Entering the Workplace Programme

Half-day programme
Private price: Entering the Workplace £750 + VATpp
Expansion Pack £650 + VATpp
Group price: email TimHenckens@debretts.co.uk for information

Entering the workplace for the first time is both exciting and daunting. You will encounter a number of new people and be exposed to different levels of seniority and experience.  A desire to impress will need to be tempered with a willingness to learn. Debrett’s Entering the Workplace Programme covers the basics of workplace etiquette to help you negotiate the subtleties of professional interaction, enabling you to network effectively and communicate confidently with your new colleagues. The optional Expansion Pack offers training in areas that will become increasingly relevant as your career progresses, including the nuances of body language, dress codes for different business scenarios, written correspondence and correct form, and negotiating social situations such as business lunches.

The modules

Your new colleagues
Introductions, elevator pitch, small talk and effective communication

Teamwork makes the dream work
Learn to work with directors, managers and colleagues and deal with  people of varying professional personality profiles

The ambassador you have become
Presentation skills and the art of pitching, internally and externally

Business etiquette
Business etiquette, understanding unwritten rules and hidden hierarchies, and negotiating meeting interactions

The art of networking & netiquette
How to network online and offline; building new connections and networking a room

Very informative and useful


  • ​Building on their natural style, students will explore the subtleties of interaction and ensure they make a positive and confident first impression in their new working environment
  • Building upon the foundations of their presentation skills, students will be equipped with the confidence and insights that will help them deliver an exemplary presentation on both themselves and their business
  • Students will develop an enhanced understanding of business etiquette and its intricacies, with special attention on communication practices
  • Students will be prepared to embark confidently on their career path and will have learned how to optimise numerous forms of social interaction in the workplace, understanding the importance of their network and how to foster its development
  • The additional Expansion Pack provides students with advanced networking, social and communication skills applicable as careers progress

Debrett’s is VERY thorough 

Expansion Pack Modules (half-day programme)*

Body language
Deportment, standing, sitting and presenting yourself

Dress codes
Dress codes for the professional environment and personal style

Business correspondence
Correct form for business letters, professional emails and business cards

Professional socialising
The business lunch, eating in company, dealing with tricky foods, and what’s what on the table

*The Expansion Pack can only be booked alongside the Entering the Workplace programme and does not stand alone

If you are not quite at the Entering the Workplace stage, consider the Job Application and Interview Preparation programmes in the Debrett’s Graduate School as precursors to the skills you will learn on this programme.

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