The Influencers

The Debrett's Hong Kong 100 list was compiled in consultation with:

  • Serena Chan, Zone-A Gallery
  • Bede Cheng, L'Immagine Ritrovata Asia
  • Dean Cooper, Quintal Partners
  • Richard Feldman, The Mimosa Group
  • Reyna Harilela, Bonvivant & Bellavita
  • Shirley Hiranand, Bonvivant & Bellavita
  • Walter Jennings, Huawei Technologies Co, Ltd
  • Duncan Jepson, Liberty Asia
  • Hanif Kanji, Sinophi Healthcare
  • John Leggate, Quintal Partners
  • Sam Moon, Next Generation Council
  • Ben McGuire, Quintal Partners
  • Lars Nittve, WKCDA Hong Kong
  • Dan Parr, Fast Track Agency
  • Charlie Pownall, CPC & Associates
  • Martin Riese, Front
  • Doveen Schecter, writer
  • Christopher Slaughter, CASBAA
  • Henry Steiner, Steiner & Co
  • Nury Vittachi, speaker and author
  • Jason Wincunias, independent journalist
  • Xu Xi, writer
  • Douglas Young, G.O.D. - Goods of Desire

And South China Morning Post


Hong Kong 100