LiveLoud: the biggest Catholic Filipino worship reunion concert ever!

Remember “The Final Set” by Eraserheads in 2009? It was their 2nd reunion concert and it was the biggest concert I’ve attended… then LiveLoud happened.

EHeads was one of the most prominent Filipino band during the early 90s and their reunion concert, The Final Set, was attended by approximately 100,000 fans who longed for this historical event in OPM times – fans who desired and was excited for the most awaited reunion.

In our day and age, reunions are big things, but I think Filipinos now, long for a different kind of reunion. The kind where you don’t just see your friends and loved ones, you don’t just listen to familiar music and dance to it.

I think what we need is a reunion that will reunite us to a fellowship that is forever. Who doesn’t want that kind of reunion, right?

The 8th LiveLoud Concert felt like that – the type of reunion we all need. The biggest Catholic Filipino worship “reunion” concert ever.


 Its  the biggest not just because the event reunite tens of thousands of people, or because it led them to worship as one family, it is also big in a sense that the BIG THINGS IN LIFE were given focus:

1. The theme is an affirmation of God’s presence in every moment

The theme is #InGloriaDei (In the Glory of God) from 1 Chronicles 16:26-28, which said,

“For the gods of the nations all do nothing, but the Lord made the heavens. Splendor and majesty go before him; power and rejoicing are in his holy place. Give to the Lord, you families of nations, give to the Lord glory and might”

The theme was very genuine and timely because we celebrated the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. The theme acknowledges the presence of God in every moment and most especially in the Holy Eucharist.

2. We believed and felt the presence of one of our biggest “endorser” – Our Mother

20160528_220726She prayed. She interceded. She endorsed our prayers to God. She showered us with graces from God. During the LiveLoud concert, many prayed with Mama Mary. In the stage, the image of our Mother (Mediatrix of All Grace) looked up over her children with Jesus on the cross beside her. Why is this event great? Because we honored the Mother of our Lord Jesus. We honored the big people – the people who matter most.

3. “Victory” party before the concert

Gratitude is an antidote to fear and distrust. Giving thanks to God together with thousands of hope-filled youth is one of the highlights of this event. We rejoiced, prayed and gave thanks to God during the Mass.

I think for this reunion, it was fitting that we began by giving thanks. For everything that He allowed us to experience, yes, including those “not so good” things that happened.

There will always be many reasons to give thanks. Victory will always be in us if we seek His kingdom first – so even before the whole thing happened we were already claiming victory and giving due to God the appreciation He deserves.

After the reunion, many were filled with hope, love and mercy through there own way of rejoicing, praying and giving thanks. That is the work of the Church, to be the center of our oneness and provide assurance of the presence of God in every moment and especially in the Eucharist (thanksgiving).

Indeed, the 8th year of LiveLoud deserves to be called the “biggest Catholic Filipino worship reunion concert ever.”

We invite you next year, join us and be amazed at what the 9th LiveLoud will offer. See you! (Written by: Mike Laxina)

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