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Trailer: Batman V Superman (main trailer)

Batman embarks on a personal vendetta against Superman.

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You know it's going to get ugly when the world's biggest superheroes turn on each other.

Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent are hell-bent on destroying one another in the new extended trailer for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, which shapes up as one of 2016's biggest blockbusters.

Meet the new A-team.

Meet the new A-team. Photo: YouTube

There's a lot to ingest in the exciting three-minute clip which shows Batman and Superman feuding, aliens invading Earth, the destruction of Metropolis and the show-stopping appearance of Wonder Woman.

The video begins with Wayne and Kent sizing each other up at a swanky dinner. Kent calls Batman a "vigilante who thinks he's above the law" while Wayne slams Superman as "an alien who can burn the whole place down".

You see, Batman (Ben Affleck) and Superman (Henry Cavill) both appear to have lost the plot a little in this film.

Nobody likes Superman in this film (seen here at a senate inquiry into his powers).

Nobody likes Superman in this film (seen here at a senate inquiry into his powers). Photo: YouTube

Batman has turned to branding his targets with his bat logo, while Superman is being investigated by a senate inquiry into his supernatural powers.

Gotham has turned on Superman, with protesters brandishing signs saying "god hates aliens".

Superman's nemesis from his home planet of Krypton, General Zod, attacks Earth with his alien army and destroys Metropolis - making Batman very, very angry.

Bruce Wayne and an alien invasion in the one film. Believe it.

Bruce Wayne and an alien invasion in the one film. Believe it. Photo: YouTube

Batman is out for blood, but is warned by his butler and confidant Alfred (Jeremy Irons) that he's about to launch into a fight that's impossible to win. "You're going to war," Alfred says. 

"You know you can't win this. It's suicide."

Billionaire scientist villain Lex Luthor, played by Jesse Eisenberg, is very excited by this and agitates for their mutual demise, calling it "the greatest gladiator match in the history of the world".

This is Doomsday, the monster built by Lex Luthor.

This is Doomsday, the monster built by Lex Luthor. Photo: YouTube

Luthor steps things up a notch by bringing General Zod back from the dead in a Frankenstein-style experiment as DC comic villain Doomsday.

Doomsday looks like a cross between Fantastic Four's The Thing and Marvel's Hulk, and possesses superhuman strength.

Doomsday goes about blowing up Metropolis when Wonder Woman magically appears. Both Superman and Batman are confused about how she got there.

Jesse Eisenberg plays Lex Luthor, a crazy billionaire intent on destroying the superheroes.

Jesse Eisenberg plays Lex Luthor, a crazy billionaire intent on destroying the superheroes. Photo: YouTube

"Is she with you?" Superman asks. "I thought she was with you," Batman comically replies.

As exciting as it looks, there seems to be an awful lot going on in this film. Too much, some could argue. There's also a ridiculous amount of CGI, which could also go against the movie. 

Either way, we're looking forward to seeing Ben Affleck's Batman debut.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice opens in Australian cinemas on March 25, 2016.