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AJPW Real World Tag League 2002 - Tag 9 « Events Database « CAGEMATCH - The Internet Wrestling Database
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AJPW Real World Tag League 2002 - Tag 9

Name of the event: AJPW Real World Tag League 2002 - Tag 9
Date: 03.12.2002
Promotion: All Japan Pro Wrestling
Type: Event
Location: Akita, Japan
Arena: Akita Municipal Gymnasium
Attendance: 1.900
Singles Match
Tag Team Match
Tag Team Match
Real World Tag League 2002 Match
Masato Tanaka & Shinjiro Otani [8] vs. Mitsuya Nagai & Yoji Anjo [4] - Time Limit Draw (30:00)
Real World Tag League 2002 Match
Real World Tag League 2002 Match
Current Total Rating
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Average Rating: ---

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