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BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:30 P.M.) – The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has made huge strides in the eastern suburbs of Damascus these past couple of weeks, capturing several sites that were once impregnable in Jobar.

Led by the elite 42nd Brigade (Ghiath Forces) of the 4th Mechanized Division, the Syrian Arab Army broke-through Faylaq Al-Rahman’s defenses this morning at the Al-Manasher Roundabout, seizing the entire area, including the Al-Arab Neighborhood.

Not only is the Al-Manasher Roundabout large, but it is also one of the most important areas that was under the control of the Islamist rebels.

With Al-Manasher under their control, the Syrian military will now shift their attention to the Tayba District, where they were originally engaged in intense urban warfare with the Islamist rebels of Faylaq Al-Rahman.

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Maz Man
Maz Man

Surround the f*ckers and kill anyone one of them retreating!

lawmann josto
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absolutely great.Well done SAA and allies!!