(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Strabo, Geography, BOOK XIII., CHAPTER I., section 59
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Pedasus, the city which they abandoned, is no longer in existence. But in the interior of the country belonging to the people of Halicarnassus there was a city called by them Pedasa, and the territory has even now the name of Pedasis. It is said that this district contained eight cities, occupied by the Leleges, who were formerly so populous a nation as to possess Caria as far as Myndus, Bargylia, and a great part of Pisidia. In later times, when they united with the Carians in their expeditions, they were dispersed throughout the whole of Greece, and the race became extinct.

Mausolus, according to Callisthenes, assembled in Halicarnassus1 alone the inhabitants of six out of the eight cities, but allowed Suangela and Myndus to remain untouched. Herodotus2 relates that whenever anything unfortunate was about to befall the inhabitants of Pedasus3 and the neighbourhood a beard appeared on the face of the priestess of Minerva, and that this happened three times.

There is now existing in the territory of the Stratoniceis4 a small town called Pedasum. There are to be seen throughout the whole of Caria and at Miletus sepulchres, and fortifications, and vestiges of settlements of the Leleges.

1 Budrun, the birth-place of Herodotus.

2 Herod. i. 175; viii. 104.

3 Paitschin?

4 Eski-Hissar.

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