Definition of choline in English:



mass nounBiochemistry
  • A strongly basic compound important in the synthesis and transport of lipids in the body.

    Chemical formula: HON(CH₃)₃CH₂CH₂OH

    • ‘Found in various forms throughout the body, choline, a member of the vitamin B complex family, is involved in the creation of cell membranes.’
    • ‘Inside our bodies, the B vitamins folate and choline work in a delicate balance.’
    • ‘Betaine is produced in the body by oxidation of choline, another trimethylated, methyl-donating compound.’
    • ‘It is the main functional constituent of the natural surfactants, and the body's foremost reservoir of choline, an essential nutrient.’
    • ‘In spinach and sugar beet the enzymes responsible for converting choline into betaine have been characterized, and the corresponding genes cloned and sequenced.’


Mid 19th century coined in German from Greek kholē ‘bile’.



/ˈkəʊliːn/ /ˈkəʊlɪn/