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Cardinals Created by Innocent X (1644-50)
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Cardinals Created by Innocent X (1644-50)

Consistory of 1644.11.14 (4)

Italy1. Cardinal Camillo Francesco Maria PamphiljPermalink

former Cardinal-Deacon of S. Maria in Domnica

Born:1622.02.21 (Italy)
Created Cardinal:1644.11.14
Resigned as Cardinal:1647.01.21
Died:1666.07.26 († 44)

Cardinal-Deacon of S. Maria in Domnica (1644.12.12 – 1647.01.21)

Italy2. Cardinal Giancarlo de’ MediciPermalink

former Cardinal-Deacon of S. Giorgio in Velabro

Born:1611.07.24 (Italy)
Created Cardinal:1644.11.14
Died:1663.01.23 († 51)

Cardinal-Deacon of S. Maria ad Martyres (1645.03.20 – 1656.03.06)

Cardinal-Deacon of S. Giorgio in Velabro (1656.03.06 – 1663.01.23)

Italy[3] Cardinal Domenico CecchiniPermalink

former Cardinal-Priest of S. Sisto
former Pro-Datary of His Holiness of Apostolic Dataria

Born:1589 (Italy)
Created Cardinal in pectore:1644.11.14
Revealed as Cardinal:1645.03.06
Died:1656.05.01 († 67)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Sisto (1645.04.24 – 1656.05.01)

Pro-Datary of His Holiness of Apostolic Dataria (1650? – 1656.05.01)

Italy[4] Cardinal Francesco Maria FarnesePermalink

Born:1619.08.08 (Italy)
Created Cardinal in pectore:1644.11.14
Revealed as Cardinal:1645.12.04
Died:1647.07.12 († 27)

Cardinal-Deacon with no Deaconry assigned (1645.12.04 – 1647.07.12)

Consistory of 1645.03.06 (7)

Italy1. Cardinal Niccolò Albergati LudovisiPermalink

former Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia–Velletri
former Major Penitentiary of Sacred Apostolic Penitentiary

Born:1608.09.15 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:
Consecrated Bishop:1645
Created Cardinal:1645.03.06
Died:1687.08.09 († 78)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Bologna (Italy) (1645.02.06 – 1651)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Agostino (1645.04.24 – 1646.06.25)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria degli Angeli (1646.06.25 – 1666.10.11)

Major Penitentiary of Sacred Apostolic Penitentiary (1650.02.21 – 1687.08.09)

Camerlengo of Sacred College of Cardinals (1658.01.14 – 1659.01.13)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria in Trastevere (1666.10.11 – 1676.10.19)

Protopriest of Sacred College of Cardinals (1676? – 1677.09.13)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Lorenzo in Lucina (1676.10.19 – 1677.09.13)

Cardinal-Bishop of Sabina (1677.09.13 – 1681.12.01)

Cardinal-Bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina (1681.12.01 – 1683.02.15)

Cardinal Vice-Dean of Sacred College of Cardinals (1681.12.01 – 1683.02.15)

Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia–Velletri (1683.02.15 – 1687.08.09)

Cardinal Dean of Sacred College of Cardinals (1683.02.15 – 1687.08.09)

Italy2. Cardinal Tiberio CenciPermalink

former Cardinal-Priest of S. Callisto
former Bishop of Jesi (Italy)

Born:1580 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:
Consecrated Bishop:1621
Created Cardinal:1645.03.06
Died:1653.02.26 († 73)

Bishop of Jesi (Italy) (1621.11.24 – 1653.02.26)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Callisto (1645.04.24 – 1653.02.26)

Italy3. Cardinal Pier Luigi CarafaPermalink

former Cardinal-Priest of S. Martino ai Monti
former Bishop of Tricarico (Italy)
former Prefect of Sacred Congregation of the Council

Born:1581.07.18 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1624
Consecrated Bishop:1624.06.02
Created Cardinal:1645.03.06
Died:1655.02.15 († 73)

Bishop of Tricarico (Italy) (1624.03.29 – 1646.01.08)

Prefect of Sacred Congregation of the Council (1645 – 1655.02.15)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Martino ai Monti (1645.07.10 – 1655.02.15)

Italy4. Cardinal Orazio Giustiniani, C.O.Permalink

former Cardinal-Priest of S. Onofrio
former Bishop of Nocera Umbra (Italy)
former Major Penitentiary of Sacred Apostolic Penitentiary
former Librarian of Vatican Apostolic Library

Born:1578 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:
Consecrated Bishop:1640
Created Cardinal:1645.03.06
Died:1649.07.25 († 71)

Bishop of Montalto (Italy) (1640.02.13 – 1645.01.16)

Bishop of Nocera Umbra (Italy) (1645.01.16 – 1646.02.16)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Onofrio (1645.04.24 – 1649.07.25)

Librarian of Vatican Apostolic Library (1646.09.25 – 1649.07.25)

Major Penitentiary of Sacred Apostolic Penitentiary (1647.12.04 – 1649.07.25)

Italy5. Cardinal Alderano CiboPermalink

former Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia–Velletri
former Prefect of Sacred Congregation of Rites
former Secretary of Commission of Roman and Universal Inquisition

Born:1613.07.16 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:
Created Cardinal:1645.03.06
Consecrated Bishop:1656
Died:1700.07.22 († 87)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Pudenziana (1645.04.24 – 1668.01.30)

Bishop of Rimini (Italy) (1646.11.19 – 1656.06.26)

Bishop of Jesi (Italy) (1656.04.24 – 1671.12.10)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Prassede (1668.01.30 – 1677.09.13)

Secretary of State of Apostolic Secretariat (1676.09.23 – 1689.08.12)

Protopriest of Sacred College of Cardinals (1677? – 1679.02.06)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Lorenzo in Lucina (1677.09.13 – 1679.02.06)

Cardinal-Bishop of Palestrina (1679.02.06 – 1680.01.08)

Cardinal-Bishop of Frascati (1680.01.08 – 1683.02.15)

Prefect of Sacred Congregation of Rites (1683 – 1700.07.22)

Secretary of Commission of Roman and Universal Inquisition (1683 – 1700.07.22)

Cardinal-Bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina (1683.02.15 – 1687.11.10)

Cardinal Vice-Dean of Sacred College of Cardinals (1683.02.15 – 1687.11.10)

Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia–Velletri (1687.11.10 – 1700.07.22)

Cardinal Dean of Sacred College of Cardinals (1687.11.10 – 1700.07.22)

Italy6. Cardinal Federico SforzaPermalink

former Cardinal-Priest of S. Pietro in Vincoli
former Bishop of Tivoli (Italy)
former Commendatory Archimandrite of Santissimo Salvatore of the Italo-Albanese (Italy)

Born:1603.01.20 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:
Created Cardinal:1645.03.06
Consecrated Bishop:1647
Died:1676.05.24 († 73)

Cardinal-Deacon of Ss. Vito, Modesto e Crescenzia (1645.07.10 – 1656.06.26)

Commendatory Archimandrite of Santissimo Salvatore of the Italo-Albanese (Italy) (1650 – 1676.05.24)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Martino ai Monti (1656.06.26 – 1659.04.21)

Camerlengo of Sacred College of Cardinals (1659.01.13 – 1660.01.12)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Anastasia (1659.04.21 – 1661.11.21)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Pietro in Vincoli (1661.11.21 – 1676.05.24)

Bishop of Tivoli (Italy) (1675.01.28 – 1676.05.24)

Italy7. Cardinal Benedetto Odescalchi (later Pope Innocent XI, Blessed)Permalink

Avarus non implebitur

former Supreme Pontiff

Born:1611.05.19 (Como, Italy)
Created Cardinal:1645.03.06
Ordained Priest:1650.11.20
Consecrated Bishop:1651.01.29
Elected as Supreme Pontiff:1676.09.21
Installed as Supreme Pontiff:1676.10.04
Died:1689.08.12 (Roma, Italy † 78)

Cardinal-Deacon of Ss. Cosma e Damiano (1645.04.24 – 1659.04.21)

Prefect of Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura (1647.01.22 – 1650.04.04)

Bishop of Novara (Italy) (1650.04.04 – 1656.03.06)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Onofrio (1659.04.21 – 1676.09.21)

Camerlengo of Sacred College of Cardinals (1660.01.12 – 1661.01.24)

Supreme Pontiff (1676.09.21 [1676.10.04] – 1689.08.12)


Consistory of 1646.05.28 (1)

Poland1. Cardinal Jan Kazimierz Wazy, S.J.Permalink

Born:1609.05.22 (Poland)
Ordained Priest:
Created Cardinal:1646.05.28
Resigned as Cardinal:1648.07.06
Died:1672.12.16 († 63)

Cardinal-Priest with no Title assigned (1646.05.28 – 1648.07.06)

Consistory of 1647.10.07 (7)

Italy1. Cardinal Fabrizio SavelliPermalink

former Cardinal-Priest of S. Agostino
former Metropolitan Archbishop of Salerno (Italy)

Born:1607 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1642
Consecrated Bishop:1642
Created Cardinal:1647.10.07
Died:1659.02.26 († 52)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Salerno (Italy) (1642.09.15 – 1658.04.01)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Agostino (1647.12.16 – 1659.02.26)

France2. Cardinal Michel Mazarin, O.P.Permalink

former Cardinal-Priest of S. Cecilia
former Metropolitan Archbishop of Aix (France)

Born:1605.09.01 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:
Consecrated Bishop:1645.07.23
Created Cardinal:1647.10.07
Died:1648.08.31 († 42)

Prefect of Prefecture of the Holy Apostolic Palaces (1643.02.03 – 1645.07.10)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Aix (France) (1645.07.10 – 1648.08.31)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Cecilia (1647.12.16 – 1648.08.31)

Italy3. Cardinal Francesco CherubiniPermalink

former Cardinal-Priest of S. Giovanni a Porta Latina
former Bishop of Senigallia (Italy)

Born:1585 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:
Created Cardinal:1647.10.07
Consecrated Bishop:1655
Died:1656.04.24 († 71)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Giovanni a Porta Latina (1647.12.16 – 1656.04.24)

Bishop of Senigallia (Italy) (1655.08.02 – 1656.04.24)

Italy4. Cardinal Cristoforo VidmanPermalink

former Cardinal-Priest of S. Marco

Born:1617 (Italy)
Created Cardinal:1647.10.07
Died:1660.09.30 († 43)

Cardinal-Deacon of Ss. Nereo ed Achilleo pro illa vice Deaconry (1647.12.16 – 1658.04.01)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Marco (1658.04.01 – 1660.09.30)

Italy5. Cardinal Lorenzo RaggiPermalink

former Cardinal-Bishop of Palestrina

Born:1615 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:
Created Cardinal:1647.10.07
Consecrated Bishop:1680.01.14
Died:1687.01.14 († 72)

Cardinal-Deacon of S. Maria in Domnica (1647.12.16 – 1653.07.21)

Cardinal-Deacon of S. Angelo in Pescheria (1653.07.21 – 1660.08.30)

Cardinal-Deacon of S. Eustachio (1660.08.30 – 1664.02.11)

Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Quirico e Giulitta (1664.02.11 – 1679.02.06)

Protopriest of Sacred College of Cardinals (1676? – 1680.01.08)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Lorenzo in Damaso (1679.02.06 – 1680.01.08)

Cardinal-Bishop of Palestrina (1680.01.08 – 1687.01.14)

Italy6. Cardinal Francesco MaidalchiniPermalink

former Cardinal-Priest of S. Prassede

Born:1621.04.12 (Italy)
Created Cardinal:1647.10.07
Ordained Priest:1689
Died:1700.06.13 († 79)

Cardinal-Deacon of S. Adriano al Foro (1647.12.16 – 1653.05.05)

Cardinal-Deacon of S. Pancrazio pro illa vice Deaconry (1653.05.05 – 1654.03.23)

Cardinal-Deacon of S. Maria in Portico Octaviae (1654.03.23 – 1662.06.26)

Cardinal-Deacon of S. Maria in Portico (1662.06.26 – 1666.10.11)

Protodeacon of Sacred College of Cardinals (1666? – 1689.10.19)

Cardinal-Deacon of S. Maria in Via Lata (1666.10.11 – 1689.10.19)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria in Via (1689.10.19 – 1691.07.23)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Prassede (1691.07.23 – 1700.06.13)

Spain[7] Cardinal Antonio de Aragón-Córdoba-Cardona y Fernández de CórdobaPermalink

Born:1615 (Spain)
Created Cardinal in pectore:1647.10.07
Revealed as Cardinal:1650.03.14
Died:1650.10.07 († 35)

Cardinal-Deacon with no Deaconry assigned (1650.03.14 – 1650.10.07)

Consistory of 1650.09.19 (1)

Italy1. Cardinal Camillo Astalli-PamphiliPermalink

former Cardinal-Priest of S. Pietro in Montorio
former Bishop of Catania (Italy)

Born:1619 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:
Created Cardinal:1650.09.19
Consecrated Bishop:1661
Died:1663.12.21 († 44)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Pietro in Montorio (1650.10.17 – 1663.12.21)

Camerlengo of Sacred College of Cardinals (1661.01.24 – 1662.01.16)

Bishop of Catania (Italy) (1661.07.04 – 1663.12.21)

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