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Counselling skills for working with gender diversity and identity (eBook, 2018) [WorldCat.org]
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Counselling skills for working with gender diversity and identity

Author: Michael Beattie; Penny Lenihan; Robin Dundas; Christiane Sanderson
Publisher: London ; Philadelphia : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2018. ©2018
Series: Essential skills for counselling series.
Edition/Format:   eBook : Document : EnglishView all editions and formats
For any student or practitioner needing to gain a sound understanding of the complex fields of gender variance, gender identity and gender dysphoria, this book provides the ideal starting point for the knowledge and skills that you need. Emphasising the need for affirmative practice in gender care, it provides an overview of the subject areas and process issues which most commonly arise in counselling, combining  Read more...

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Genre/Form: Electronic books
Additional Physical Format: Print version:
Beattie, Michael, 1970-
Counselling skills for working with gender diversity and identity.
London ; Philadelphia : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2018
(DLC) 2017051922
Material Type: Document, Internet resource
Document Type: Internet Resource, Computer File
All Authors / Contributors: Michael Beattie; Penny Lenihan; Robin Dundas; Christiane Sanderson
ISBN: 9781784504816 1784504815
OCLC Number: 1028945173
Description: 1 online resource (312 pages)
Contents: What is gender? --
Exploring the psychology of masculinities --
Working with issues in masculine gender identities --
Exploring the psychology of femininities --
Working with issues in feminine gender identities --
Non-binary forms of gender identity --
An introduction to gender dysphoria --
Trans in the UK --
Diagnosis and transition --
Non-psychological treatments and interventions --
Coming out, acceptance and cisgender privilege --
Shame, stigma and trans people --
Trans sexualities and intimate relationships --
Trans in the workplace and social spaces --
Gender and intersectionality --
Supervision and self-care.
Series Title: Essential skills for counselling series.
Responsibility: Michael Beattie and Penny Lenihan with Robin Dundas ; foreword by Cristiane Sanderson.


For practitioners working with issues surrounding gender identity, this book provides the additional tools and insights needed to help them build a therapeutic relationship with their client.  Read more...


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A timely and important book. A fundamental read for all therapeutic professionals working with clients exploring their gender variance. At a time when society's understanding of gender identity is Read more...

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