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Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts for Xbox 360 Reviews - Metacritic
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Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 71 Critic Reviews What's this?

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Mixed or average reviews- based on 354 Ratings

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  • Summary: Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts embraces new and old fans alike, as the famous bear and bird duo return in high definition for a unique adventure of epic proportions. The Lord of the Games (aka LOG) is tired of the petty squabbling between Banjo and the evil witch Gruntilda (aka Grunty) over theBanjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts embraces new and old fans alike, as the famous bear and bird duo return in high definition for a unique adventure of epic proportions. The Lord of the Games (aka LOG) is tired of the petty squabbling between Banjo and the evil witch Gruntilda (aka Grunty) over the years, and has arranged a showdown to decide the rightful owner of Spiral Mountain. Claiming to have created every video game ever made, LOG has built the game worlds in which the contest's challenges take place. Banjo must complete LOG's challenges to win, while Grunty tries to stop him using every method her devious mind can muster. Throughout their adventure, players create their own abilities by building vehicles for Banjo to pilot over land, water and air. Vehicle parts, which range from simple devices such as engines and wheels to more unusual equipment such as springs and egg guns, are earned and collected throughout the game. Players use their imagination to combine parts in any order to create whatever vehicle they choose. LOG's challenges have one goal, but players' choice of vehicle and tactics determine how they get there. By exploring worlds and solving puzzles, players both young and old are rewarded with more advanced and diverse vehicle parts in their quest to defeat Grunty once and for all. You can play through the adventure alone in the single-player campaign, or play with friends in competitive or cooperative challenges on your own or in teams. [Microsoft] Expand
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 52 out of 71
  2. Negative: 0 out of 71
  1. And even after spending nearly 20 hours amassing enough jiggies to take down the final boss, I'm compelled to get back in there and keep playing new missions, unlocking new vehicle parts, and exploring more of the game's beautiful world. I had no affection whatsoever for the Banjo-Kazooie franchise or characters going into Nuts & Bolts, but its list of great qualities quietly won me over to make it one of my favorite Xbox 360 games of the year.
  2. The story's specific games and challenges are not always innovative, and some can get darn right repetitive and frustrating, especially if you can't quite beat the clock. But the ability to craft mind-blowing vehicles provides an endlessly addictive experience that'll keep this title in your 360 longer than it probably has a right to be there.
  3. An excellent vehicle creator and a variety of fun missions make Banjo's return to gaming a blast.
  4. 80
    Decidedly low on platforming and high on the fumes of self-deprecating humor, Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts is a playful addition to the series - though perhaps not what fans were clamoring for.
  5. 80
    Nuts & Bolts has solid single player, but multiplayer has even more potential, making this Banjo-Kazooie game worth a buy.
  6. 75
    It's a shame that the game falls into some decidedly old-school design traps, but there's still plenty of fun to be had here.
  7. 50
    Banjo is what you get when you put a lavish coat of polish on nothing: A beautiful, funny game with a clever concept that is utterly lacking in fundamentals.

See all 71 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 40 out of 86
  2. Negative: 28 out of 86
  1. PJForce
    Dec 13, 2008
    its one of those games that the more creative and imaginative you are the more you get out of it, there is absolutly nothing like it on theits one of those games that the more creative and imaginative you are the more you get out of it, there is absolutly nothing like it on the market, aswome graphics and sound. one of I my favourite 360 games, I was so bored with gears of war linear passive enterntainment, be warned though you need to engage you brain on this one. Expand
  2. Nick
    Dec 2, 2008
    This is the most underrated game of the last quarter of 2008!!! I wasn't planning on getting this game (with cod4, gow2, Fallout3 and This is the most underrated game of the last quarter of 2008!!! I wasn't planning on getting this game (with cod4, gow2, Fallout3 and Left 4 dead, surely i wouldn't need any more new releases) but after renting it for a night; i went and bought it the next day!! This is the future of platforming games!! My only gripe is that its too hard to get a game on xbox live, but I'm not too concerned as single player is way too consuming at the moment!! This game is back to Rare's old standards! Love it! Expand
  3. Nov 18, 2013
    This is a really good sandbox builder game for a bargain price. It's worth anyone's time. The only reason why people hate it is because theThis is a really good sandbox builder game for a bargain price. It's worth anyone's time. The only reason why people hate it is because the name banjo kazooie on the box. Sure, it's nothing like the n64 classics, but the game doesn't hide that fact, and practically says right up front, "hey, we're sorry this isn't like the games you used to love, but those game don't sell like they used too, so we gave you this, and threw in all this great nostalgia to make it more fun."

    I can hardly fault this game, which was only $40 when it came out(it's less than $10 anywhere now). There's lots of single player gameplay, and even a full featured online experience. So you can mess with your wild creations alone or with your friends. Even if you don't want to take the time to create your own vehicles, the game gives you stock builds to use in the challenges. They aren't perfect for the job, but they are convenient, and get the job done, which is the point.

    This is an underrated, and under-appreciated gem. At less than $10, if you see it, you should buy it.
  4. Apr 8, 2016
    Banjo-kazooie nuts and bolts interesting game with good grqphics for 2008 . One of the best platformer games on Xbox 360 . Banjo-KazooieBanjo-kazooie nuts and bolts interesting game with good grqphics for 2008 . One of the best platformer games on Xbox 360 . Banjo-Kazooie series not big , but very interesting , awesome and amazing series . Good game and good series . 7/10 game and 8/10 series . Expand
  5. May 25, 2016
    Well, with Nuts & Bolts, you might say... Banjo-Kazooie has jumped the platform. That's what happens when you lead Rare to Microsoft. I lovedWell, with Nuts & Bolts, you might say... Banjo-Kazooie has jumped the platform. That's what happens when you lead Rare to Microsoft. I loved it when they were working for Nintendo. Expand
  6. Sep 26, 2013
    Betrayals to their predecessors

    the game was formerly gamecube that was postponed to xbox 360, the game that "supposedly" is the direct
    Betrayals to their predecessors

    the game was formerly gamecube that was postponed to xbox 360, the game that "supposedly" is the direct sequel to Banjo-tooie much betrayed his predecessors in large part because of the following, you have to see the vehicles with banjo and kazooie?, you have to see the improvements and demases with banjo?, no movement, no attacks together or separately, realemnte happened with banjo-theerie ie us analyze the points

    - Supposedly the saga banjo kazooie is of platforms, but not vehicles, ie considering the whole vehicle is pure jeugo are few times when you do it on foot.

    - The characters are not what they were like before, each character once had a job but not matched, each head in a wrong position to the extreme.

    - The music is the only thing for people who actually played the game or two anteriomente deliveries will know that the legendary composer Grant Kirkhope will know it is their talent in the melodies in Rareware games were glorious and they still are but not with pint the game that was born in their roots fed back

    - Maybe for some eprsoans gameplay that did not play the two deliveries would say that this would be good but not haci, for my car is using looks good, you can give to the car arta creativity among other things, but profane much that was really banjo-kazooie....
  7. Apr 17, 2020
    Les jeux Rare sont rarement bons et souvent très mauvais ! ainsi, ce nouveau Banjo gogol en est-il une nouvelle preuve à verser au dossier desLes jeux Rare sont rarement bons et souvent très mauvais ! ainsi, ce nouveau Banjo gogol en est-il une nouvelle preuve à verser au dossier des daubes démoulées par Rare, fournisseur de jeux gogols pour enfants en bas âge, chiards atteints de mongolite chronique, pré-ados attardés, ados drogués et défoncés à la mauvaise herbe pakistanaise et enfin, adulescents éternellement attardés ainsi qu'étudiants de gauche en histoire de l'art et en cinéma-télérama.

    Voilà, on a fait le tour à peu près, je crois, vive Rare et ses sales jeux de merde à gogols ! et ses univers mongolos à golios mongoloïdes, ses personnages qui parlent uniquement le langage mongolo-mongoloïde-mongolito, son gameplay (hein, où ça ?) directum sorti du fion, ses couleurs criardes qui font s'émerdveiller les **** enfants un peu autistes... et tout ça en caca euh en 4K sur ta Xbox One ! sur la version X plus précisément. Jamais vu un tas de merde aussi gros : en 4 K le tas de merde, bah putain !

See all 86 User Reviews