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Sacrifice and big promises
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Sacrifice and big promises

Published on: 10/12/2008

One of the most interesting questions at last week’s debate was from a woman asking what sacrifices John McCain and Barack Obama would ask of Americans “to get out of the economic morass.”

The questioner alluded to World War II, the hallmark usually cited by people miffed that the war on terror doesn’t involve meatless days. Of course, our troops do not lack for meat and, what with blue bins, every day’s a mandatory scrap-metal drive, so WW II’s hardly a relevant template.

McCain’s answer, then, was encouragingly blunt: “There are some programs we may have to eliminate.”

The federal budget has become a $2.9 trillion buffet with delicacies for everyone — the nonpartisan Tax Foundation last year estimated that 67% of American households are treated to more in government spending than they ever pay in taxes. If you’re talking shared sacrifice, the only realistic starting point is government spending.

Obama, meanwhile, said that maybe you should get a higher-mileage car. Any ex-Hummer dealer could tell you that most people did that without Obama’s help.

Then Obama went on to say this shared sacrifice would entail a tax cut for 95% of us.

Bluntly: No. First, it’s not a tax cut if you’re already paying nothing, net, to the feds, as 40% of households do. It’s a refundable credit, which means Uncle Sam takes money from someone else and gives it to you. The old-fashioned word for this is “welfare.”

More practically, you’re not going to get even that. The nonpartisan U.S. Budget Watch calculates that Obama has proposed $990 billion in new spending for his first term. The equally nonpartisan National Taxpayers Union pegs Obama’s promises at $293 billion a year, three times its estimate for McCain. None of this accounts for the cost of rescuing our economy. So, no, 95% of us won’t get a nicer cut of federal pelf.

Either most of us will pay much more in taxes or we’ll agree to give up some federal treats. McCain, to his credit, at least cited specifics: spending on military hardware and ethanol subsidies. Obama, when asked at the first debate what ambitions he’d trim, instead listed programs we absolutely had to spend more on, such as solar-panel subsidies and broadband lines to small towns — you know, essentials.

He does say he’ll save a bundle by pulling our troops out of Iraq. So does McCain, now that the war’s already wrapping up. Other than that, however, Obama plainly has no stomach for spending less. Asked again about fixing the economy, Obama turned again to “the revenue side,” as he always does. McCain’s urge to cut spending may be naïve, but Obama’s relationship with the federal budget is a mad, wanton love, utterly unresisting. With a Democratic Congress, this passion will have no limit.

Mind you, if Obama really could give 95% of us the shared sacrifice of someone else’s money, I’d personally make out like a bandit. Well, until it transpired that what he was taxing were all the productive businesses keeping the economy afloat.

But imagine for a moment that jacking up taxes on businesses in a recession isn’t suicidal, that you really can get money for nothing from D.C. I don’t know about you, but I have a problem with passing on to my kids a country where the expectation is that, in government, most people will get and few people will pay. I don’t think a net-recipient society is a healthy one.

I’ll leave details of rescue plans to the economists. But if we’re talking sacrifice to get out of this morass, maybe we can look at the something-for-nothing ethic that drove the house-flippers and big-dream buyers, the caution-free Fannies, Freddies, banks and brokers, the politicians basking in and enabling the bubble. It wasn’t a priceless prosperity after all.

We’re about to learn the same regarding the nation’s bottomless promises to retirees. Brace yourself. And keep in mind that while neither candidate is Mr. Parsimony, at least one seemed to grasp that sacrifice actually involves giving something up.

Patrick McIlheran is a Journal Sentinel editorial columnist. E-mail pmcilheran@journalsentinel.com