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Domino's: "You Got 30 Minutes" Not A Guarantee But A "Challenge" To Customers – Consumerist
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20180612140009/https://consumerist.com/2010/04/25/dominos-you-got-30-minutes-not-a-guarantee-but-a-challenge-to-customers/

Domino's: "You Got 30 Minutes" Not A Guarantee But A "Challenge" To Customers

Reader W. sends in an awkward sign that he saw behind the counter at Domino’s. It instructs delivery people on how to deal with a customer that thinks the “You Got 30 Minutes” slogan means that Domino’s has a delivery guarantee. They don’t, of course, because making pizza delivery people drive like crazy to make a deadline is unsafe. Instead, they explain that the slogan is a “challenge not for us, but for our CUSTOMERS. A challenge for them to be ready. A challenge for them to be hone in time. A challenge to be fully dressed.”

Here’s the sign. We would like to suggest that the idea that the phrase “You Got 30 Minutes” could be interpreted by anyone as instructions to make sure your pants are on in 30 minutes is a little silly, but we can also understand how important pants are in this situation:
4-25-2010 12-01-24 PM.jpg

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