(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Confirmed: Iwan Rheon cast in Game of Thrones
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20160405131009/http://winteriscoming.net/2012/07/27/iwan-rheon-cast-in-game-of-thrones/

Casting Rumors Speculation

Confirmed: Iwan Rheon cast in Game of Thrones

Misfits alum Iwan Rheon appears to have been cast in season three of Game of Thrones. A photo posted on Facebook of Iwan Rheon hanging out in a Belfast bar with some of the cast was the first clue. Ours is the Fury did some digging and turned up Rheon’s CV on his agency’s official site. The CV has him listed as being cast in the role of “Boy”. Given his age and looks, I am willing to bet that he will be playing Ramsay Snow, the bastard of Roose Bolton. The Bastard of Bolton was mentioned a few times last season, but never shown. He was sent by Robb Stark and Roose to reclaim Winterfell from Theon Greyjoy.

We have reached out to HBO for official confirmation as well as a possible clarification of the role of “Boy”.

UPDATE 7/27: HBO has confirmed that Iwan Rheon has joined the cast, in the role of “Boy”.

UPDATE: According to this tumblr blogger, she was on set a few days ago and watched a scene involving Iwan Rheon. The link will contain some spoilers for his character and another major one, but most importantly, it confirms that Rheon’s character of “Boy” is indeed Ramsay Snow, based on the character’s action in that scene.

Winter Is Coming: Assuming Rheon is our Ramsay, I am very excited about this casting. He was my favorite of the four we put forth for the role a while back. Either way, it seems certain Rheon has joined the cast, so, welcome Iwan!


  • Before others start ranting about how much we should fear Ramsay Snow, the Bastard of Bolton….remember: can you name a single battle the Bastard has ever won? He’s betrayed a scant two dozen ironborn to take Winterfell, he’s stabbed in the back the dregs of the North (young boys and old men) scraped together by Rodrick Cassel from the bottom of the barrel, but he *isn’t* a warrior, nor is he a leader.

    Any idiot can pull the wings off flies. Catching them will be another matter entirely.

  • Yay! As a Iwan supporter this pleases me greatly after a gloomy day.

    *uses this as an excuse to dig out Tom W and Iwan pic*

    Great sluthing Fury!

  • A woman is happy to see another confirmation of the Season 3 cast with a well-respected actor. Huzzah Iwan!

  • so excited!! cuter than what i picture Ramsay to be like, but the show doesn’t most of the time mess up casting decisions, so i think Iwan will be great! now give us Mance and Vargo HBO please please :)

  • 90% chances that he will play Ramsay..but it’s not confirmed yet..is there any other role that he would fit ?

  • Biscotti KNEW it!! Ever since I saw him in Misfits I knew he would be perfect. If you haven’t seen that series, please watch the first two seasons! This photo is not particularly Ramsay-ish but do a google search and you will see that he will make a perfect Bastard, Iof indeed that is his role.
    So excited!!!! And wow – a Ramsay who is hot?! But he can pull off unattraxtive, creepy and psychopathic too! Yay!!!!

  • Who else could he play? He is a singer, I guess Tom O Sevens? They would by way off the kind of darker characters he is known for however. Too perfect for The Bastard not to be.

  • Loved him in Misfits – after seeing a few people mention him for Ramsay it seemed to fit more and more. Here’s hoping!

  • Ali,

    LOOOOOOOOOOL..was that irony? The dornishes for me are people with more color (not black, but not to white as Iwan to)

  • Morrigan,

    Because he is similar to Ramsay phisically and he was in the list of this site to one of the candidates to be Ramsay (doesn’t mean nothing, but that shows that people were assimilating him to Ramsay)

  • Well, he certainly has the right look for Ramsay. Maybe they’re going with “Boy” instead of “Reek”? I hope not, because I would miss the “Reek, Reek, rhymes with x”.

    Maybe he’s been cast as one of Dondarrion’s Brotherhood.

  • Mary,

    That would be a shame, like everyone face when people discover that Mackenzie would play Orell and not Vargo/Ramsay/Mance

  • I haven’t seem him in any “evil” role, but even so, he just has that really creepy look and wibe about him. I have a feeling he could be amazing as Ramsay.

  • I want him to be Ramsay, but “Boy” doesn’t sound like something to call the Bastard of Bolton. That said, he’s in that pic with Alfie, suggesting they might be working together… *hopes real hard*

    On a different note Gwen and Nikolaj looks great!

  • Fan girl squeal!! I love Iwan in Misfits!

    I am one of those…you know…book reader and i am pleased with D&D bringing it to life as they have.

    But i must say that the casting of characters have been off the hook! Well done :)

    I love you HBO Game of Thrones…like really.

  • he was my favourite for Ramsay too. Never saw him act though. People should see the picture in the other thread (disturbing eyes).

  • I can live this. I instantly thought Ramsay when I saw his picture, so that should say something for the casting choice (assuming he is Ramsay, of course).

  • Re “Boy”. After his Dad says to Robb “My Bastard” in season 2, does not Robb refer to him a few times as politely as “your son” or ” your boy”?

  • Actually, not Lem. Or Belwas. Isn’t there a character called “boy” that Jaime and Brienne meet at an Inn? I believe he had a crossbow and Jaime berates him.

  • I would be happy if he is Ramsey, but I don’t think you can assume it is him based on such a vague description. I don’t know why they would be so secretive about the casting of the bastard. It’s not like non-readers would have any idea of who he is.

  • I love him on Misfits!!!

    He is the PERFECT Ramsay Snow!!

    This is the most exciting one yet!! I hope they confirm it soon! Just for my own sanity lol


  • I’m irrationally biased against this, because the only thing I’ve seen him in was 10 minutes of Misfits where I was terribly confused. But everyone here seems to love him, so I’ll assume it’s great news :P Welcome to the cast, Mr. Rheon!

  • Tyrion Pimpslap, there was a recent audition video leaked, apparently for Ramsay, but there were some interesting things about it. He was apparently torturing Theon but Theon seemed to be under the impression he was back at the Iron Islands, and said he’d spoken with Theon’s father. So Ramsay might start the season pretending to be an ironborn to play mindgames with Theon.

  • That’s amazing! In the ten minutes I’ve been reading all the posts to see if everyone’s already said it, someone said it haha~ The first thing I thought is ok, they’re calling him boy because they want to simulate Ramsay’s entrance in the book … in disguise :)

  • Theres a “boy” at that inn that hot pie ends up in, but thats such a tiny part, I’d think it would just be played by an extra. Hope he really is Ramsay.

  • I heard a voice in my head say that Jeremy Piven will play Belwas.

    In all seriousness, this bloke does not fit my mental image of Ramsay, nor have I seen Misfits so I can not say that I am excited if he is Bolton’s Bastard.

  • Iwan has a fantastic look! Nina is casting my fantasy world perfectly. He compliments Jon Snow perfectly.. with the youthful, pretty boy look.. but oh so different nature. Cannot wait for the things to come.

  • This is fuckin AWESOME !!!..I was one of many here hoping he got cast in GOT !!!…he’s got to be Ramsay !!!…

  • I see that @Axechucker tweeted that someone a while back claimed to have read the script and said there was a “Boy” character who “effs w/ Theon” — any more details on this, guys?

  • The Dragon Demands:
    Before others start ranting about how much we should fear Ramsay Snow, the Bastard of Bolton….remember:can you name a single battle the Bastard has ever won?He’s betrayed a scant two dozen ironborn to take Winterfell, he’s stabbed in the back the dregs of the North (young boys and old men) scraped together by Rodrick Cassel from the bottom of the barrel, but he *isn’t* a warrior, nor is he a leader.

    Any idiot can pull the wings off flies.Catching them will be another matter entirely.

    Well, he’s only to be feared if he can put you under his thumb. If you’re in that situation it’s very understandable to be afraid of him.

  • Going on experience from Season two “Jeyne” might mean a made up character who interacts heavily with a main character. lets not forgot these possibilities. Also it’s totally Edric Storm.

  • Awesome news!
    Of the Msifits men suggested by many fans Rheon is by far my favorite. His look is near perfect and his eyes can stop you cold!

    Viva Nina!

  • Well, I have been waiting and waiting for the casting of Ramsay… maybe we have him? Many people are posting about the role descritpion as “boy” but that could be that they would like to keep it a mystery for as long as they can.

    Can’t wait to find out! :) I haven’t seen Misfits, or this actor in anything else, but if he is indeed Ramsay, I can’t wait to see how he portrays him.

  • Just checked out some photos of him…. sure looks like Ramsay to me :) If he isn’t playing Ramsay, it would just be a cruel joke!

  • Mrs. H’ghar,

    Mrs. H’ghar::

    Just a special FYI to you – this actor is in that movie Resistance that I told you about (with Tom Wlaschiha).
    Hopefully it will release in the U.S. soon – the book was really great … Just recognized him from that film :)

  • Alright, so I tweeted him about an hour ago:
    @iwanrheon Holy shit! It rhymes with Rheon! Congrats!!! (please don’t take my thumbs)

    No response yet (shocking, right?)

    Anyway, this would be outstanding news, which would drastically improve an incredibly unexpected absolute shitpile of a day. So, I’m just gonna go ahead and assume its true, for the time being. Tomorrow can go fuck itself.

    Keep checkin twitter tho (altho I doubt he’ll say anything), I’m off to see the film again, in hope of ridding my mind of at least some of the horror. & to spit in that evil fuck’s face.

    Here’s Chris Nolan’s statement, for those who haven’t seen it:

    “Speaking on behalf of the cast and crew of The Dark Knight Rises, I would like to express our profound sorrow at the senseless tragedy that has befallen the entire Aurora community.

    I would not presume to know anything about the victims of the shooting but that they were there last night to watch a movie. I believe movies are one of the great American art forms and the shared experience of watching a story unfold on screen is an important and joyful pastime.

    The movie theatre is my home, and the idea that someone would violate that innocent and hopeful place in such an unbearably savage way is devastating to me.

    Nothing any of us can say could ever adequately express our feelings for the innocent victims of this appalling crime, but our thoughts are with them and their families.”

    – Christopher Nolan

  • Michel:
    90% chances that he will play Ramsay..but it’s not confirmed yet..is there any other role that he would fit ?

    I’m thinking a spot in BwoB would make sense as well. I could picture him as Ramsay though.


    link for pic of Iwan with cast in pub.

    Ooh…. after seeing that, I really do hope he is Ramsay. Going from the photo at the top of the page, I was thinking “that will work” but this one… that sells it for me. He’s got the look.

  • I can totally see Ramsay messing with Theon (and the audience’s head) making him think he is in the dungeons of Pyke. A good ploy to setting up Roose Bolton’s ultimate treachery. Hopefully just before the RW we will learn that this Boy is the Bastard and Theon is in fact deep within the confines of the Dreadfort. Maybe Theon will have a jailer named Reek and he will make an escape attempt, killing Reek in the process and suddenly realizing that he is in the Dreadfort and that it was Ramsay who burned down Winterfell. Suddenly he and the audience will come to the dizzying realization that the Boltons are going to betray Robb. But he is captured, dragged back into the dungeons and then we cut to the Twins…and cue the Rains of Castamere.

    It’s the “Keyser Soze” moment. That’s how I would do it.

  • That’s how I would do it.

    I like your style. I’m hoping for a ramping up of the mind-fuckery if they’re going to be creating new material for the next couple of seasons.

  • To me, Ramsay Snow makes perfect sense for Iwan Rheon. To avoid Misfits spoilers, let’s just say that towards the end of Season 1, the showrunners hinted they would take him in a Ramsay-ish direction. Though they ended up doing something very different with him in Season 2, that brief glimpse has me convinced that he can be totally convincing in the role.

  • Rheon beats me to another role… GRRR. I wish he would stop being so good and give a guy a chance! hehe

    I think he’ll do great though.

  • Hopefully HBO will give us an official confirmation! It would be good to have another Snow in the cast! Besides he must be awesome, especially since he managed to piss-off Theon Greyjoy to such an extent that he made him the subject of his triumphant speech, right before he got clocked on the nogen and taken away with a sack on his head…

  • Love this.

    There’s a bit in Misfits season 1, Nathan is picking on Simon (Iwan) and Simon remains calm until Nathan hits on his berserk button at which point Simon goes APE and I mean red mist descends.

    Who’s that sound like pretty collected until you call him Snow “Never Snow always Bolton now” or take his Reek. Iwan has a unique look and has the acting chops to portray calm and sociopathic then blink and be raging psychotic.

  • Ramsay is supposed to be UGLY. JESUS. Read his description in the book. The only quality he has of his father’s are his eyes.

  • I’m a huge fan of Rheon for Ramsay… its a fantastic role and seeing as how he killed it in Misfits, I think this is a perfect casting decision.

  • Why is everybody expecting ramsey to be cast for season 3? His only part in the story before book5 happens in winterfell and he was obviously cut from that arc.

  • Blood,

    After seeing Iain Glen play Ser Jorah Mormont, I place little stock in the book physical descriptions of characters when it comes to casting.

  • Reupel,
    GRRM confirmed that Theon will be in season 3, so it only makes sense for them to cast Ramsay as well.

  • If you click on his CV (as linked on the main article) there is a menu tab called “Show Reel”. You can view a 7 minute video clip snippet of his previous work (mostly in Misfits).

  • Gen,

    Who cares about the physical descriptions. Its incredibly hard to find good, available actors who perfectly fit the description

  • This the first time somebody I really wanted for the role gets cast, and that somebody is Iwan freaking Rheon. I’m totaly fangirling right now.

  • nightwolf: Theres a “boy” at that inn that hot pie ends up in, but thats such a tiny part, I’d think it would just be played by an extra. Hope he really is Ramsay.

    On his CV it has Various for the name of the Director(s) which suggests he’s in multiple episodes as otherwise (if he was just in a single episode as the Inn Boy would be) the Director of that episodes name would be listed.

  • Something to keep in mind:

    Ramsay was never referred to by name this season. Roose refers to him with a few choice titles instead, notably as “my boy.”

    Just saying.

  • Iwan Rheon would not be playing a teeny little role like the boy at the inn- he’s just finished starring in a successful British show. Has to be Ramsay.

  • Jaime Lannister:
    Something to keep in mind:

    Ramsay was never referred to by name this season. Roose refers to him with a few choice titles instead, notably as “my boy.”

    Just saying.

    Didn’t he say ‘My Bastard’ ?

  • Ismael Isak:

    Who cares about the physical descriptions. Its incredibly hard to find good, available actors who perfectly fit the description

    No, it isn’t. GOT already proved it doesn’t care about nationality. So they have all the actors in the world to choose from.

  • The connection of Iwan Rheon = Ramsay immediately makes me think of the bit in Misfits when under the influence of Alisha’s superpower he screams at her “I want to p*ss on your t*ts”.

    So I think he’d be able to do sociopath Ramsay just fine.

  • Thinking about it some more, I think Iwan would be great as Ramsay (if it turns out to be correct), BUT if I was going to cast someone from Misfits, my first choice probably would have been Robert Sheehan. Just thinking the look on his face and excited tone of voice when he was miming sexual acts, or telling the story of “tripling” himself. That’d make for some disturbing watching as Ramsay.

  • Interesting.

    Given these old twitter reports about someone supposedly seeing a script with ‘Boy’ menacing Theon, then we might assume that Iwan Rheon is indeed Ramsay Snow.

    Earlier ‘Boy’ speculation also had it that the scenario might well be kind of a Reek scenario where Theon didn’t initially know who he was.

    If all that is so, then it makes it much more likely that the Stuart Martin audition tape from a few weeks back is Ramsay and Theon. Dialogue that made no sense if Theon knew he was dealing with Ramsay (the stuff about ‘take me to my father’ and ‘he sent us’) is much more plausible if Theon hasn’t got a clue who he is.

  • I haven’t seen him in anything, so I can’t attest to his acting skills,
    but he certainly looks like a bastard.

  • He must be a Baratheon, just look at him: black hair and vibrant blue eyes. I think he’ll be Edric Storm! If Shireen will be in season 3, why not him?

  • Threkka,

    I’d be fine with him playing Storm but I doubt he’ll even feature in the series, Storm is basically a blink and you’ll miss him character in the books.

  • Hmm.. Really not how I saw Ramsay Bolton (apart from the eyes).

    *Remains skeptical*

    I always thought that vimeo Game of Thrones audition was for Vargo Hoat when speaking to Jaime Lannister?

  • Rero,

    Once or twice, but I can specifically recall him stating “my boy would be honoured to bring you Prince Theon’s head.”

  • I’m glad they cast a young actor, I thought they were looking at older people but I always think of Ramsay as being of an age with Theon, Robb and Jon.

    Rheon looks perfect, he has a distinctive look and anyone from Misfits has the chops for GoT.

  • Al Swearengen,

    Well…yes I know. But I really can’t imagine him playing Ramsay, or any other character. And his appearance suggest that he is A Baratheon. Maybe they put more emphasis on the Stannis-Davos conflict in the show and then Edric will get a bigger role…

  • As Ramsay and Theon don’t appear at all in book three, are we just going to have two whole seasons of Ramsay torturing him? That could get old.

  • Brian,

    Spoilers, man!

    Either way – Probably s3 won’t star Theon so much, but they still keep him in for continuitys sake. I don’t know if thats the best idea, but it’s understandable. Also – we still haven’t gotten the reveal of who Ramsay is and that he was the one that burned Winterfell – we got that in book 2, but it was moved to s3, so I suppose theres material enough for a few check-ins on Theon.

  • Love it! He was great in misfits and I’m especially with all that speculation here looking forward to whatever they do with the Theon/Ramsay storyline.

    On another note, EW has a little tidbit about season 3. I’m not sure, wether they actually know anything or they’re just basing this on their book knowledge, but it just sounds good ;)

  • Ivan Popić:
    I loved him in Misfits – he will do good as a messed up bastard of Dreadfort :)

    my feelings exactly, i can’t wait. i also can’t wait for more misfits, even if it’s basically all new people now.

  • Nah, this guy is definitely playing the”Boy” in the Inn, that is soo obvious. Ramsay will be played by Jeremy Piven, if he doesn’t get the role of Belwas.

  • OtherAndrew:
    I see that @Axechucker tweeted that someone a while back claimed to have read the script and said there was a “Boy” character who “effs w/ Theon” — any more details on this, guys?

    Yes, from what we have heard the part of “Boy” is set to appear in 6 episodes this season and that he “befriends” Theon in captivity.

  • I hope it’s Ramsay. He looks like the perfect Ramsay, he’s got sort of a creepy, awkward aura around him. Never seen anything with him in it, but any actor they cast always pulls the job off magnificently. Either Ramsay, or he could be playing someone from the BwB.

  • I seriously dont know if i should feel sad or happy. I’m happy, super happy that he is in game of thrones. But at the same time i’m sad that he isn’t coming back for Misfits.

  • Rygar:
    Nah, this guy is definitely playing the”Boy” in the Inn, that is soo obvious.Ramsay will be played by Jeremy Piven, if he doesn’t get the role of Belwas.

    Are you trolling or are you on drugs ? This is a serious question .

  • I’m actually more excited about this casting than I was about Diana Rigg, if such things are possible. I’m not sure it gets better than this, but if the GOT team would like to blow my mind AGAIN with whoever they cast as Mance, I’ll be more than happy to spend the next eight months mopping my brains off the floor.

    Congrats to Iwan! Absolutely cannot WAIT to see him as part of this world.

  • Hertolo,

    At least one of the tidbit is not from the third book (A devastating imprisonment) – so I guess, these are the legit ones for season 3.

    A reluctant betrothal – ? Joff and Marge – maybe?
    A devastating imprisonment – Theon.
    A ferocious army – Dany & The Unsullied
    A debated sacrifice. – ?
    A spy in love. – Jon & Ygritte
    An undead lord. – Beric.
    An unexpected wedding. – RW? or Sansa & Tyrion?

  • Winter Is Coming,

    I was milling an idea around in my head and after reading your last comment regarding episode 6, I think it sounds plausible. Remember how in ADwD Theon talks often about how Ramsay likes to play games? Well, what if Iwan Rheon is in fact the “Boy” that befriends Theon while he is captivity (like he’s locked in the dungeon with him or even acting as a guard), but he is also Ramsay just enticing/enabling Theon to attempt to escape. This way Ramsay can can prove that Theon is not a good prisoner, and therefore he should be punished….and it would be a great way to screw with his head. It would kind of be analogous to the escape attempt with Kyra.

  • Threkka,
    “He must be a Baratheon, just look at him: black hair and vibrant blue eyes. I think he’ll be Edric Storm! If Shireen will be in season 3, why not him?”

    Because Shireen will most likely take the role of Edric in the show.

  • The Rabbit,

    I would say the reluctant betrothal is Sansa and Tyrion and the debated sacrifice is whether Dany wants to give up her Dragons for the Unsullied in Astapor.

  • The Rabbit,

    The imprisonment could be Stannis throwing Davos in a cell beneath Dragonstone but the term “devasting imprisonment” makes it seem like it could mean the Reek/Theon storyline.

  • Mulder Clegane,

    No, the debated sacrifice is Melisandre trying to convince Stannis to sacrifice Edric Storm but for the show I think they will change it and Shireen will be the one Melisandre wants to sacrifice

  • whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?

    I mean, he is perfect for the role, looks wise AND acting wise, but I like him so much, I’d hate to see him in the role of the most despicable and vile human being in asoiaf ://

  • Winter Is Coming: Yes, from what we have heard the part of “Boy” is set to appear in 6 episodes this season and that he “befriends” Theon in captivity.

    Sounds interesting. They’re doing it differently, but looks like it’s going to have the overall same effect as in the books.

  • Mulder Clegane,

    The reluctant betrothal is Edmure and Roslin. Joffrey and Margaery are both eager. Sansa and Tyrion have no choice and in any event there is no betrothal, they cut straight to the wedding. Edmure is persuaded rather than forced into the pairing, and is the definition of reluctant.

  • yay i’m super excited! he was great (and deliciously hot ;D) in misfits, and I can’t wait to hate him as ramsey in got!!!

  • Darren Mason:
    The guys name is Iwan Rheon? Sounds like a name George would make up.

    lol, he’s welsh so his name is also welsh. I think his first name is pronounced like Ivan but I might be wrong.

  • Yes! i’ve wanted him cast for ages now. I am going to say Ramsey because anything else would be weird now. This should also add to the male nudity in some way or another (albino style). Definately the most exiting casting for the new season thus far.

  • Jess: lol, he’s welsh so his name is also welsh.I think his first name is pronounced like Ivan but I might be wrong.


  • Oh man – I’m so stoked about this news. That guy is awesome, and ever since hearing his name attached, even in speculation-form, with Ramsay he’s been my dream casting for the role. Even if, on the off-chance, he’s got a different role, I’ll be stoked to see him in GoT regardless. (But, come on, he’s totally Ramsay).

  • He seems great for Ramsay! Hope thats it and they put some good scenes in this next season! Pumped!

  • If he is Ramsay, it’s pretty funny to see him playing pool with Theon in that photo.

  • Bonnie Blue:
    Mrs. H’ghar,

    Mrs. H’ghar::

    Just a special FYI to you – this actor is in that movie Resistance that I told you about (with Tom Wlaschiha).Hopefully it will release in the U.S. soon – the book was really great …Just recognized him from that film :)

    A woman thanks you for reminding her, though I have been looking for that movie and haven’t seen it here. Perhaps it will go straight to Netflix in the US? We shall see.

  • the goat:
    Alright, so I tweeted him about an hour ago:
    @iwanrheon Holy shit! It rhymes with Rheon! Congrats!!! (please don’t take my thumbs)

    No response yet (shocking, right?)

    Anyway, this would be outstanding news, which would drastically improve an incredibly unexpected absolute shitpile of a day.So, I’m just gonna go ahead and assume its true, for the time being. Tomorrow can go fuck itself.

    Keep checkin twitter tho (altho I doubt he’ll say anything), I’m off to see the film again, in hope of ridding my mind of at least some of the horror. & to spit in that evil fuck’s face.

    Here’s Chris Nolan’s statement, for those who haven’t seen it:

    “Speaking on behalf of the cast and crew of The Dark Knight Rises, I would like to express our profound sorrow at the senseless tragedy that has befallen the entire Aurora community.

    I would not presume to know anything about the victims of the shooting but that they were there last night to watch a movie. I believe movies are one of the great American art forms and the shared experience of watching a story unfold on screen is an important and joyful pastime.

    The movie theatre is my home, and the idea that someone would violate that innocent and hopeful place in such an unbearably savage way is devastating to me.

    Nothing any of us can say could ever adequately express our feelings for the innocent victims of this appalling crime, but our thoughts are with them and their families.”

    – Christopher Nolan

    Well said Mr. Nolan, a woman is with you and the victims in this terrible time.


    I doubt that there will be a ramsay confirmation before the season starts. Remember it is imperative that the bastard learn the truth that theon did not kill the stark boys. I believe they will incorporate the reek storyline in a similar but different fashion in order to gain theons trust and learn the truth before revealing his twisted self to both theon and the audience….

  • A quick Google search shows he can look psycho enough and at the same time show some type of resemblance to Roose on the show. Don’t know his work very well but I have no reason to doubt that hell be another excellent cast addition.

  • Boy, boy, it rhymes with ploy.

    Haven’t heard back from Iwan yet, (no, really?),

    but Thomas Brodie-Sangster was kind enough to reply to me,

    Very cool of him. He replied to a bunch of us fans, & especially this weekend, he didn’t have to. Thanks, Lil Grandfather.

    This is from Clash, and isn’t all that spoilery, but since Jojen hasn’t shown up yet
    “Maester Luwin says there’s nothing in dreams that a man need fear.”
    “There is, ” said Jojen.
    “The past. The future. The truth.”

  • Never heard of this guy before, but I have to say, he looks like a pretty much perfect Ramsay.

    It’s creepy seeing him next to Alfie in that photo. GET AWAY FROM MY THEON! :(

    So about this “Boy” thing, are they going to hide his true identity from Theon (and audiences), even in the dungeons? Until there’s some kind of twist/reveal? Maybe he’ll even help Theon “escape” the first time.

  • Mrs. H’ghar,
    I have it saved on my netfix account, but the release date is unknown… so hopefully it will be out later this summer.

    There is a great interview with Tom and Iwan Rheon on Youtube discussing the film (Resistance)

  • Zach:
    Joshua Taylor,

    Great thinking. Too bad the showrunners lack your clarity of storytelling panache.

    Some people just can’t resist making a comment like that. I agree that the scenario presented by Joshua Taylor was very good. But did you have to take yet another shot at D&D?

  • Zach,

    Regardless of the writing this past season, whether we liked it or not, the episode has to be balls to the wall, looming dread. The audience must have a bad feeling as soon as things start to happen. Watch the Mutiny episodes in the second half of BSG season 4. That’s the kind of writing and drama D & D should be aiming for.

  • I definitely recommend checking out Misfits if you’ve never seen Rheon act. It’s a fun show, and it’s free on Hulu if you’ve got access to the site. His character changes a lot during three seasons, and there are several instances, especially early on, where he’s creepy.

    And I agree that we’re not likely to get confirmation of his role beyond the name “Boy.”Clearly they’re aiming for mystery.

  • He’s been my choice for Ramsay for as long as I’ve thought about it. I really hope this is true!

    Definitely recommend Misfits.

  • YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES! Fate is a fickle bastard, but once in a while he winks our way. Season 3 is going to be…everything.

  • Agreed on the set-up re: befriending Theon whilst imprisoned. It would be viable for the “Boy” to instigate, over time, a plan of escape with his fellow captive, Theon. Then when Theon attempts it to then have the reveal as he is captured that the “Boy” is Ramsay and has been all along.

    It would also setup a reality of Ramsay’s character being thoroughly twisted.

    The skeptic in me thinks that with Ewan in the role it is just replacing one nutty young fella with another. Would have loved to have seen a more physically imposing, brutish Ramsay. I think he’s a lock-in for the role and it will be him we see as our Bastard and all the best to him. He’ll have a lot of fun with it.

  • If you haven’t already, a woman highly recommends people watch his Showreel. Especially if you haven’t seen him in other things (most in the US don’t know him). He’s awesome and can go many different ways, so can’t wait to see if he’s Ramsay.

  • Maybe this has been said, I haven’t read all the post, but I would be willing to bet that he’s Ramsey due to the fact that he has similar facial feature to Michael McElhatton (Roose).

  • Ours is the Fury:
    And I agree that we’re not likely to get confirmation of his role beyond the name “Boy.”Clearly they’re aiming for mystery.

    Let’s just hope he’s not a runaway feminist nurse from Volantis.

  • To me, “boy” will always be Arya Stark’s first of her many roles that she eventually plays. Who can forget the scene in season 1, episode 9 when that name is first cast upon her.

  • I hope he does turn out to be Ramsay, because he is so physically perfect for the role…his face is exactly as I pictured it from the description in the books. I’m not familiar with the actor’s work, but if he has the acting chops that everyone is claiming, he is going to be absolutely terrifying.

  • Lex,

    Exactly, I would bet that he befriends Theon, tells him stories about what Ramsay does with his prisoners. Then he helps Theon escape and then hunts him down with the dogs and reveals himself…

  • Tomer Segal,

    Rheon’s 26, plenty old enough for Ramsay. I can see him perfectly well in the role. It helps if you’ve watched him in movies and TV shows before. I can’t see Robert Sheehan (the other Misfits guy) in the role, personally.

  • Tomer Segal,

    in my case I prefer the actor has “that something” which is essential for the role and for the rest don´t care if the actor has the color, height or age he´s supposed to have. I also think that being younger makes the character more dangerous and sinister. (I don´t know Ramsay´s right age, mind you).

    lol, I´, such a liar, I don´t mind age only because we´re not talking about Missandei (but this is already a lost cause)

  • This is great news! I’m not basing that off of any experience with the actor himself, but he was my pick out of the proposed four here at WiC. He’s definitely got the look, and I like that he and Alfie are similar looking in terms of age. I’m a bit surprised at how popular the actor seems to be, as well. I’ve never seen “Misfits”, but apparently it has a decent-sized following, which is nothing but good for our little show. I guess that just leaves Mance, Daario, and Vargo for major characters yet to be cast (and possibly Val and Belwas). Fingers crossed for Henry Ian Cusick as Rayder.

  • andrea: they aren´t alikeat all (imo) butwho cares.

    I wonder why Elena Amici is not here celebrating Iwan Rheon/Ramsay. O_O

    They look alike to me …

  • Pastor_of_Muppets:
    Fingers crossed for Henry Ian Cusick as Rayder.

    AFAIK Cusick’s involvement has been officially denied.

    But in reference to your preference comments, Misfits is great. The first two seasons especially. It’s not been as good since almost the entire original cast left, but still worth a watch. Usually described as being like Heroes mixed with Skins but with a crasser sense of humour.

    Nathalie Emmanuel (Missandei) is also in one episode.

  • Also, I think someone asked before about his name, I can’t speak Welsh but to me it sounds like EE-wan. “E1”, sort of. If you want to hear the correct Welsh pronunciation, there are some Welsh language interviews with him on youtube, if you listen carefully you’ll hear it when they introduce him.

  • I’m pretty sure that Roose says in the books that Ramsay doesn’t look much like him save for the pale eyes.

  • Lex: Me too.

    A woman thinks they look enough alike to be related, which, if you take into consideration that the mother may have some DNA input, works for GoT purposes pretty well. Especially the blue eyes, similar nose, similar chin, those help to enhance the illusion of relationship. Not what one would call “spitting image” but close enough.

  • Michel,

    That was interesting!
    I would think they would only have a handful of Theon scenes total in a few episodes few episodes this year, but maybe they will really draw it out show him in more than a few oepisodes?

    That is what makes the upcoming season so interesting to me I guess…. Not knowing how they will divide the books and what events will make it into this season and what events make it into next season. It’s odd, but I actually am looking forward to the logistics of the season as much or more than some parts of the actual story! XD

  • I’m not pleased with the age game,but I’m curious to see what he’ll do with it .

    Age-wise, he should have at least 15 yrs. on Robb and Jon . He was conceived and perhaps born while Lord Rickard Starkwas still in WF, since Roose cut a guys tongue out to prevent him reporting that Roose was keeping the First Night..(and had raped Ramsay’s mother hung the husband)

  • darquemode,

    I believe WIC said that their info indicated that ‘Boy/Ramsay’ was in 6 episodes. I am starting to believe that the Ramsey reveal will happen right before the RW, probably in the same episode.

  • Obsidian,

    Iwan is 26. Jon and Robb are 17-18 in the show. Is there that big of a difference between 26 and 32? Or are you saying you want him to be 15 years older than Kit and Richard? In that case he would be about 5 years younger than the actor playing Roose. Seems a trivial thing to be concerned about.

  • Tyrion Pimpslap,

    I’m saying that I’d prefer if Ramsay looked considerably older than Theon .That doesn’t mean I won’t applaud him if he does a good job with the role.

    Some of the age changes on the show are perfectly understandable and work better, I think ..such as the Stark kids , Daenerys , etc..some don’t work for me half so well .. such as Margaery ( I liked the way , in the books, she was quite close to Sansa in years, but much more mature and politically savvy..already an active participant in dynastic machinations ).

    ETA, the actor playing Roose is pretty weathered -looking , though and roose is supposed to be one of those people who you just can’t say how old he looks.

  • I never thought that Ramsay could be really doing mindgames with Theon until coming here, and that would make sense and be so fucking epic..Theon discoverring that the boy who was “helping” him to escape from the dangeous that his in is acctually his torturer and Ramsay Bolton, and he revealls that he burns Winterfell and all that stuff and the episodes finishes..right in the next episode..fucking RW

  • Rero:

    Yeah, if I remember correctly he calls him that in the episode when Robb finds out that Theon has taken Winterfell and wants to march back North, and Roose Bolton counsels him otherwise by telling him that “his bastard” can raise 500 men at the Dreadfort and march on Winterfel. then Rob tells Roose Bolton that the safety of his brothers is paramount and that he wants Theon taken alive so he can look him in the eyes when he takes his head (I’m paraphrasing here…).

  • Tyrion Pimpslap,

    I had read Rheon would be in multiple episodes, but not 6 specifically. Thanks… Interesting.

    Your theory sounds about right assuming RW is at the usual climactic Episode 9. That sounds like more Theon than I was expecting, but in theory I guess Theon could be in less episodes than “Boy”.

    As far as “Boy’s” age compared to Robb and Theon I agree with you. The only relative age combination that matters is that Ramsay is about the right age to be Roose’s bastard… and he is. I guess the issue is he looks yoounger than 26 to some people. Just because Rheon looks younger to some people does not mean he is incapable of portraying someone his own age or older. In makes sense to me on some level since Roose’s age in the books was hard to gauge, I guess Ramsay inherited his dad’s good genes or leechings! XD

  • If the Theon/Ramsay storyline plays out as I expect it might help to place some of season two in context, especially the ambiguous nature of the burning of Winterfell. It seems that the producers have made a real effort to heighten the shock of the Red Wedding by offering few hints that the Boltons are involved. It will be a real surprise when Roose lifts his visor and the true extent of the betrayal of Robb is revealed.

    Got to say that my stomach churns at the thought of the Red Wedding.

  • Obsidian:
    I’m not pleased with the age game,but I’m curious to see what he’ll do with it .

    Age-wise, he should have at least 15 yrs. on Robb and Jon . He was conceived and perhaps born while Lord Rickard Starkwas still in WF, since Roose cut a guys tongue out to prevent him reporting that Roose was keeping the First Night..(and had raped Ramsay’s mother hung the husband)

    For the sake of continuity with the books Ramsay needs to be older, but not necessarily by 15 years. Rickard Stark only died at most two or three years before Jon and Robb were born (ie immediately prior to the start of Robert’s rebellion). So Ramsay only really needs to have been conceived a couple of years before the Stark boys for it to have been during his reign over the North.

    Having said that, Ramsay COULD theoretically be 10-15 years older, as Rickard Stark was lord of Winterfell for a while. I don’t recall anyone ever specifying how old Roose is. In my mind when reading the books, Ramsay was late 20s, but so long as it’s believable that the guy playing Ramsay could pass age-wise as McElhatton’s son, then it’s all good.

  • Not sure where the fifteen years thing is coming from- there is no indication Ramsay that much older than Theon or Robb, etc. As Chickenduck pointed out, he only needs to be a couple years older in the books to keep continuity intact. In the show, it doesn’t matter at all.

  • andrea:
    Tomer Segal,

    in my case I prefer the actor has “that something” which is essential for the role and for the rest don´t care if the actor has the color, height or age he´s supposed to have. I also think that being youngermakes the character more dangerous and sinister. (I don´t know Ramsay´s right age, mind you).

    lol, I´, such a liar, I don´t mind age only becausewe´re not talking about Missandei (but this is already a lost cause)

    It’s not the AGE that bothers me, its the looks! I never seen him in anything but he really dosen’t look like someone who can give me the creeps.

  • Ramsay isn’t described as physically unsettling or frightening; it’s his disgusting actions and psycho demeanor that make him terrifying.

  • I think Iwan definitely has the look of the character. Iwan has the stocky build and roughness the description of the character gives off whilst also having the light Bolton eyes. I think people assume Ramsay to have the cold and vampiric look of his father which would explain the Cillian Murphy fancasting but they fail to consider his drastically different environment.

  • Exciting news. Haven’t seen Misfits but this guy looks like a Ramsay to me.

    With Theon’s torture being spliced into the same season as the RFW, it’s going to be a huge time for House Bolton. By the end of the third season they’ll be far more despised than the Lannisters.

  • he will be good in the role. but it sucks that misfits is basically over. they have removed the 3 best characters!! they need to do a better job than they did replacing nathan with rudy.

  • Lucazzy:
    His character shouldn’t be appearing until Season 5.

    Hi, welcome to GoT the television show. You may be looking for ASOIF the book series.

  • Lol at the people who think Iwan Rheon is Edric Storm. Storm has at max 2 lines in the book and is probably not even getting cast in the series. Boy=alias just like Reek=alias. Rheon is Ramsay

  • The tumblr link has been taken down, which I’d say makes it even more likely to be true. Here’s an ONTD post about it, in case anyone missed it:

    Ours is the Fury: Not sure where the fifteen years thing is coming from- there is no indication Ramsay that much older than Theon or Robb, etc.

    Obsidian: Age-wise, he should have at least 15 yrs. on Robb and Jon . He was conceived and perhaps born while Lord Rickard Starkwas still in WF, since Roose cut a guys tongue out to prevent him reporting that Roose was keeping the First Night..(and had raped Ramsay’s mother hung the husband)

    I don’t specifically recall that, but I’m sure Obsidian’s telling the truth. I agree tho, for the show it doesn’t matter, they can just drop that plot point. Actually, if they kept that in the show, he would have to be at least 17 years older than Robb/Jon “17 years ago, you rode off with Robert Baratheon, and now you’re leaving again.”

  • Rickard Stark was Lord of Winterfell only a couple years before Robb, Jon, et al were born. He was Lord, Lyanna was kidnapped, Rickard and his son Brandon were then killed not too long after. Ned became lord, married Cat, and the oldest boys were born within a couple years. Ramsay doesn’t need to be more than a few years older than them to have been conceived during Rickard’s lord time. There is no reason he has to be seventeen years older.

    I screencapped the tumblr stuff this morning and it’s on my twitter, so we’re covered. :)

  • Dan:
    Cary Bass,

    http://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/70576565.html full story.

    A woman saw another question asked, (paraphrasing now) how did his hair look and his costume I think – the answer was that his hair was longer than she’d seen it on Misfits, covering his ears and was a dark brown color, and he was wearing a dark costume, nothing too elaborate. The writer mostly saw the back of Iwan’s head in that scene they were setting up and said again that they weren’t actually filming that day but merely setting things up for the filming the next day (maybe rehearsing with camera settings, etc.).

  • haha! the question “OMFG YOU SAW THEON BEING TORTURED BY RAMSAY. WAS IWAN RHEON THERE?” was me. Surprised it got answered! Didn’t know where to look.

  • I imagine Ramsay always keeping a mask/hood, while he is torturing Theon. He will be maskless as Theon’s fellow prisoner, telling Theon horror stories about their tormentor and encouraging him to flee and as several have stated his reveal (maybe when Theon get’s captured after escaping) will be during the RW.

    When I heard D&D at last years comic con dreaming about filming the RW at some point, I knew it would be the most mindblowing moment in TV-history, and it begins to take shape now.

    If the really pull it of, I can only applaud them for cutting Ramsay from S2, which was debated fiercely here and over at westeros…

  • I don’t specifically recall that, but I’m sure Obsidian’s telling the truth.I agree tho, for the show it doesn’t matter, they can just drop that plot point.Actually, if they kept that in the show, he would have to be at least 17 years older than Robb/Jon “17 years ago, you rode off with Robert Baratheon, and now you’re leaving again.”

    Sorry, but no, you’re confusing the numbers. Obsidian’s made a mistake. As said, Rickard only died at the start of Robert’s rebellion – 17-18 years before present. So Ramsay just has to be at least 17-18 years old. Not 17 years older than Robb/Jon.

    When Ned rode off with Robert “17 years ago”, he left Cat with Robb in her belly and brought Jon back with him.

  • Late to the party, but this is fantastic news! Glad he got the part, extremely curious to see how Ramsay will be introduced. Heh, that photo posted on facebook is da bomb. Ramsay and Theon, Brienne and Jaime? Chillin’ at the bar? Fan fiction writers should have a field day with this.

  • [email protected] Stark says:


    Scared the direwolf sh*t out of me!

  • […] Well atleast that’s the rumor. There has not been an official announcement, but Winter is Coming has given us clues as to why they believe that he was cast… Misfits alum Iwan Rheon appears […]

  • The Rabbit:

    At least one of the tidbit is not from the third book (A devastating imprisonment) – so I guess, these are the legit ones for season 3.

    A reluctant betrothal – ? Joff and Marge –maybe?
    A devastating imprisonment – Theon.
    A ferocious army – Dany & The Unsullied
    A debated sacrifice. – ?A spy in love. – Jon & YgritteAn undead lord.– Beric.
    An unexpected wedding. – RW? or Sansa & Tyrion?

    The reluctant betrothal has to be Tyrion and Sansa. Joff and Marg are both clearly excited about their betrothal.
    The unexpected wedding has gotta be RW.
    A debated sacrifice? There’s our Edric Storm!
    Other than these I think you’re on the right track. Now as for this casting, after seeing the pics, those eyes scream Ramsay to me. I think he’ll be perfect!

  • YES!!!! This would be awesome! Truly epic!!! Not only does he have the look ,age , etc. he has the acting capability of playing a complete psyco!!! To all you sticklers out there who doubt him because of his look?! ……. Do you have eyes? And don’t forget the wonders of make- up and wardrobe , I truly thought Ramsay wasn’t going to be casted this season .I also thought that even if he was casted now or down the road …. The actor would be a no-name , glorified extra/ watered down version of the bastard, for censorship reasons as well as the fans of the show dubbing Joffery as the worst villain ever! When Iwan and a few others were suggested as possiblilities , I thought that none of them would be cast due to my expectations for the role itself. But with the characters likeness as well as the psyche of characters he’s played in the past…… I think we could all agree that it takes someone with unique acting skills to step into ramsays shoes and see the world as he does…. I believe this is the man. With a black wig and those zombie blue eyes…..how could it not be???!!!!

  • You know what I like best about the casting news/rumors. People whining like little bitches because they don’t think the actors don’t have the right “look” .
    Because apparently people would rather have actors who look exactly like they want regardless of acting ability.

  • Sorry but this time it HAS TO BE SAID:
    I CAME! ^^
    On a serious note, this is the most awesome piece of news since Jesus was born. But will be able to hate as much as we hated the book version of Ramsay? I guess that he should have proven his point during the casting process. Game of Thrones casting in season 2 was FANTASTIC, now it will be UNIQUE.

  • Nicole:
    You know what I like best about the casting news/rumors. People whining like little bitches because they don’t think the actors don’t have the right “look” .Because apparently people would rather have actors who look exactly like they want regardless of acting ability.

    You’re so cool.

    Auditions still being held in NI.

  • Benoit Massart,

    But that is important though… Ramsay is described as fleshy with wormy lips… I’m not seeing that here at all. It’s a big part of his look, just as much as the eyes are.

  • Tyrion is supposed to be ugly, and so is Jorah Mormont. A number of other characters have a similar treatment if not complete revamps to the character. Thus your argument about ‘supposed to have wormy lips’ is pointless. Really? That’s what you’re hung up on? His lips?

  • Jordan,

    Maybe they should recruit LOTR’s Wormtongue. [laughs]

    A great many actors have made stunning transformations on this show. I’m sure Rheon can transform himself to anyone’s satisfaction given the combined effort of all involved.

  • Chickenduck,

    Yes , I was making a mistake ( blush ), still we don’t know how long before Rickard’s death that would have been. And ,obviously Roose at that time didn’t have his own passions under the strict control we see later. We know in the ASOIAF world there can easily be no more than a 15 yr difference between Father and son. And I just wonder why Roose feels a house having a boy Lord is a bad situation , and whether he was one ,once ...:D Somehow, I always pictured Ramsay as sort of mid way between Roose and the older Stark boys in age and having had more years to be sunk in depravity than if their ages were similar

    And whatever the answer , I do still say I’m willing to offer up props if Iwan nails it.

  • If he plays the Bastard (and oh how I hope he is) then I think it’s very plausible that, as some others have stated, they will resurrect his mind games with Theon plotline in a new form, which also allows them to continue to use the popular Alfie Allen in the show for as long as possible.

    If I recall correctly, when we meet Theon as Reek he remembers at one point an escape attempt that was actually just Ramsay messing with him. They could expand upon this and show it this season (or the next), bringing ‘Reek’ into the picture at the same time. Ultimately they could even have another shot at making the audience believe Theon is dead ala the book ready for a potential 5 season reveal of his pitiful new identity.

  • Great casting again!

    Here’s a montage of his character Simon from season 1 of Misfits:

    And an interesting comment I came across on another video!

    Still stunned at how he went from a creepy pale pasty lad in season 1
    to a confident hot sex god super hero in season 2…

    The “creepy pale pasty lad” part sounds promising indeed. (I’m not into “confident hot sex god super heroes”..)

  • I hated when we didn’t get Ramsay on Season 2, but is going to be so awesome if the plot that people are speculating come true: Ramsay appears as Reek for Theon, trying to helping him to escape and Theon talks to him that he is getting tortured but he can’t see nothing and that stuff (like for 3~4 episodes) and then when Theon escapes with Reek, he revealls that he is Ramsay and now we see the torture of Theon (for 2~3) episodes

  • Fantastic to see the update that HBO has indeed confirmed Iwan Rheon as “Boy” in the cast! This woman is totally thrilled after watching his Showreel, he should be great!

  • Whoever first suggested Iwan for Ramsay Bolton, great choice. I watched the first couple episodes of Misfits to get an idea of his acting and think both looks-wise and acting-wise he should make a very good Ramsay.

  • me, i am an expert on nothing, but have opinions on everything and Iwan seems to be a spot-on Ramsey. check out this short clip of him:


    dude is creepy just being himself. once m. clapton does him up in his dreadfort finery, and the make-up crew has a scrap at him he will be a perfect bolton-who-used-to-be-bastard.

    i wonder, from the actor’s POV, what it is like to be a perfect fit for someone like the ram-ster….

  • IMO, he kind of looks like Bam Margera in some of his pictures (a statement which will undoubtedly draw the ire of his fangirls, but oh well). Bamsay, perhaps?

    But, before you get your panties in a bunch, hear me out. I know the difference between Bam and not-Bam, and realize that Iwan Rheon doesn’t have the same poser reputation to live down as Bam does. So, I’m totally ok with this choice. In fact, it’s probably the right look. I thought of Ramsay when I first saw his picture (as I previously mentioned), so it must not have been too far off from what I had pictured.

    I’m just glad we didn’t get Cilian Murphy, or a Cilian Murphy-lookalike. I have no idea how his name even came up, let alone how it ever became the fan favorite for so long. I mean, I know he’s pretty, and people like pretty things, but we’re talking about Ramsay freaking Bolton. Eddie Murphy would’ve been a better choice, as far as I’m concerned.

  • […] the party with this news, but now is better than never. Last Friday, the Game of Thrones fan-site WinterIsComing.net discovered through their own due diligence that Misfits actor Iwan Rhoen will join the cast for […]

  • Glad to hear the confirmation, and I hope the theories about who ‘boy’ is and what he does are true!

  • Thanks Winter, for posting Season 3 cast list. Now we can start to feel like something is really moving!

  • I’m somewhat worried about this “Boy” angle. Pretty weak compared to “Reek,” but alas…

  • He’ll be called Reek, but to avoid spoilers they are probably just calling him boy right now. Does anyone know what the blog site said? It seems to have been taken down, and I was very interested to see how he was definitely Ramsay from that scene.

  • This is probably the weirdest pseudonym for a character ever. Boy…sheez its not a good idea to piss of the bastard of bolton. Still I hope he’s as freakin scary as Heath Ledger in Dark Knight. I want him to be so scary that I want my kids one day to check under the beds for the bastard. Go Iwan!

  • LordEddardStark:
    He’ll be called Reek, but to avoid spoilers they are probably just calling him boy right now. Does anyone know what the blog site said? It seems to have been taken down, and I was very interested to see how he was definitely Ramsay from that scene.

    IIRC the blogger saw Theon being taken down off of a cross like structure(he was being tortured), and I’m pretty sure the blogger also said that he didn’t realize it until the casting rumour started, but he did see Iwan there in the scene too.

  • Ok, this is a very similar situation to the one with Charlotte Hope being cast as “Myranda.” Charlotte is Myranda because we know she is hot yet viewers are supposed to legitimately wonder whether Edmure’s bride will be beautiful or ugly Hence Roslin = Myranda, to avoid an inadvertent spoiler. With regards to “Boy” book readers already know that Ramsay is first introduced under the guise of an alternate identity. Thus to name him “Boy” is all but a slam dunk that his character is one whose identity is mistaken; almost certainly Ramsay. So I guess we can expect a mistaken identity angle that we thought we weren’t going to get after it didn’t happen at Winterfell in season 2.

  • Great to have confirmation!

    WiC, I noticed Charlotte Hope as Miranda is not in the cast page. Is her casting unconfirmed?

    By the way, I was just reading Asim Ahmad bio on IMDB and LOL! It’s so, so fake. Now he’s worked as a writer for Marvel Comics? I can tell for a fact that never happened. I bet even his name is invented.

  • Excellent news. I’m pleased with all the casting so far, but this is the first time they’ve used somebody I’ve suggested. Proves that dream casting *can* actually happen.

  • The Dragon Demands: Before others start ranting about how much we should fear Ramsay Snow, the Bastard of Bolton….remember: can you name a single battle the Bastard has ever won? He’s betrayed a scant two dozen ironborn to take Winterfell, he’s stabbed in the back the dregs of the North (young boys and old men) scraped together by Rodrick Cassel from the bottom of the barrel, but he *isn’t* a warrior, nor is he a leader.Any idiot can pull the wings off flies. Catching them will be another matter entirely.

    Er, you would fear him if you were in the Dreadfort dungeons

  • I am a HUGE Misfits fan, and Iwan has proven he can play creepy to a T with his portrayal of Simon. This is SO EXCITING; it’s like all of my favorite fandoms are coming together.

  • Robert,

    People who don’t give Ramsay credit are just in denial because they can’t appreciate his likability as one of the best villains of the ASoIaF series. I expect he’ll be brought to justice before the series ends, but you can’t discount some of his more brilliant maneuverings in the North.

  • Tom,

    I’m not sure “likability” is the best word for that. But yeah, he’s a fucking monster. Joffrey, he’s a monster too and if he’d lived long enough I’m sure he’d be even more monstrous. But Ramsay, he’s definitely the most detestable piece of shit in the whole series. I mean, worst thing Joffrey ever did? Kill Ed while his daughter was watching. Or strip Sansa down and beat her in public. Both pretty bad but you know, Ed died fast and Sansa healed. What does Ramsay do for fun? Find woman, hunt them like animals, rape them, flay them, hopefully after killing them. Then he names a dog after them and uses said dog to help him hunt down the next one. This isn’t even a bad day for him, it’s what he does.

  • Robert,

    Yeah, likability was the wrong word. I feel so terrible for Theon when reading his chapters in ADWD but I can’t help but be extremely fascinated by Ramsay. He’s one of my favorite characters in the series and it’s because he’s so unsettling..

  • He’s that boy from the Inn of the Kneeling man in Arya’s chapters. There was Boy and Husband there. I’m assuming this is the “boy” they are referring too. Casting Ramsay now would be silly since they won’t need him for another 2 seasons.

  • Pod4King,

    He’s not the boy from the Kneeling Inn. He’s been seen filming scenes involving Theon’s imprisonment. And the actor is too high-profile for a tiny role like the kid at the Inn.

  • *sigh*

    “Boy” is what he being cast as to avoid spoilers ie: the Boltons complicity in the sack of Winterfell and the Red Wedding. Guaranteed he is going to mess with Theon’s head and not reveal himself until moments before the Red Wedding occurs, allowing the audience to realize oh shit bad shit is going to go down. Cue the Rains of Castamere. He is Ramsay, no doubt about it. If he is not then I will happily eat crow.

  • Pod4King,

    Do you really think they are going to keep Alfie Allen out of the show for two more seasons? That’s how we lost Clive Mantle and others, hoping small bit parts can stay on just for the sake of the show. Was casting the Blackfish and the Tullys silly as well? They can only budget so much a season especially after an episode devoted entirely to an epic movie-scale battle scene. Given the Tullys’ prominence in the third book it made more sense to push them to season 3 and use that season’s budget to make a RiverRun set. As for Ramsay, see my post above, he will play a huge part dramatically in how the Red Wedding goes down for the unsullied audience.

    Sorry to rag on you but there is just this tendency to expect the novels verbatim in the series and some people are just ignorant in how adaptations are rendered that it just sets them up for disappointment. When real life interferes with the storytelling process it mucks thing ups, like Rakkaro’s actor leaving the show (most likely triggered Amrita (Irri) being written out of the story as the writers seemed to be setting them as a couple), or Conan Stevens leaving the series for the Hobbit and leaving us with Ian Whyte as Gregor Clegane. It’s a television series not a big budget Hollywood film, these things happen.

  • Pod4King,

    We are most likely getting him earlier. Alfie Allen is not just going to sit out for 2 years, and if we have Theon we need Ramsay.

  • So excited about this casting! He’s a great actor and cute as hell when he’s not being creepy and weird, but he does do creepy and weird VERY well.
    Most relevant physical feature: intense pale coloured eyes: check.
    Also liking the idea that they’ll have him start off pretending to be a servant or fellow prisoner to mess with Theon – that’d be a good way to keep the storyline going while using some of the ideas that were cut out of Season 2.

  • Not sure if it’s been said, but my guess would be that he’ll pull a sort of mixed Reek/Kyra thing: pretend to be friendly unfortunate prisoner Reek, basically, and tell Theon “Hey, let’s both escape from here together.” Theon says yeah, Ramsay says “Ha, fooled you,” horror begins.

  • Totally gutted if its Ramsey, Iwan is a great actor and I absolutley loved him in misfits, but having read ASOIAF 4 times, I can not bring myself to hate him as much as I hate the bastard of Bolton.

    lets see what he does!

  • In the book he goes around raping women and then killing them so his sidekick Reek can rape their corpses . . . people hate him.

  • The Dragon Demands,

    What you fail to realise is that, while Ramsay may not be a talented or formidable warrior, he is feared in other ways. If you read the books further, you would soon discover that (SPOILERS) he is extremely sexually violent and almost psychologically disturbed. He has methods of torture that are barbaric and SHOULD be feared.