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Republican Study Committee |
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Nov 20, 2018

WASHINGTON - Republican Study Committee Chairman Mark Walker released the following statement urging inclusion of work requirements in the Farm Bill:

“Americans and President Trump overwhelmingly support work requirements. Leading on this issue might seem tough, but so is being trapped in poverty. It’s time to show we truly care, and that means keeping the strong House-passed work requirements that bring hope and opportunity in the Farm Bill.”

Background: Last July, RSC Chairman Mark Walker and Republican Main Street Caucus Chairman Rodney Davis wrote together in the Washington Examiner of the need to include work requirements in the Farm Bill. In a poll, 87% of RSC members said they would oppose any conferenced Farm Bill that did not include strong work requirements.

Nov 16, 2018

WASHINGTON- Republican Study Committee Chairman Mark Walker released the following statement congratulating Rep. Mike Johnson on his election as chairman of the Republican Study Committee:

“With Democrats in control of the House in the next Congress, a strong conservative voice is more important than ever. To regain the majority, Republicans need to be the party of ideas and conservatives at the RSC have always been the nexus of those ideas. Mike has my complete confidence to lead that effort and oppose the worst that Democrats throw at us. I’m excited to see Mike’s leadership over the next two years of his term.”

Sep 28, 2018

Washington - Republican Study Committee Chairman Mark Walker released the following statement upon passage of  Tax Reform 2.0:

“Since Republicans passed tax reform, our economy has broken record after record. Middle class income stands at an all-time high. Unemployment is now at record lows. Manufacturing output is approaching record levels. Tax Reform 2.0 doubles down on the policies that brought us these records and will usher in even more economic growth."

Sep 26, 2018

Washington - Republican Study Committee Chairman Mark Walker released the following statement upon passage of the Defense and Labor-HHS-Education appropriations and continuing resolution package:

“While it is important to fund the government, it needs to be done so in a way that puts America on a sustainable fiscal trajectory and reflects that Republicans control both chambers of Congress. Although it is essential to provide timely resources for our national defense, this $854 billion package accomplishes neither goal and continues to diminish the American dream for our children. Looking ahead to the December funding deadline, I hope that we reexamine the process that got us here and change it so that Congress can deliver policies we promised the American people.”

Sep 13, 2018

Washington, DC - Republican Study Committee Chairman Mark Walker released the following statement on Defense and Labor-HHS-Education appropriations:

"Coming off the conference report of the last minibus, House Republican priorities were shut out across the board. In the next round of appropriations, conservatives are looking for the conferenced legislation to reflect conservative policy riders such as the ones in the House bill. Unless this is done, many of our members will find it difficult to support this funding.”

Jun 26, 2018

Washington - The Steering Committee of the Republican Study Committee released the following statement as the Farm Bill is expected to be voted on by the Senate:

“As the Senate considers passage of the Farm Bill, they should include the work and job training requirements as passed in the House version. Work and job training requirements will break countless men and women from the cycle of poverty. These requirements are about hope, not judgement. We do not want any American to say they never had a chance to succeed. For this reason, many House conservatives will not consider any conferenced version of the Farm Bill that does not include beneficial work and job training reforms to SNAP.”

Background: The White House transmitted the following Statement of Administration Policy on the Farm Bill to Congress:

“The bill misses key opportunities to reform the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Most notably, the bill does not strengthen work requirements for able-bodied working age adults. The bill also fails to close eligibility loopholes and target benefits to the neediest households as proposed in the President’s Budgets for FY 2018 and FY 2019. It also fails to better align SNAP Employment and Training with other Federal workforce programs.”

Jun 7, 2018

Washington - Republican Study Committee Chairman Mark Walker released the following statement praising the passage of spending rescissions in the House of Representatives:

“One thing I’ve learned in Washington is that politicians like unspent money to be held in bloated government accounts so they can use it later as a way to expand the size of government, hiding it from their constituents. Today, we say no more and that unspent government money should be returned to the taxpayers. This rescission package, a procedure used by Republican and Democratic administrations, represents the largest use of this tool to cut wasteful spending in history.

“At the Republican Study Committee, we have been working with the Office of Management and Budget on these spending cuts since last Fall. I am glad that those conversations led to some tangible results.”

May 22, 2018

Washington - Republican Study Committee Chairman Mark Walker release the following statement praising passage of the FIRST STEP Act (H.R. 5682):

“America’s prison system routinely turns low level offenders into hardened, repeat offenders. The FIRST STEP Act takes important steps to reverse this trend by expanding education and job training opportunities for prisoners, offering them a much-needed hand up to once again become productive members of society. Justice is not the same as heavy-handedness. The American story is a history of second chances, that’s why we must always ensure that after debts are paid, the path to redemption is paved.”