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Premier Mark McGowan’s shark plan not enough to protect us | The West Australian
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20180909155357/https://thewest.com.au/news/sharks/premier-mark-mcgowans-shark-plan-not-enough-to-protect-us-ng-b88448984z

Premier Mark McGowan’s shark plan not enough to protect us

Daniel MercerThe West Australian
Email Icon Daniel Mercer
VideoThe McGowan government does not believe culling sharks is the answer

Labor was undoubtedly hoping it would not be faced with the vexed issue of shark attacks and what to do about them barely one month into office.

But that is the reality for Premier Mark McGowan after the death of teenager Laeticia Brouwer, killed while surfing with her father near Esperance as her family watched from the beach.

Judging by the response of Fisheries Minister David Kelly yesterday, Mr McGowan has his work cut out convincing the public the Government has a serious plan to keep it safe.

Mr Kelly dismissed any suggestion his department should deploy drum lines in the wake of Monday’s tragedy.

Crucially, he made plain the Government would end the previous government’s serious-threat policy, which allowed big sharks to be caught and killed if they were considered a risk to the public.

Instead, Mr Kelly said he would focus on a policy of subsidising personal shark deterrents for surfers and divers — the groups the Government says are most at risk.

But when pressed on when he would roll out the policy, the Minister was vague.

In any case, Labor has only committed to providing $200,000 for the subsidies, which, at $200 each, will pay for 1000 deterrents.

That seems hardly enough, considering there are thousands of people who surf and dive off WA each year.

From the safety of Opposition, Labor sided with those groups who were against killing sharks for any reason, no doubt at least partly motivated by a desire for votes.

Yet opposing from the sidelines is a very different proposition to being in charge.

On that basis, the Government’s response so far to a life-and-death threat off our coast is token at best.