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Strange & Offbeat News -- ScienceDaily
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Strange & Offbeat News
April 22, 2020

Top Headlines

What scientists thought was a planet beyond our solar system has 'vanished.' Though this happens to sci-fi worlds, scientists seek a more plausible explanation. One ... read more
Astronomers have shown that clusters of supernovas can cause the birth of scattered, eccentrically orbiting suns in outer stellar halos, upending commonly held notions of how ... read more
Using magnetic nanoparticles, scientists stimulate the adrenal gland in rodents to control release of hormones linked ... read more
Observations have revealed for the first time that a star orbiting the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky ... read more
Latest Headlines
updated 8:48am EDT

Earlier Headlines

Untwisting Plastics for Charging Internet-of-Things Devices

Scientists are unraveling the properties of electricity-conducting plastics so they can be used in future energy-harvesting ... read more

What Is an Individual? Information Theory May Provide the Answer

Despite the near-universal assumption of individuality in biology, there is little agreement about what individuals are and few rigorous quantitative methods for their identification. A new approach ... read more

Lung-Heart Super Sensor on a Chip Tinier Than a Ladybug

This Lilliputian chip's detection bandwidth is enormous -- from sweeping body motions to faint sounds of the heartbeat, pulse waves traversing body tissues, respiration rate, and lung ... read more

Biomechanics of Skin Can Perform Useful Tactile Computations

As our body's largest and most prominent organ, the skin also provides one of our most fundamental connections to the world around us. From the moment we're born, it is intimately involved ... read more

Journey to the Center of the Earth

In an effort to investigate conditions found at the Earth's molten outer core, researchers successfully determined the density of liquid iron and sound propagation speed through it at extremely ... read more

New data throws more support behind the theory that neutrinos are the reason the universe is dominated by ... read more

Pterosaurs and Other Fossil Flyers to Better Engineer Human-Made Flight

Pterosaurs were the largest animals ever to fly. They soared the skies for 160 million years -- much longer than any species of modern bird. Despite their aeronautic excellence, these ancient flyers ... read more

Speeding-Up Quantum Computing Using Giant Atomic Ions

Researchers have found a new way to speed up quantum computing that could pave the way for huge leaps forward in computer processing ... read more

New Textile Could Keep You Cool in the Heat, Warm in the Cold

Imagine a single garment that could adapt to changing weather conditions, keeping its wearer cool in the heat of midday but warm when an evening storm blows in. In addition to wearing it outdoors, ... read more

Improving the Treatment of Periodontitis

For the first time, researchers have shown that a unicellular parasite commonly found in the mouth plays a role in both severe tissue inflammation and tissue ... read more

Satellite Galaxies of the Milky Way Help Test Dark Matter Theory

Physicists report tiny satellite galaxies of the Milky Way can be used to test fundamental properties of 'dark matter' -- nonluminous material thought to constitute 85% of matter in the ... read more

Why the Solar Wind Is Hotter Than Expected

When the sun expels plasma, the solar wind cools as it expands through space -- but not as much as the laws of physics would predict. Physicists now know the ... read more

Long Spaceflights Affect Astronaut Brain Volume

Extended periods in space have long been known to cause vision problems in astronauts. Now a new study suggests that the impact of long-duration space travel is more far-reaching, potentially causing ... read more

Cosmic Tempest: Astronomers Detect Most Energetic Outflow from a Distant Quasar

Researchers have detected the most energetic wind from any quasar ever measured. This outflow, traveling at nearly 13 percent of the speed of light, carries enough energy to dramatically impact star ... read more

Researchers have discovered a key insight for the development of quantum devices and quantum computers. Scientists found that a class of particles known as bosons can behave as an opposite class of ... read more

Puzzle of Compton Scattering Solved: New Approach for Testing Theories in Quantum Mechanics

Light can be used to knock electrons out of atoms, with light particles and electrons bouncing off each other like two billiard balls - Compton scattering. Why electrons can even be ejected from an ... read more

Molecules in tarantula venom could be used as an alternative to opioid pain killers for people seeking chronic pain ... read more

Since its discovery in 2017, an air of mystery has surrounded the first known interstellar object to visit our solar system, an elongated, cigar-shaped body named 'Oumuamua. How was it formed, ... read more

When Fathers Are Pregnant

Reproduction is still one of the greatest mysteries in nature. Pregnancies are usually carried out by the female sex. Only in pipefishes and seahorses males are the pregnant sex. An international ... read more

A supernova at least twice as bright and energetic, and likely much more massive than any yet recorded has been identified by an international team of ... read more

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