DAMASCUS, SYRIA (9:30 P.M.) – Rebel forces reported new gains in Daraa on Thursday as clashes continued to embroil the Al-Manshiyah district in the southern sector of the city.

At least 11 soldiers of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) were killed today as Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) and allied Free Syrian Army (FSA) contingents overran the Salkhidi fortification, bringing roughly 80% of the Al-Manshiyah suburb under rebel control.

In comparison, the SAA controlled around 75% of Al-Manshiyah three weeks ago. This neighborhood has witnessed daily jihadist attacks, often utilizing suicide bombers, since the FSA and HTS launched a joint offensive dubbed ‘death over humiliation’ in February.


Nevertheless, elements of the SAA’s 15th Mechanized Brigade alongside the Republican Guards still maintain a foothold in the northern Al-Manshiyah sector.

Meanwhile, credible reports suggest at least a thousand SAA and Hezbollah reinforcements will arrive in Daraa shortly from Zabadani and Madaya, two rebel-held towns in rural Damascus that were restored under government control earlier this week.

Statements by joint HTS and FSA operations center regarding today’s advance:

Chris Tomson | Al-Masdar News
Chris Tomson | Al-Masdar News
Chris Tomson | Al-Masdar News
Chris Tomson | Al-Masdar News

Meanwhile, Russian airstrikes and Syrian shelling continued to target insurgent positions, hitting the suburbs of Deraa Al-Bilad, AL-Manshiyah and Tareeq Al-Sad on Thursday:

Chris Tomson | Al-Masdar News

Chris Tomson | Al-Masdar News
Chris Tomson | Al-Masdar News
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3 Comments on "Islamist rebels on the verge of capturing embattled neighborhood in Daraa city"

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Assad must stay
Assad must stay

Bad for the peace and the freedom 🙁
But please, just wait your turn 🙂
And you will also enjoy the fuck 🙂 🙂 🙂

I wonder why the fck SAA doesnt leave disguised thermobaric mines in every corner 500 mtrs around main fortifications and blast the rats once they are getting overrun a simple gas canister could with a 7kg core of TNT surrounded by diesel would burn to a crisp any living thing in 50 mtr radio, seriously I just don’t get why they don’t prepare traps when they have the upper hand in contested areas a combination of different remote controlled mines including armour piercing for VIEDs is urgently needed and it doesn’t take great cost nor expensive technology to do it
Daeshbags Sux
Rookie Mentor
Daeshbags Sux

An old phrase misses a lot : “I like the smell of napalm in the morning”
