The Olympic Village in Rio de Janeiro. Developers of the project, which includes 31 towers, tropical gardens and swimming pools, began selling units after Rio hosted the World Cup last year. A year later, only about 230 of the property’s 3,604 apartments have been sold. Credit Lalo de Almeida for The New York Times

RIO DE JANEIRO — Home buyers in Rio de Janeiro used to get into intense bidding wars as they tried to secure even a modest apartment in one of the city’s exclusive beachfront districts. Not anymore.

Developers in Brazil’s second-largest city are now scrambling for ways to unload apartments, offering enticements like paying maintenance fees for years, slashing payments by 50 percent and giving away trips to New York. Others are even offering new compact cars and appliances to potential buyers.

Tumbling from its perch as one of the world’s costliest property markets, Rio is now struggling with its largest real estate glut in decades, raising fears of a crash as dozens of lavish new high-rises built in anticipation of the 2016 Olympic Games fail to attract buyers.

Adding to the grim economic mood here, the skeletons of abandoned hotel projects blight the skyline.

It was not supposed to be like this. Officials promoted Rio’s hosting of the Olympics as a way to lift the city’s spirits and fortunes.

Destroyed homes in the Vila Autódromo slum of Rio de Janeiro. The area is being demolished to make room for facilities for the 2016 Olympic Games. Credit Lalo de Almeida for The New York Times

“This was supposed to be Rio’s moment of splendor on the global stage,” said Rubem Vasconcelos, the president of Patrimóvel, one of the city’s largest real estate agencies. “Instead, properties are going for the price of a banana.”

Scholars of sports history often expect such economic downturns to materialize after the Olympics, when spending on construction dries up and the flood of tourists subsides. The ruins of venues built for the 2004 Olympics in Athens stand as testament to the hangovers produced by spending binges on structures with few practical uses.

But Rio is adding a new twist to this model as the economy here sharply deteriorates in the months ahead of the Games, with the oversupply of properties built for the Olympics exacerbating shocks from a national recession and low oil prices. Moreover, activists claim that the emphasis on high-end buildings for the Olympics is making a housing crisis here worse by flooding the market with costly apartments while a shortage of affordable housing persists in poor areas.

Some of the glitziest real estate ventures rank among the most disappointing, including the Olympic Village, conceived as lodging for 18,000 athletes that will be converted into luxury apartments after the Games. Developers of the project, which includes 31 towers, tropical gardens and swimming pools, began selling units after Rio hosted the final game of the World Cup last year.

Christening their venture Ilha Pura (Pure Island), they hired Fernanda Montenegro, one of Brazil’s most renowned actresses, as their chief saleswoman. But a year later, only about 230 of the property’s 3,604 apartments have been sold, according to the developers, the real estate firm Carvalho Hosken and Odebrecht, a scandal-plagued construction company.

“It’s almost nothing, not even 10 percent of what we have,” Carlos Fernando de Carvalho, 91, the tycoon spearheading the development, told Veja, a newsmagazine. “We were ready to launch the entire project, but there’s no way to do that. Buyers are in short supply.”

Beyond the Olympic Village’s sales fiasco, prices of residential properties in Rio have dropped as much as 12 percent in the past year. With annual inflation soaring to nearly 10 percent, that means property prices in some areas here have declined more than 20 percent in real terms over the past year. And after the plunge in Brazil’s currency in 2015 is priced in, many apartments cost about half of what they did a year ago in dollars.

Rio led declines among all Brazilian cities in residential real estate prices in October, with average prices falling 0.44 percent from the previous month, according to FipeZap, a real estate index.

Office rents in the city are also declining. While Rio had once surpassed New York as the most expensive real estate market in the Americas, monthly office rents now go for about $3.33 per square foot, down from $7 per square foot as recently as 2013, according to CBRE, a global real estate advisory firm.

Then there is the dismal jobs picture: The Labor Ministry estimates that Rio lost 48,500 jobs so far this year, the second-highest number of any Brazilian city, as graft scandals hobble construction giants and Petrobras, the national oil company.

Making matters worse, economists say that Rio’s plunging real estate prices may be the harbinger of a much more severe economic crisis in the city, with unemployment here about to surge even further as construction of Olympic venues, hotels and roadways starts winding down in the months ahead.

Construction work at the stadium that will be used for field hockey at the 2016 Games in Rio. Credit Lalo de Almeida for The New York Times

The gloom in the real estate sector stands in contrast to the exuberance marking previous ventures around major sports events in Rio. Ahead of the 2007 Pan-American Games, for instance, real estate agents sold all 1,480 apartments in the Vila do Pan, a complex built to house athletes, in just a few hours.

Rio’s simmering real estate crisis is a delicate issue for the authorities scrambling to prepare for the Olympics.

Eyeing the broader economy in the city, Mayor Eduardo Paes said in an interview that the Olympics still offered an opportunity to overhaul Rio, which went into a long decline after the transfer of Brazil’s capital to Brasília in 1960. Seeking to prevent a more intense jobs crisis, Mr. Paes said he was preparing to advance new infrastructure projects after the Games.

Mr. Paes also contended that the situation could be worse. While a huge government-controlled bank, Caixa Econômica Federal, was crucial in getting projects started, private investors are thought to be facing the more immediate burden of plunging real estate prices. The mayor attributed this to the way in which he sought to finance property ventures with relatively little investment coming directly from the municipal or federal governments.

“I’d be screwed if it were the other way around,” Mr. Paes said.

Carlos Arthur Nuzman, the president of the organizing committee for the 2016 Olympic Games, expressed irritation in an interview when asked about the unsold properties, contending, “The city is not experiencing a difficult situation.”

“On the contrary,” he said, “the city is marvelous, functioning normally, carrying out the construction of venues and necessary projects.”

“I don’t have to talk about the real estate market,” he added. “When the Olympic Games are finished, my obligation is to hand over the keys” to the Olympic Village.

But a day later, at the urging of members of his staff, Mr. Nuzman sought to add to that view. “Real estate is a market that involves risks,” he said. “It’s important to point out that it’s a market for the long term. After the Games, I have no doubt the market will rise again.”

But for now, some projects conceived ahead of the Olympics to anchor an urban rebirth are coming under stress, including an ambitious port redevelopment plan on the edge of the old center of the city that had pinned much of its hopes on the growth of the oil industry in Rio.

The owners of new buildings in the area — like EcoSapucaí, a sprawling structure designed by the architect Oscar Niemeyer that boasts a heliport shaped like a chalice, and the Port Corporate Tower, a 22-story office tower built by Tishman Speyer, a New York-based real estate company — are struggling to find tenants, according to news reports.

About 22 percent of office space in the port area is now vacant, a figure expected to climb as more projects under construction are finished this year, according to Buildings, a real estate research firm.

“We imagined this crisis would occur only after the Olympics in 2016,” said Leonardo Schneider, vice president of Secovi, an association of real estate agencies. “But it’s happening now, calling into question the aggressive bets made on projects in the lead-up to the Games.”