Credit Services

Helping organisations around the world lend responsibly, more fairly and quickly to people and businesses

Helping businesses and organisations make smarter, faster decisions

Can this customer afford the loan they’re asking for? Are they able to pay it back? Is this loan appropriate for them? Organisations have always needed to answer these questions – and to do so correctly, fairly and responsibly. And today, with more information to better understand their customers’ financial behaviour, they can also answer them quickly.  

We help businesses answer these questions by building a clear picture of their customers’ credit history. We collect and analyse the credit histories of over one billion people and businesses – sorting through information about the credit they applied for, whether or not their applications were successful, and how they paid the credit back. We turn this information into a credit report.  

These credit reports are used by businesses to help calculate credit scores and make decisions about lending and the terms on which to lend. We also help people see their own credit report online, through our Consumer Services activities, to help people understand their finances, and take control of their credit.

“Perhaps most important, credit reporting allows borrowers to build a credit history and to use this ‘reputational collateral’ to access formal credit outside established lending relationships.”
World Bank

Helping life run smoothly every day

In our 32 credit information bureaus across the world, from India to Australia, from the US to Brazil, we create millions of credit reports every day. This means that tens of millions of decisions are made every day, by banks and lenders, and by healthcare providers and retailers. This means millions of people and businesses are closer to getting the loan they need at a rate they can afford.

Credit Services contributes 50%* to our global revenue

*We calculated this from April 2015-March 2016.