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Audio - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
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  • PM: Full Program Audio

    Posted August 08, 2017 19:08:00

    On Tuesday's program: A free vote in Parliament on same sex marriage left waiting at the altar as the Federal Government prepares for a postal plebiscite; Victoria's Opposition Leader refers himself to the State's corruption watchdog after dining out with an alleged mobster; And a new report finds Australians don't feel any more secure despite more police on the streets and more criminals behind bars.

  • Business PM Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted August 08, 2017 18:54:00 | Updated August 08, 2017 19:00:00

    Business PM catches you up on the most important news in business and finance.

    Topics: business-economics-and-finance, australia

  • Lack of sleep is costing Australia $66 billion, says report Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted August 08, 2017 18:51:00 | Updated August 08, 2017 18:55:00

    Health experts are calling on an awareness campaign to be rolled out to better educate people on the importance of sleep, particularly children and teenagers who are most at risk due to increased screen time. A report by the Sleep Health Foundation has found millions of Australians are failing to get enough sleep and it is costing the country $66 billion.

    Topics: sleep, health, diseases-and-disorders, medical-research, australia

  • $191,000 phone bill: Man wins case against TeleChoice Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted August 08, 2017 18:47:00 | Updated August 08, 2017 18:50:00

    We all hear horror stories about huge bills from mobile roaming when travelling OS. But the Supreme Court in Victoria recently handed down its decision in a case that is jaw-dropping.

    Topics: telecommunications, business-economics-and-finance, industry, law-crime-and-justice, australia

  • Millions of Kenyans have turned out to choose a new leader in a historic poll Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted August 08, 2017 18:45:00

    The race is promising to be tight, pitting the incumbent, Uhuru Kenyatta, against veteran challenger Raila Odinga. Police are also flooding the streets to prevent the violence that has marred elections in the past while former US secretary of state is one of the international observers who've flown into the country to oversee the process is free and fair.

    Topics: world-politics, government-and-politics, elections, kenya

  • Federal Court case a possible game changer for climate risk reporting by banks Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted August 08, 2017 18:40:00

    The Commonwealth Bank's been taken to court in a world-first case to test how banks should disclose the risks they face from climate change. Lawyers from Environmental Justice Australia today filed proceedings in the Federal Court on behalf of shareholders Guy and Kim Abrahams against the bank. They're accusing the CBA of failing to adequately disclose climate change risk in the bank's 2016 annual report. If successful, the ruling could have huge implications for how companies manage their footprint on the environment.

    Topics: banking, business-economics-and-finance, industry, environmental-impact, australia

  • ACTU sees red over Ferguson's call for crackdown on union power Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted August 08, 2017 18:39:00

    Former union leader and Labor minister, Martin Ferguson, will tonight argue it's time to take industrial relations out of the policy deep freezer. Speaking on behalf of the mining industry he'll make the case for high income earners to be allowed to 'opt-out' of union-negotiated agreements and he'll call for tougher rules around union right of entry. His old allies in the union movement are seeing red.

    Topics: mining-industry, industry, australia

  • Derryn Hinch: Prove you're a sole Australian citizen or face the High Court Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted August 08, 2017 18:34:00

    Crossbencher Derryn Hinch has issued Senator Malcolm Roberts with an ultimatum. The One Nation Senator has just 24 hours to prove he's a sole Australian citizen - or he'll be referred to the High Court. Malcolm Roberts is one of several parliamentarians facing questions about holding dual citizenship, which makes them ineligible to hold office under the Constitution. Derryn Hinch now wants to make all foreign-born Senators prove they're sole Australian citizens - in a move that's being supported by the Greens.

    Topics: government-and-politics, constitution, political-parties, one-nation, australia

  • Sydney businessman and associates target of joint State-Federal drugs operations Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted August 08, 2017 18:19:00 | Updated August 08, 2017 18:38:00

    He says he's a retired nightclub consultant but Sydney businessman John Ibrahim, his family and associates have been the target of a joint State-Federal drugs operation today. Officers raided Mr Ibrahim's luxury Eastern Suburbs home along with a number of other residences in the city. And across the other side of the world, his two brothers Michael and Fadi Ibrahim were picked up by authorities in Dubai.

    Topics: law-crime-and-justice, sydney-2000, australia, nsw

  • Parliament resumes with debate on SSM, banks and inequality Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted August 08, 2017 18:17:00 | Updated August 08, 2017 19:23:00

    Labor began the first question time of the new parliamentary session by probing the Government on its latest push for a same-sex marriage plebiscite. But it quickly moved onto other issues, seizing on the AUSTRAC investigation into the Commonwealth Bank to renew calls for a royal commission into banks.

    Topics: parliament, marriage, government-and-politics, australia

  • Australia spends more on prisons and police than other comparable countries: report Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted August 08, 2017 18:15:00 | Updated August 08, 2017 18:45:00

    Australians are spending more on prisons and police than most other countries in the developed world, a new study has found. Australia spends $16 billion a year on its criminal justice system, but according to a new report by conservative think-tank, the Institute of Public Affairs, we're not getting value for money.

    Topics: crime, law-crime-and-justice, police, prisons-and-punishment, australia

  • Power company bosses summoned for an 'eyeballing' by PM, Treasurer, and Energy Minister Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted August 08, 2017 18:13:00 | Updated August 08, 2017 18:30:00

    The nation's top electricity retailers will be told tomorrow that further regulation of the industry will be an option if they don't do more to help people save money on their power bills. The power company bosses have been summoned to Canberra for what's been called an 'eyeballing' by the Prime Minister, the Treasurer, and the Energy Minister. Joining PM is Matthew Warren, the chief executive of their representative group the Australian Energy Council.

    Topics: electricity-energy-and-utilities, business-economics-and-finance, industry, australia

  • Victoria's Opposition Leader refers himself to IBAC after dining out with alleged mobster Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted August 08, 2017 18:09:00 | Updated August 08, 2017 18:10:00

    Victoria's Opposition leader Matthew Guy has referred himself to the state's anti-corruption watchdog IBAC after it emerged he had dinner with an alleged Melbourne mafia figure in May. Mr Guy is adamant he didn't know Tony Madafferi was amongst the group and denies political donations were discussed at the dinner. But Fairfax media is reporting secretly recorded phone conversations that suggest Mr Guy's office was aware of the guest list. Mr Guy is now calling for those recordings to be investigated too.

    Topics: corruption, government-and-politics, law-crime-and-justice, vic, australia

  • Research suggests people more likely to associate atheism with immorality Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted August 08, 2017 13:02:00 | Updated August 08, 2017 13:04:00

    In an age of terrorism and religious conflict, researchers have found that spirituality is still seen as a safeguard against extreme immoral acts. A study across thirteen countries suggests that people are almost twice as likely to think a serial killer, for example, is an atheist.

    Topics: atheism, australia

  • Death confronted in palliative care patient biographies Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted August 08, 2017 12:58:00 | Updated August 08, 2017 13:20:00

    It's as sure as taxes, and yet death is still a topic we really don't talk much about. Today is 'Dying To Know Day', which aims to bring to life conversations and community actions around death, dying and bereavement. But for palliative care patients and their families, it's something that's being encouraged, in a special way.

    Topics: death, healthcare-facilities, carers, australia

  • Calls for the Federal Government to implement a national framework on waste Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted August 08, 2017 12:56:00

    A waste war has erupted between New South Wales and Queensland over the transportation of hundreds of thousands of tonnes of waste across the border into the sunshine state. The Australian Council of Recycling and Queensland's Environment Minister says the Commonwealth needs to intervene, but the federal Environment Minister says the states and territories should not shirk their responsibilities in this area.

    Topics: recycling-and-waste-management, federal---state-issues, brisbane-4000, australia

  • Young Indonesian radicals drawn to Marawi to join Islamic State fight Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted August 08, 2017 12:51:00

    Indonesia's counter-terrorism agency says the nation's young radicals are continuing to be drawn to the southern Philippines with fighting in Marawi now in its third month. In an interview with the ABC, a senior official from the counter-terrorism body known as the BNPT says some Indonesians have been arrested trying to make it to Marawi, some have returned home and others have been killed. The continuing battle to take back the city is focusing the political minds of the region with Indonesia warning the Islamic State group could pose a threat elsewhere, like Myanmar.

    Topics: terrorism, islam, philippines, indonesia

  • Kenyan election: 180,000 police deployed amid fears of election violence Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted August 08, 2017 12:50:00

    It's expected to be a close race between President Uhuru Kenyatta and his rival Raila Odinga, as millions of voters will go to the polls in Kenya today. More than 180,000 thousand police have been deployed across the country, amid fears of election violence and rigging.

    Topics: elections, world-politics, kenya

  • North Korea vows retaliation against US over sanctions Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted August 08, 2017 12:49:00

    North Korea has issued a blunt new warning to the US - saying it will pay 1000 times over for imposing the toughest sanctions yet over its nuclear weapons tests. Pyongyang has vowed to teach the US a severe lesson with its nuclear strategic force. South Korea has renewed an offer to restart talks with the north - on the sidelines of a security summit in Manila. But Pyongyang has rejected the offer as insincere.

    Topics: world-politics, korea-democratic-people-s-republic-of, korea-republic-of

  • This Week In Tech: Sexism, Amazon and artificial intelligence Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted August 08, 2017 12:40:00

    The World Today's Eleanor Hall speaks with entrepreneur and technology author Steve Sammartino about this week's major technology stories.

    Topics: science-and-technology, australia

  • Manus Island refugee Hamed Shamshiripour did not commit suicide according to close friend Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted August 08, 2017 12:31:00 | Updated August 08, 2017 12:57:00

    As police in Papua New Guinea investigate the death of an Iranian refugee, Amnesty International calling the death of yet another former resident of Australia's detention centre 'heartbreaking'. The body of Hamed Shamshiripour was discovered yesterday near the Refugee Transit Centre on Manus Island. It's understood that the 31-year-old had spent the past four years in detention. Lauren Williams spoke to his friend and fellow Iranian asylum seeker on Manus island, Behrouz Boochani about Hamed's final days on the island.

    Topics: refugees, death, papua-new-guinea

  • Federal Government to ask the Senate to reconsider a gay marriage plebiscite Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted August 08, 2017 12:27:00

    The Prime Minister may have hoped he'd end the division in his party over marriage equality with yesterday' emergency meeting but the acrimonious debate looks set to drag on for months. The coalition is preparing to put the plebiscite option before the senate again before the end of the year. And if the Government then pursues its next option of a national voluntary postal vote, that could put the issue into the courts.

    Topics: marriage, canberra-2600, australia

  • Confusion at Martin Place tent city as NSW Government vows to 'take action' today Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted August 08, 2017 12:25:00

    Today was meant to be the final day for homeless people to inhabit their tent city in the heart of Sydney, opposite the Reserve Bank office. But this lunchtime, the collection of about 40 tents is still there. Last night the Lord Mayor Clover Moore said she'd struck a deal with the tent dwellers to shut the settlement down. But today there is confusion over what was agreed to and now the New South Wales Premier Gladys Berejiklian says her Government will act today.

    Topics: homelessness, local-government, states-and-territories, australia

  • How exactly are big bank executive pay packets worked out, and is it fair? Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted August 08, 2017 12:22:00

    With record low wage growth, most Australians haven't seen a decent pay rise in years, but Australian company executives are in an entirely different ballpark. Corporate governance experts have told The World Today, Australian banking executives are among the highest paid in the world. In many cases, their performance bonuses are actually bigger than their base salaries. So how are these massive pay packets worked out, and do company executive deserve their quadruple figures salaries?

    Topics: banking, work, australia

  • Ian Narev loses bonus as CBA money laundering crisis deepens Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted August 08, 2017 12:21:00 | Updated August 08, 2017 12:39:00

    Commonwealth Bank chief executive Ian Narev and his top executives will have their bonuses slashed amid allegations that the bank's intelligent teller machines were used by money launderers and criminal gangs. As the CBA's crisis escalates ahead of tomorrow's multi billion dollar profit announcement, the bank's chairman Catherine Livingstone said the executive bonuses would be cut to 'zero'. The board has expressed its confidence in Mr Narev as calls continue for his resignation or sacking.

    Topics: banking, australia