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HFSmas Nutcracker 2000 Review | The FADER
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20180223152103/http://www.thefader.com/2000/12/14/hfsmas-nutcracker-2000-review

HFSmas Nutcracker 2000 Review

December 13th, the closest the show date has ever been to the Holidays, created an extra special seasonal feel in the air. The show kicked off with the stylings of Baltimoreís DJ Who, who was followed by Lifehouse, Good Charlotte, Fuel , Moby and Green Day. A winter storm warning had about as much effect as a dimpled chad, as every act received a great response from the sold out crowd. Mike Fink, Promotions Firecracker at WHFS shares his after show thoughts of the HFSmas Nutcracker 2000.

The show went so smoothly, I got to spend most of it as a spectator with my personal show highlight coming during Good Charlotteís set. It was only fitting that with the Beatlemania-like response they received from the girls, they covered "A Hard Days Night", the tightest song in the performance from hometown heroes. GC ventured out to the HFS booth for a meet 'n' greet after their set with a line that wrapped around the entire building. Mobyís set kept everyone dancing, and laughing with his one liners, before the night came to a blistering end with Green Day unleashing hit after hit in their "f-cking punk rock" show to quote Mr. Armstrong on stage.

Find more amazing pictures from the show on the WHFS site - www.whfs.com. Did someone say time for HFStival 2001? Happy Holidays.

Source: milk@whfs.com

HFSmas Nutcracker 2000 Review