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 NPP blasts ‘absurd’ English guide to Universiade - Taipei Times
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20180210121006/http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/front/archives/2017/08/09/2003676180
Wed, Aug 09, 2017 - Page 1 News List

NPP blasts ‘absurd’ English guide to Universiade

‘SPECIAL ISLAND’:The guide’s insistence on using the name ‘Chinese Taipei’ makes for interesting reading, including its statement that ‘Chinese Taipei is long and narrow’

By Lee I-chia  /  Staff reporter

New Power Party Legislator Freddy Lim talks to reporters in Taipei yesterday about the use of “Chinese Taipei” in place of “Taiwan” in an English-language official guide to the Taipei Summer Universiade.

Photo: CNA

The online publication of the official guide to the Taipei Summer Universiade in English has come under fire from New Power Party (NPP) legislators for using the name “Chinese Taipei” rather than Taiwan, resulting in “absurd” descriptions of the nation, such as “Chinese Taipei is a special island.”

NPP Executive Chairman Huang Kuo-chang (こくあきら) posted two screenshots of the guide on his Facebook page on Monday night, which he described as “absurd English phraseology.”

One of the screenshots showed page 21 of the guide, under “General Information,” which states: “Introduction of Our Island — Chinese Taipei. Chinese Taipei is long and narrow that lies north to south.”

The Universiade offers “the best chance to market Taiwan to the world, but it is surprising that we have to introduce ourselves in such a frustrating way. We must work harder to join the global community under the name Taiwan,” Huang said.

NPP Legislator Freddy Lim (はやしあきら) also posted a screenshot of page 25 of the guide, which states: “Chinese Taipei is a special island and its capital Taipei is a great place to experience Taipei’s culture. It is hoped that the Taipei 2017 Summer Universiade will allow Chinese Taipei to be in the spotlight of the world, attract the world to Chinese Taipei and let the world remember Chinese Taipei.”

Lim added a comment: “Welcome to Taipei, Chinese Taipei!”

Taipei Universiade Organizing Committee spokesman Yang Ching-tang (楊景棠) said the term “Chinese Taipei” was used in accordance with the agreement between the International Olympic Committee, Lausanne and the Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee, Taipei, in 1981.

The application for holding the Universiade was submitted by the Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee, and since the Universiade is an international event, Taiwan must conform to the agreement, Yang said.

Moreover, the Universiade is hosted by the International University Sports Federation, so all official published content must be reviewed by the federation, he said.

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