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Prosaic | Definition of prosaic by Merriam-Webster
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adjective pro·sa·ic \prō-ˈzā-ik\

: dull or ordinary

Full Definition of PROSAIC

a :  characteristic of prose as distinguished from poetry :  factual
b :  dull, unimaginative <prosaic advice>
:  everyday, ordinary <heroic characters wasted in prosaic lives — Kirkus Reviews>
pro·sa·i·cal·ly \-ˈzā-ə-k(ə-)lē\ adverb

Examples of PROSAIC

  1. He has a prosaic writing style.
  2. the prosaic life of a hardworking farmer
  3. She believes the noises are made by ghosts, but I think there's a more prosaic explanation.
  4. For the most part, the descriptions of the books listed in the Catalog, though informative, are relentlessly prosaic, even hackneyed. —Mordecai Richler, New York Times Book Review, 8 Oct. 1989

Origin of PROSAIC

Late Latin prosaicus, from Latin prosa prose
First Known Use: circa 1656

Other Literature Terms

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