Alemannic German and other features of language


Alemannic German



Alemannic German is a composition of very different Upper German dialects. The name derives from the ancient Germanic alliance of tribes known as the Alamanni (“all men”).

The High German language, which is spoken all over northern Germany, has similarities to the Alemannic German. Some of the differences compared to High German are verbal pronunciation and different words. The Grammar and sentence structure is the same as High German. Language experts say that Alemannic German is divided in four other Dialects, which following are Swiss German, Swabian German, Walser German and Aleman Coloniero. Of those dialects only Swabian German kept its origin place, which is Germany. All other dialects are not spoken in Germany anymore. Alemannic German is not classified as a language or dialect. Linguistic Experts have not agreed on which of the two classifications         it is, but some people think it is a language and others consider it a dialect.

Alemannic German is only spoken in Switzerland, Southern Germany, Austria, Lichtenstein, France, Italy, Venezuela (Colonia Tovar Dialect) and the USA (by some Amish groups). All over the world approximately ten million people speak Alemannic German. There is no specific population who speak the language, it was and still is spoken by all kind of social classes.

Alemannic German is not a dying language as it is spoken in a lot of countries all over the world but inside of Germany, Switzerland and Austria Alemannic German is only spoken at informal events, in business or any other higher-class job Upper German now German is the actual language spoken.


Language itself

A language is more than something spoken to communicate. Language contains information that has nothing to do with the actual language spoken; it is a code of every culture. Language carries the information about cultures behaviour, their habits and their way how they lived or still live. Scientist found a lot of information just by analysing the language of a certain culture.

If a language vanishes the whole concept of a culture goes with it. Meaning that when a language dies out, the people that spoke it forget about their own culture and they cannot keep up with the habits their old culture used to have. That is one of the reasons why linguists and other people fight for preserving a language that is extinguishing. Linguists think that when a language dies the world and its behaviour can change. In their opinion language and culture come together as one packet, a language could not exist without a culture who speaks it and the other way around too. 


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