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How Brooklyn Skyscrapers Have Been Reaching Toward the Stratosphere Since 1925 - Newspapers.com
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How Brooklyn Skyscrapers Have Been Reaching Toward the Stratosphere Since 1925

How Brooklyn Skyscrapers Have Been Reaching Toward the Stratosphere Since 1925

How Brooklyn Skyscrapers Have Been Reaching Toward the Stratosphere Since 1925

How Brooklyn Skyscrapers Have Been Reaching Toward the Stratosphere Since 192; Lewis Takes Issue With Ellis on 'Price Of Property Listed Downtown Realtor Holds Broker Should Acquaint Owner on 'Real Value' and Advise Adjustment of Asking Price A strong objection to the theory that a broker should refuse to accept a listing unless he felt that the price was "right," was voiced by Harry Lewis, Brooklyn realtor, at annual convention of the National Association of Reai Estate Boards at Baltimore Thursday. Mr. Lewis, who before the Brokers' Di- vision, disagreed with the statement made by Guy W. Ellis of before the members of the with due allowance for discounts on the mortgages taken back. "If we are to consider our calling a profession why should we compare' ourselves to the average re tailer who cuts corners and prices by means of fire sales, removal Here is a Dicture recentlv shot, from an nirni irig a large area of Brooklyn and taking in the downtown skyscraper buildings, the triangular boundary of the proposed downtown plaza and the new skyscraper apartment center in the vicinity of the Grand Army Plaza at Pros pect Park.

Prominent features in the picture are: No. 1. Triangular plot in proposed downtown plaza. No. 2.

Jew Postoffice Building under construction adjoining the present postoffice. No. 3. Eagle Building, Washington, Adams and Johnson Sts. No.

4. Edison Building, Pearl and Wil-loughby Sts. No. 5. Telephone Building, under construction at Willoughby and Bridge Sts.

No. 6. Chamber of Commerce Building, Court and Livingston Sts, No. 7. Central Courts Building, Schermerhorn and Smith under con-j struction.

no. 8. Technical High School, under construction at Fort Greene Place, S. Elliott Place and. De Kalb opposite Fort Greene Park.

No. 9. Williamsburgh Savings Bank, tallest Brooklyn building, located at Hanson Place and Ashland Place. No. 10.

Prospect Park, showing the group of new skyscraper apartment houses on Prospect Park West, Grand Army Plaza and Eastern Parkway and the K. of Clubhouse, facing the park at Union St. With the exception of the older section of The Eagle Building, the structures numbered have been erected since 1925. This includes the addition to The Eagle Building at Adams and Johnson completed June. 1930.

Modern Apartments Urged for Neglected City Neighborhoods families of Moderate Means Should Be Provided With Homes Near Business, Isador Berger Says, in Advocating Clearance of Old Slums Isador Berger, general manager of the Greater New York Taxpayers Association strongly advocated the erec tion of modern apartment houses in replacement of the old dilapidated tenements as a solution of the housing problems ana to provide nomes lor the "white-collar class." Mr. Berger is prominent in the movement to scrap hundreds of the old buildings in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn to 'stays and in a relatively short lime a section may be changed for better or for worse, depending upon me innuenc.es at work. Paradoxically as it may seem, it Is this lack of stability in other.