Moray MacLennan

Worldwide Chief Executive, M&C Saatchi

As chief executive of the worldwide division of M&C Saatchi, Moray Maclennan’s is one of the biggest names in advertising. 2015 was a remarkable year for the agency, which can claim partial credit for the Conservatives’ election victory after a billboard campaign putting Ed Milliband literally in Alex Salmond’s pocket. Other work for clients including Carlsberg, HBO and Ikea has seen awards hauls at the Cannes Lions and D&AD. Born in Singapore and educated in Edinburgh, MacLennan won a scholarship to study at Cambridge, after which he went into advertising with Saatchi & Saatchi in 1983, becoming a board director only a few years later. He joined Charles and Maurice Saatchi on their exit from the company and was appointed UK chief executive of the newly-created M&C Saatchi before taking up his current position in 2009. 


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