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Australian Psychological Society : How we work
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20160711035129/http://www.psychology.org.au:80/about/governance

The Australian Branch of the British Psychological Society was formed in 1944 and was later incorporated as The Australian Psychological Society Limited in 1966, formed as a company limited by guarantee registered in the State of Victoria, Australia.

The Australian Psychological Society

  • About the APS

    The Australian Psychological Society (APS) is the premier professional organisation for
    psychologists in Australia, representing over 21,000 members. APS members are central to the Strategic Plan, and the attraction and retention of a high proportion of Australian psychologists enables a strong voice for psychology. The APS aims to sustain growth in APS membership, and following the direction provided by the Strategic Plan, work together with members to fulfil the APS mission to advance the discipline and profession of psychology for the benefit of members and the communities they serve.

    The APS brings energy and focus to a wide range of activities to advance and unite psychology as a discipline and profession, and spreads the message that psychologists make a difference to people’s lives.

  • Mission

    The APS is dedicated to advancing the discipline and profession of psychology for the benefit of our members and the communities they serve.

  • Strategic Plan 2015-17

    The APS Strategic Plan provides a broad frame of reference to guide the development of long-term objectives and goals, and the policies and plans to achieve them.

Governance structure

  • The Board, Board Committees and Board Advisory Groups

    The APS is governed by a Board. Most members of the Board are elected by the members of the APS and the Board is accountable to the membership for the successful performance and governance of the APS.

    The Board is supported by Board Committees and Advisory Groups, to assist the Board to fulfil its role and responsibilities. Members of Board Committees are appointed by the Board and may include persons who are not members of the APS but who possess skills in the area of focus of that Committee.

    Board Committees

    • Ethics
    • Finance, Investment and Audit
    • Governance                                          
    • Risk Management

    Members of Advisory Groups are also appointed by the Board after calls for expressions of interest and generally comprise members of the APS with expert knowledge in the strategic area of interest of the Advisory Group.

    APS Board Advisory Groups

    • Membership Recruitment, Retention and Engagement
    • Professional Development                                
    • Professional Practice 
    • Public Interest                                       
    • Rural, Regional and Remote
  • APS organisational structure

    The following diagram sets out the direct relationships between the APS membership, the Board, the Board Advisory bodies, the National Office and Member Groups.

  • APS Member Groups

    All members of the APS are provided with the opportunity to participate in APS Member Groups, to support members and promote the profession of psychology.

Governing rules

  • About governing rules

    The APS is a public company subject to the provisions of the Corporations Act 2001. The Constitution of the APS is the document that sets out the rules governing the activities of the APS and its members, within the requirements of the Corporations Act.

    The nature of the rules contained in the Constitution are those rules fundamental to the continued operation and smooth functioning of the APS, for example, the rules setting out how the Board will be formed, the number of Directors, the way Directors are elected and the general responsibilities of the Board in conducting the business of the APS.

    The Constitution allows for the APS to make General Rules for Member Groups, specific rules for APS Colleges and Standing Orders of the Board of Directors to supplement the rules contained in the Constitution.

  • Codes of Conduct

    The APS Codes of Conduct have been developed to assist Directors and Committee members in readily identifying their roles, responsibilities and obligations.

Annual General Meetings

  • About Annual General Meetings

    The APS holds an Annual General Meeting of members in late September or early October of each year, usually in conjunction with the APS Annual Conference. The Annual General Meeting is held in a different state or territory each year to ensure that members are provided with the best possible opportunity to participate, no matter where they may reside.

    Members of the APS holding the membership grades of Associate Member, Member, Fellow or Honorary Fellow may vote on items of business conducted at the Annual General Meeting, in person or by proxy.