The 16th Presidential


Zachary Taylor

March 05, 1849



‘Elected by the American people to the highest office known to our laws, I appear here to take the oath prescribed by the Constitution, and, in compliance with a time-honored custom, to address those who are now assembled.’

Presidential Oath of Office

Administered to Zachary Taylor by the Honorable Roger B. Taney, Chief Justice of the United States.

Vice Presidential Oath of Office

Administered to Millard Fillmore.

Facts, Firsts &


  • March 4, 1849 fell on a Sunday, so following precedent, Taylor was Inaugurated the next day, Monday, March 5, 1849.

  • Three Inaugural balls were held that evening, and Taylor attended all of them.

East Portico, U.S. Capitol
Washington, DC
Cloudy with snow flurries. Heavy snow began during the Inaugural ball. Estimated noon temperature of 42°F.