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Minority Rights Group International : Contact us : Contact us
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General enquiries

Minority Rights Group International
54 Commercial Street
London E1 6LT, UK

E-mail: minority.rights@mrgmail.org

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7422 4200
Fax: +44 (0)20 7422 4201

Press office

Farah Mihlar
Emma Eastwood

Email: press@mrgmail.org

Telephone: 020 7422 4205 (10.00am-6.00pm)
Mobile: 07870 596 863

Budapest office

Snjezana Bokulic
Minority Rights Group Europe
Szilagyi Erzsebet fasor 22/c
HU-1125 Budapest, Hungary

Email: MRG.Europe@mrgmail.org

Telephone: + 36 1 391 5754
Fax: + 36 1 391 5734

Comments on this page:
I am sikh born and broughtup in Kashmir,India,sikhs in kashmir represent the secular face of kashmir with mere population of 50,000.Muslims with a population of approx of 60,00000 are a major community.Kashmir people are struggling to get independence from last 18 years.it is believed approx more than 500000 kashmir muslims have lost their lives and at the same time 350 kashmiri sikhs too have lost their lives one way or other.If we observe keenly as per population both people have suffered,It is very sad to see the state of affairs of sikhs in Kashmir.Not only local govt.but the govt. of India is also not bothered about sikh people's sentiments.The moral of sikh community is at lowest level,they feel alienated as the total focus of govt and non govt. agencies is major community,as everybody want,s to woo them.sikhs feel they are unwanted.I doubt if the same trend continues sikhs will be history in Kashmir.
Posted by paramjit singh on 9 October 2008
i would like to know more about your roletowards the group,sutch as education,culture,social live&humanrights;

Posted by mohammed malakal ali musa on 14 September 2011
Dear Minority Rights,

As new nations are born, so is minorities also formed. One of these minorities I see you fail to mention in your directory is the "Afrikaners" or "Boers" of South Africa. In the current circumstances over the years in South Africa, they fit your criteria of a minority under threat. They are part of the UNPO which gives the following description: "Afrikaners in general, and the Afrikaner farmers in particular, are at times the target of ethnic violence. The South African murder rate is extremely high at 48 murders per 100,000 of the population, compared to 2 murders per 100,000 in Europe, for example. If Afrikaner farmers are taken as a statistical population, the murder rate is 287 per 100,000. This is a grave situation" - www.unpo.org/members/8148

On top of that, genocidewatch.org, the organisations setup to give an early warning to possible genocides warned that Afrikaner Boers are getting close to the final stages. There are many organisations to get in touch with to find out more like Afriforum or Solidarity. Alternatively I am willing to give my services free of charge to help to get this group noticed as a people sidelined.

Kind Regards,

Posted by Henri Le Riche on 28 September 2011
I am student of Msc Anthropology (socio cultural)from Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad
i have to conduct research most probable Ethnographic for the whole semester n will have to Write thesis on my research.I am intrusted to conduct the research in the area of MINORITIES in PAKISTAN.i will further chose some specific area for ethnographic research.... Want suggestions from you.
Thanking You.
Posted by M.sohail anjum on 7 March 2012
I am Udimal Thomas I just want to bring to your knowledge that it is never through that most Konkombas are muslims.It is false information that was published.If you challenge what I am saying you can get an independent body to certify this for you.Even in Saboba Konkombas who are muslims are not up to 200 people.For now is the Christianity and Africa traditional religion that is dominating among the Konkombas.
Posted by Thomas Bilaliib on 9 May 2012
Dear Chair,

Am greatly appalled that your organization has no literature on the Basuba community of Kenya. Does it mean that you have not researched on this community?
Posted by George Wagaka on
Going through your website, I found that there is no mention of the Shia Minority in Pakistan who are under the Genocide threat. Daily, hundreds of Shias are killed in Pakistan just because of their religious belief. The world community is silent on this and no action by Pakistani government or the UN has been taken.

Posted by Nadeem Mushir on 15 January 2013
Dear Chair,

I am Anand Deo and I am from India. This is my first posting to this platform. I am presently studying in Finland and doing my research on the marginalised persons of the India and Nigeira. I have found that this institution has done fair amount of work on Dalits but in the meantime one significant group is missing from Nigeria. That is 'Osu'. These persons have been completely marginalised and ostracised from the society.And the biggest irony even after the death, they are burried in a different cemetery. They are not allowed to mix up with the heigher caste in their socity. It is one of the case of discrimination in Nigeria..I think this community needs some attention for their future betterment..

Anand Deo
Posted by Anand Deo on 4 June 2013
Posted by setareh jeyzan on
only Jesus Christ is the lord mandean people only Jesus is the way to god
Posted by setareh jeyzan on
Dear chair,
I am a member of a minority community the Sengwer. However i find it not appropriately addressed in your site as a minority community. Just seeking more on how to address. Kalenjin is a group[ of ethnic communities comprising the kipsigis, Nandi, Tugen, Keiyo ,Marakwet, Sabaot and the minority Sengwer, Ogiek, Ilchambus.
Posted by robert chirchir on 13 August 2013
I Brajgopal Dey,S/O,Late MA Khan CH.Dey, present address. 29/c,Asad avenue, mohammadpur,dhaka,-1207 born in Hindu family, after completion my graduation I served under a finish development agency in Bangladesh about 10 yes,thereafter I started
businesses n find every step big problem coz of Hindu minority, I bought one shop in one market in 2004, after registration of deed I followed all govt formalities for my right & to pay taxes & did everything n paying tax infavour of my name & accordingly paying all tax but in market/ market areas some political powerful Muslim mussle men asked me much money coz they said I am Hindu ( they call Malaon) n I should pay them if not I can't do businesses there,in 2009 in one morning I went n found they Brocken my lock entered n taken possession of my shop n said me not to go there anymore, if I go than they will kill me,I was very scare n never been there coz of my life but I complained Inspector General of Bangladesh Police but no necessary measure has been taken against them n I can't go to court for other legal action coz of their threatening, still my shop under their control,
I have readymade garments export businesses in Dhaka but around me other same businessman sending goods illegally to India in different illegal channel but am doing everything in proper banking n legal way so they always threatened me to stop my businesses there n they always ask me money to make them happy, sometimes I pay them money to secure my businesses n life Coz of their threat, 7 - 8 months ago about 10 pm at night suddenly few people comes in my goodown n caught me,taken me in unknown place n beaten me much n said why I didn't stopped my businesses, thereafter they brought a govt stamp paper n force me to write that few people owned me much money, I wrote coz they were beaten me,they also threatened me that if I go again that businesses areas nrreport police than they will kill me that was at 1.00 am night n I was alone there,they set me free at 1.30 am night on a place where were no people, next day I went to my house nearest Police Station n submitted my complain against them but duty police officer said me to go that police station where incident happened but I was scare n dare not to go that police station coz if they found n kill me than who will save my life?? I was keep quite coz of my life. last 02.04.2014 about 9.30 pm at night few people with some local ( my house areas mussle man came to my house & threatened me that if I don't give them money than they will kill me in my house or around my house where I live n calling me over phone always, last 3 days I am running from one place to another place to safe my life, today one of my known guy taken me to mohammadpur police station, Dhaka,Bangladesh n I wrote a complaints to against that people but duty officer said I can't write big history n my complaints should be in few words after some discussion, duty officer wrote one complaints n asked me to sign n I did it but still getting threatened from that's mussle men for money, am in death rusk n they can kill me anytime, asking any international organization or any country to help me soon plzzzzzzzzzx
Posted by Brajgopal Dey on 17 April 2014

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