Prince Michael of Kent


HRH Prince Michael of Kent, GCVO;

Michael George Charles Franklin; GCVO (2003, KCVO 1992); yr bro of 2 Duke of Kent, qv


b 4 July 1942; Educ Eton, RMA Sandhurst (qualified Russian interpreter); m 30 June 1978, Baroness Marie-Christine Agnes Hedwig Ida, da of Baron Günther Hubertus von Reibnitz, by his w Countess Marianne Szapáry de Mura-szombath, Széchysziget et Szapár, and formerly w of Thomas Troubridge (see Debrett's Peerage & Baronetage Troubridge, Bt), whereupon he became excluded from succession to the throne through having married a Roman Catholic; 1 s, 1 da (see below)

Career Army: cmmnd 11 Hussars (Prince Albert's Own) 1963, MOD 1968-70, UN Force Cyprus 1971, Def Intelligence Service 1974-76, GSO Def 1974-76, Army Recruiting Directorate 1976-78, GSO Def Intelligence Staff 1978-81, ret as Maj 1981; Col-in-Chief Essex and Kent Scottish Regt Ontario 2002-; Hon Rear Adm RNR 2004 (Hon Cdre 1994); Cdre-in-Chief Maritime Reserves 2006-; liveryman Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators; Adm Royal Naval volunteer Reserve Yacht Club; memb HAC; Royal Hon Air Cdre RAF Benson 2002; hon mem Air Sqdn;

Fellow: Inst of Motor Industry, Royal Aeronautical Soc; pres: Dogs' and Cats' Home Battersea, Inst of Road Safety, Kennel Club, National Eye Research Centre, RAC Fndn, SSAFA Forces Help, Royal Patriotic Fund; Commonwealth pres RLSS; fndr patron Pan-European Genesis Initiative; patron: Battle of Britaim Memorial Tst, Brooklands Museum Tst, Chatham Historic Dockyard Volunteer Service, Children's Fire and Burns Tst, First Gear, Harefield Research Fndn, Museum of Army Flying, Russo-British C of C, World Monuments Fund (UK), Soc of Genealogists; dir Cantium Services; memb British team in international bobsleigh events (reserve Winter Olympics Sapporo 1972); memb team 1929 Bentley Special Millbrook 1992 (1,000-mile record for cars over 5,000 cc); Hon Dr Plekhanov Economics Acad Moscow; Coronation Medal 1953, UN Peacekeeping Medal 1971, Silver Jubilee Medal 1977, Golden Jubilee Medal 2002; KJStJ 2000;


Kensington Palace, London W8 4PU.


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