The Mafia in Havana: A Caribbean Mob Story

Front Cover
Ocean Press, 2004 - History - 177 pages
A dramatic account of the pre-revolution era in Cuba, describing the culture of casinos, cabarets and drugs on an island frequented by Hollywood celebrities and infamous Mafia bosses. Mafia in Cuba is a tale of corruption and organized crime, where politicians are sold to the highest bidder and where real power lies with the Mafia and other U.S. interests. It describes a Havana dominated by drug trafficking, gambling and prostitution. A highly readable but rigorous study of a fascinating period of history from 1934 to 1958, this book uses both Cuban and U.S. sources to document the intertwined relationships between Washington, the Mafia and the pre-revolution governments in Cuba.

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The Mafia in Havana: a Caribbean mob story

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Cuban novelist Cirules has ventured into the world of nonfiction with this book, which won the 1993 Casa de las Amricas Prize for Latin American literature and the Critics' Prize in 1994. An in-depth ... Read full review

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