinion, but it’s all moot anyways since Tessanne has this in the bag. She just has to not poop in her hot pants on stage on Monday and she wins.

    • Davey says:

      And not wear a Mohawk.

      • Angie_Overrated says:

        No poop and no mohawk. Or if she does so happen to poop on stage, so long as she does not have the cockatoo mohawk, she still wins by default. Or vice versa.

    • mapa says:

      @angie_overrated: I would’ve loved to see your face when Will’s name was called. You must be hurting so bad, after all, you spent the entire day just hating on him.

      • Angie_Overrated says:

        Not taking the bait. Troll elsewhere. Thanks!

        • abz says:

          Lol a troll calling someone else a troll.

          • Kimbo says:

            See, while I may disagree with things angie_overrated may say, the most deluded thing they could be called is a “troll”. Especially considering by no means do they do things in a way that would warrant being called a troll. Rather they say things that warrants misinterpretation of what a troll is. Considering a troll is hellbent on saying nothing by things intended to be negatively provocative for the sake of forcing it’s pray to respond…they’re far from a troll. While they do not agree with everyone, anyone they’ve been keen to disagree with they’ve generally been keen to invite for discussion (regardless of it being a discussion between two people with generally extremely opposite viewpoints) whereas a troll is not required to make sense or even provide substance to their argument.
            Case and point, if they were a troll they’d just go about calling you stupid and silly without ever making an attempt to back up their own thoughts. Learn the difference between someone with a vastly different viewpoint and a troll. Granted, they’ve been good at appearing to be attacking anyone with an opposing viewpoint.

  35. dj says:

    I wish the finale was Preston, Caroline, and Tessane, but it was not to be. I will be rooting for Tessane.

    • Scamp says:

      My faves right from the blinds was Preston, Will, and Jonny. I still have Will. I hope he WINS! Man I loved Preston, bought all his iTunes, and voted for him. I still play his blind audition in youTube. Later on he never ever should have worn that stupid sweater and contact lenses. He put his sexy alpha dog energy on the shelf along with his leather jacket and eyeglasses.

  36. Jim says:

    So happy with the Final Three. These were my three favorites since Top 20, though if you’d asked me a few weeks back, I would have only corrected guessed that Jacquie would have made the finale. Will’s my favorite, but I have a feeling it’ll come down to the ladies, unless Will completely blows us away during next week’s performance show.

  37. Jim says:

    Oh, and Will has officially progressed further than the singers he lost to in both the Battle and Knockout Rounds. I believe this is the first time that has happened in cases where both battle participants made it to the live shows.

    • Kaba says:

      I still feel Will is destined to be remembered the least out of the top 6 finalists

      • Sterne says:

        No way, that title will go to Jacquie after she loses to Tessanne. Once this show is done, Jacquie is done. At least Will has a shot at pop relevance.

        • Kaba says:

          God no. Jacquie is infinitely less destined to that than Will.

        • Stephan says:

          Ha… You think the cute, family musician is going to be remembered more than the old torch singer possessed Cupie-doll high schooler?

          There are thousands of guys who do what Will does (just like Tony Lucca). I like Will, he is talented and has a great comeback story, but honestly, he needs to blow the stage down next week or he will be remembered as another great musician who has performed on The Voice stage, not as a star. Jacquie is more marketable and appeals a bit more to the demographic record labels are really trying to sell to.

          • Sterne says:

            Not every guy has that kind of raspy voice.

          • Stephan says:

            @Sterne–More guys have Will’s voice than girls have Jacquie’s. Will’s voice is great, but you can get that by gigging in smoky bars and drinking some whiskey here and there.

          • Mark Rodriguez says:

            Jacquie is definitely much more marketable then “no smile” Will. She has all the base qualities for a producer to run with……..and someone is really going to market this girl. Don’t you think the producers of The Voice already know this. Will is too set in his boring style for a record company to carry forward. Jacquie for the win!

        • Angie_Overrated says:

          “At least Will has a shot at pop relevance.”

          If you consider the understudy to the lead in the Beauty and the Beast live show at Epcot relevant, then yes, yes he does! This actually made me laugh. But in all fairness, he is better than the Swon Brothers. I forgot what a joke they were until tonight.

          • Kaba says:

            I’m on board with you. Will started off strong (evidenced by the public roar) with “When I was Your Man” and never managed to deliver ever again except on “At Last”. Realistically he is one of those contestants that needs to be consistently exemplary in order to retain a strong amount of relevance post show…and he hasn’t done enough unless he wins this. As for Tessanne, I’m thoroughly unsure. When she’s great, she is stellar, but when she’s slapped with some AI top 24 worthy performance I can’t see her really being some kind of musical force in terms of charting. I’m unsure. But Jacquie Lee is 100% fine. She’s probably got more hype than Danielle last season (while Danielle had a stronger fanbase instead) because she’s “the 16 year old girl with the big voice!”. If there’s one thing the public loves, it’s a little girl with a huge voice.

          • Angie_Overrated says:

            Let’s face it… the likelihood any of these three are staying powers in music is low. Not a condemnation of their talent but rather an honest estimation of how ridiculously competitive pop music is. They’re all talented in their own right, and with the exception of Kat, any and all of the finalists were excellent. But making it huge is close to impossible. I wish them all the best, but the likelihood we’ll know who these people are in 5 years is close to zero. The good Broadway and opera singers are a bit of a rarer commodity, but pop music is a black hole.

    • Jim says:

      I didn’t mean to start an argument here, but I have to respectfully disagree with both arguments. I think that both Jacquie and Will have the voices, marketability, and potential for pop greatness, Will in pop rock and Jacquie in pop or adult contemporary. It will all depend on what they do after the show. I don’t think hundreds of guys have Will’s rasp and ability to emote, and there are very few young women with Jacquie’s range and energy.

  38. AmyP says:

    Damn. Really going to miss Cole- I’ve found Jacquie inconsistent and I haven’t connected with Tessanne.
    Happy for Will though. My dream top 3 would have been Will, Cole and Caroline….sigh.
    I actually preferred Danielle tonight over Michelle, which I never thought I would say in a million years. She seems like she has matured a lot since the spring and I actually may buy that single. Cassadee still bores me. Blake’s artists certainly do well though, so I’m hopeful for Cole :)
    Overall, not a bad top 3. Looking forward to what they do next week. Guess I’m rooting for Will now!

  39. Timmah says:

    I don’t think Tessanne will win. She doesn’t have the killer instinct it takes to win these shows. Probably Will, but I give Jacquie an outside chance.

  40. Mika02 says:

    I kind of wanted a Team Adam Finally but I’m more then happy with the results. I hope Jacquie wins since the winners here not do much If Tessanne wins I hope they let her do her thing I think she will be big with the right US album mixed with Pop Rock and Reggae.

  41. ctr says:

    Since my facebook friends don’t care, I’ll share a bit of Voice trivia in this space instead:
    Will Champlin is the first saved contestant, since the save was introduced, to either make it to the finals or to outlast the person he lost to in the Battles. (Both Amanda Brown and Sasha Allen went out one week prior to the person who’d previously bested them in the Battles.)

    Both Will and Cole outlasted the people they were bested by in the Knockouts, and Cole by a much greater number of weeks, but that’s hardly history-making since the Knockout save was only added this season.

    Will joins Juliet Simms and the Swon Brothers in the list of artists who made it to the finals after needing to be saved in an earlier round by their coach.

    I’m obsessed with underdogs, so I guess I’m rooting for Will, though I don’t dislike any of them.

    • Sterne says:

      Almost correct. Sasha went out the same week as Amber, who beat her in the battle.

    • kk3thess says:

      Sasha went out with Amber ‘-‘

    • ctr says:

      Oh right, duh. I kinda knew if I kept piling in more trivial details I’d eventually throw in something either partially or totally inaccurate. Of course Sasha and Amber went the same week, though I’d still wager that Amber ended in 4th and Sasha in 5th (even if they never explicitly said so.)

  42. Davey says:

    No country music next week. Unless Christina gives Jacquie Lee a country song to get Blake’s fans’ votes.

    I dawned on me that I love to go to concert with Tessanne, Will and James with Amber Carrington and Amanda Brown thrown in. That would be something.

  43. Stephan says:

    Is it too early to start thinking about next week’s songs?

    I still want Tess to sing some Tina Turner. Tina songs will give her the chance to show off those big glory notes, but also allow her to playful and have fun (which is, incidentally, when her accent comes out the most on stage) and not sound so “business” on stage. There is a reason the back-up singers are singing back-up and it isn’t usually due to lack of talent in comparison to the star. Tess should do something like Typical Male, The Best, or even Goldeneye.

    Will would sound awesome covering This Is How a Heart Breaks or I Don’t Wanna Be Lonely No More by Rob Thomas or Truly Madly Deeply by Savage Garden. Granted, he might (read: really really should) have to drop the latter out of falsetto.

    Jacquie is hard, because she needs to do something more youthful, but most “youthful” songs out right now aren’t very vocally demanding. Maybe Katy Perry’s/Sara Bareillis’ (sp?) “Brave” or “Nothing Better To Do” by LeAnn Rimes.

  44. NotAGoodImage says:

    The top three are all good choices. I liked James a lot, but he’s really struggled the last couple weeks whereas Will improved. As for the finale, for me, it’s between Tessanne and Will. Although if Jacquie Lee can refrain from doing yet another overwrought, histrionic performance (as she did this week) she might not be so polarizing.

  45. xx says:

    “And let’s not forget that just a year after American Idol‘s inaugural season, poor Kelly Clarkson’s career was absorbing the brutal body blow of From Justin to Kelly”
    Let’s also not forget that she had a platinum album within a year of the show’s debut- that’s a pretty disingenuous comparison.

    • Ashbash says:

      But until her breakaway album came out she was still that misguided American idol winner that unfortunately did from Justin to Kelly( ugh just remembering that movie…).it was almost as bad as Mariah Carey’s movie glitter

  46. Lokie says:

    I’m tired of all the “Jacquie needs a youthful song” stuff. Who cares? Give her the older songs, so long as she can deliver and make them have a current feel it shouldn’t matter. Hell, let the girl vocally blast her way to the winners spot for all I care, as long as it’s enjoyed it doesn’t matter. Throw her some “I Who Have Nothing”, let’s pray they do no reprises (so they can throw her “It’s a Man’s World” or let her and Christina do duet on that) and if not let her slay “I Put a Spell On You” and be done with it. She doesn’t need tenderness for me to want to vote for her heavily so I just want her to do what she’s best at in the best and most skillful way possible

    • Stephan says:

      Jacquie runs the risk Christina did early in her career of not having a catalog of songs that necessarily show that you are marketable. Granted, Jacquie has the television show to back her up, but it has been the one thing we haven’t seen. I personally don’t care, but everyone is knocking her for it and kicking in that last barrier on the finale would be awesome.

  47. DaezyG says:

    James was the only real reason I watched the show. I know a lot of people don’t like him, and his voice was pitchy on some songs, and he was really inconsistent with song choices (blaming Adam for that one), but, to me, he was the most interesting contestant and the only reason I really watched the show every week.
    Tessanne is amazing and deserves to win, but I’m only really saying that because my favorite was eliminated. I like her powerhouse voice, but I’m actually tired of powerhouses. I have one at home – my mother (auditioning for the Voice this January).
    Jacquie… I think it may be because I am also 16 and I can sing and belt as much as she can, but I just don’t like how hard they’re pimping her. We get it. She’s 16 and can belt. Do you know who else was 16 and could belt? Allison Irehata (spelled wrong?), Jessica Sanchez, Charice, Christina Grimmie… We don’t care about age anymore. Hell, 13 Carly Rose Sonenclar could belt too. And 10 year old Jackie Evancho could sing circles around her. YOU DON’T NEED TO FREAKING MENTION HER AGE EVERY TIME SHE GETS ON STAGE, CARSON!
    Cole… left no real impression on me after Adorn. Everything else from then on out was ZZZ…
    Will… annoys me. I don’t know why. He’s got a great voice. He can play lots of instruments and seems like a great guy. I guess it was the constant comparisons to James that annoyed me. He’s white guy that sings soul (WGSS – new acronym). James was white rocker with guitar (WRWG). Glasses does not equal the same artist. GRRR… Yep. That must be it. Also, is it me, or does he always sing like he has something to prove? Like if he doesn’t reach for the stars, then he’s failed?
    Anyway, good luck to the winner. Michelle Chamuel did amazing tonight, and I looked up the lyrics to that song. Thanks Michelle. Now I’m addicted.

    • danin says:

      Totally agree w/everything you just wrote.And I’m 60. James was the most interesting to me too.Sorry he got saddled w/some douchy songs.Jackie too. Wanted more Winehouse from het.

    • GezB says:

      Same point. James was the only reason to watch the show lately. Too bad about past two weeks. Rooting for Tessane by now.

  48. Kaba says:

    I’m like…obsessed with Michelle Chamuel >.>
    I’m rooting for Jacquie Lee this season because well…she’s the only one who’s made me feel at least the immense urge to vote for her. But there’s no one who makes me go Michelle crazy this season…which is probably a good thing because I was psycho all of season 4.

  49. Kaba says:

    I honestly don’t feel like Blake tried at all to win this season. We know he has the best ability to produce a winner for the show, I just think he didn’t give a damn this season honestly.

    • LB says:

      I had that feeling too. Maybe the producers forced him to be low key because they didn’t want him to win again. He certainly saddled Cole with some pretty poor songs.
      My big question is who will middle America vote for now that Cole is gone? My guess is that they’ll support Will.

    • I think he just got lucky his last three seasons.