Meaning of seicento in English:


Pronunciation /seɪˈtʃɛntəʊ/


mass noun, often as modifier
  • The style of Italian art and literature of the 17th century.

    ‘Florentine seicento painting’
    • ‘With the neo-Venetian revival of the early seicento, artists and critics participated in various ways in the reinvigoration of Venetian style.’
    • ‘This is hardly a fair summary of the Italian seicento but it is the standard Protestant idea of Counter-Reformation Italy in his day and later.’
    • ‘Boschi, who trained with Passignano in the late 1580s, is known today principally to specialists, but he enjoyed a considerable degree of popularity in the early seicento.’
    • ‘David Freedberg argued that the first quarter of the seicento witnessed an intense curiosity about optical devices such as telescopes and microscopes.’
    • ‘These discoveries about the earliest form of genre painting in Italy open up the topic of realism in the seicento to further scrutiny.’


Italian, ‘600’, shortened from mille seicento ‘1600’, used with reference to the years 1600–99.