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Gayle McLaughlin Endorsement - DSA-LA
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20180508150703/http://www.dsa-la.org:80/gayle_mclaughlin_endorsement
  • Electoral Politics Committee Proposal to Endorse Gayle McLaughlin for Lt. Governor

  • Candidate questionnaire completed by Gayle McLaughlin

  • Endorsement Timeline

Gayle McLaughlin Endorsement Timeline

Voting starts on December 23 and ends on January 2. Continue reading

Submit An Endorsement Statement

Do you think DSA-LA should endorse Gayle McLaughlin? Let us know what you think. Continue reading

I believe Gayle McLaughlin is for The People

Position: Support McLaughlin is a progressive problem-solver, committed to single payer and social justice. I heard Gayle McLaughlin speak of her accomplishments as Mayor. She was instrumental in coordinating with law enforcement to more actively educate and rehabilitate convicted criminals.  She is dedicated to smart solutions to climate change, our healthcare crisis, and social justice. Continue reading

Support McLaughlin

Position: Support I find myself with only one progressive option in the California Lieutenant Governor race: Gayle McLaughlin. She has quite the record on both environmental justice and being pro-people, which is why I'll throw my support behind her. Continue reading

McLaughlin must become a name that all of CA knows

Position: Support McLaughlin is a strong progressive voice from a party beyond the reach of corporate interest. She spearheaded many strong oppositions to big business, banks, and corruption. She maintains a strong inclusive and progressive team which allows many strong voices to be heard. The only issue is she has little name recognition throughout the state and that is a crime. We need bold decisive leadership, we need McLaughlin to lead CA in a progressive wave of strength, but most importantly we need her name to be known as a staple of strength for progressives, for greens, and for the DSA. Therefore I believe we should cast our support behind McLaughlin. Continue reading

Support with a few reservations

Position: Support Generally speaking, Gayle McLaughlin is a strong left-leaning candidate.  Her general vision for the state seems to be very much in line with Democratic Socialist goals.  However, I have some slight reservations regarding a couple of topics raised during the Q&A during the December meeting. Continue reading

Her track record in Richmond, CA sounds outstanding

Position: Support I read about two paragraphs of the article on Wikipedia, and I was convinced! Anyone who would travel that far to speak to a group with "socialist" in its name gets my vote. Continue reading

The Gayle McLaughlin campaign will help build the Richmond Progressive Alliance model of political organization state-wide

Position: Support There are many reasons to support Gayle McLaughlin's campaign for Lt. Governor. Of course she has an outstanding program of social reform which democratic socialists across the spectrum should be proud to support, but beyond that what is most significant about Gayle’s campaign strategy is its effort to take the Richmond Progressive Alliance organizational model state-wide. Continue reading

DSA and Gayle McLaughlin align in values

Position: Support DSA and Gayle McLaughlin align in values. Also, she has a successful history of organizing and committing to her values. Continue reading