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Conventional | Definition of Conventional by Merriam-Webster
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adjective con·ven·tion·al \kən-ˈvench-nəl, -ˈven(t)-shə-nəl\

Simple Definition of conventional

  • : used and accepted by most people : usual or traditional

  • : of a kind that has been around for a long time and is considered to be usual or typical

  • : common and ordinary : not unusual

Full Definition of conventional

  1. 1 :  formed by agreement or compact

  2. 2 a :  according with, sanctioned by, or based on convention b :  lacking originality or individuality :  trite c (1) :  ordinary, commonplace (2) :  nonnuclear 1 <conventional warfare>

  3. 3 a :  according with a mode of artistic representation that simplifies or provides symbols or substitutes for natural forms b :  of traditional design

  4. 4 :  of, resembling, or relating to a convention, assembly, or public meeting

con·ven·tion·al·ism play \-nə-ˌli-zəm\ noun
con·ven·tion·al·ist play \-list\ noun or adjective
con·ven·tion·al·i·za·tion play \-ˌvench-nə-lə-ˈzā-shən, -ˌven(t)-shə-nə-\ noun
con·ven·tion·al·ize play \-ˈvench-nə-ˌlīz, -ˈven(t)-shə-nə-\ transitive verb
con·ven·tion·al·ly adverb

Examples of conventional in a sentence

  1. The number sign is the conventional symbol for labeling something measured in pounds.

  2. While microwaves heat up food more quickly, most food tastes better when it is cooked in a conventional oven.

  3. Most of her books are conventional detective stories.

  4. His views on dating are more conventional than those of some of his friends.

15th Century

First Known Use of conventional

15th century

Synonym Discussion of conventional

ceremonial, ceremonious, formal, conventional mean marked by attention to or adhering strictly to prescribed forms. ceremonial and ceremonious both imply strict attention to what is prescribed by custom or by ritual, but ceremonial applies to things that are associated with ceremonies <a ceremonial offering>, ceremonious to persons given to ceremony or to acts attended by ceremony <made his ceremonious entrance>. formal applies both to things prescribed by and to persons obedient to custom and may suggest stiff, restrained, or old-fashioned behavior <a formal report> <the headmaster's formal manner>. conventional implies accord with general custom and usage <conventional courtesy> and may suggest a stodgy lack of originality or independence <conventional fiction>.

CONVENTIONAL Defined for Kids


adjective con·ven·tion·al \kən-ˈven-shə-nəl\

Definition of conventional

  1. 1 :  following the usual or widely accepted way of doing things <a conventional wedding ceremony>

  2. 2 :  used or accepted through general agreement <conventional signs and symbols>

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