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Ukraine - UK Pharmaceutical Industry Response
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  • Ukraine - UK Pharmaceutical Industry Response

Ukraine - UK Pharmaceutical Industry Response

We stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine and condemn the invasion of their country. As an industry dedicated to saving lives, we stand for peace.

The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry is leading the UK Industry’s role in the global response to the Ukraine crisis and supporting the mission of the broader sector and of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations.

ABPI & EFPIA Logos Portrait 400

The research-based pharmaceutical industry in Europe stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine. We condemn the invasion of their country and express our sorrow at the suffering it has caused. As an industry dedicated to saving and improving lives, we stand for peace.

Our first priority is to ensure that medicines reach the patients that need them in Ukraine, in the neighbouring EU Member States, in Russia and in other countries where access to medicines may be negatively impacted. We call on all parties to facilitate the safe passage of medicines and vaccines to those in need.

Our Member Companies and Associations are offering humanitarian support both in Ukraine and for the emerging refugee crisis in neighbouring EU Member States. This includes in kind donations of medical supplies and financial support to NGOs.

As a health-based industry and part of the wider EU healthcare community, we will work together to address the health needs of all those affected by this war, in Ukraine and in neighbouring countries as part of the wider humanitarian relief effort.

Humanitarian response

Our member companies are offering humanitarian support both in Ukraine and for the emerging refugee crisis in neighbouring countries. This includes in kind donations of medical supplies and financial support to NGOs. Read the EFPIA Statement on the crisis in Ukraine.


AbbVie's response to the Ukraine crisis

AbbVie's thoughts are with the people of Ukraine and those affected across the region. As a global biopharmaceutical company, they have a responsibility to patients who depend on their medicines. They are committed to ensuring their patients in Ukraine, Russia and throughout the region continue to have access to their essential and life-saving medicines.

AbbVie's presence in Ukraine and throughout the region

Their priority is to ensure the safety of their colleagues and help patients get the medicines they need.

As the tragic events continue to unfold in Ukraine, AbbVie has temporarily suspended operations for all their aesthetics products in Russia.

They do not have any manufacturing plants in the region. Importantly, AbbVie continue to monitor the safety of their employees in Ukraine and the surrounding region.

Status of Clinical Trials

AbbVie is doing everything possible to minimize disruption to the treatment and care of their patients and clinical trial participants. They have paused the start of new clinical studies and the screening and enrolment of clinical trial participants in ongoing studies in Ukraine and Russia. AbbVie are committed to ensuring their clinical trial participants have access to the investigational medicines they need.

Humanitarian / Philanthropic response

AbbVie's philanthropic focus is on humanitarian, employee, and donation support.

AbbVie is:

  • Donating a total of USD 1 million to non-profit partners for medical care and supplies for Ukraine and Ukrainian refugees.
  • Donating essential medicines to the Ukrainian government and their disaster relief partners.
  • Providing relief and additional financial support as needed to Ukrainian employees and their immediate families.
  • Doubling the AbbVie Foundation's employee donation match for select disaster relief partners with active humanitarian relief efforts in Ukraine and surrounding countries.

As this situation evolves, AbbVie will continue working with their non-profit partners and employees to support relief efforts as they hope for a peaceful resolution.



Almirall stands in solidarity with everyone who is suffering first-hand the consequences of the conflict and humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.

As a company Almirall are also committed to helping the humanitarian relief efforts and they have launched the giving campaign “Together with Ukraine” that is matching employee donations globally. All funds raised will be donated to the Spanish Red Cross (Cruz Roja Española), who will support the Ukrainian Red Cross response as well as regional Red Cross efforts in neighbouring countries.

Almirall is also accelerating donations of relevant medicines to NGOs operating in Ukraine and bordering countries. In the next few days, they will send a total of more than 150,000 units of relevant medicines.

As a global biopharmaceutical company, Almirall uphold respect for fundamental human rights around the world as part of their purpose to improve people’s lives.


The Amgen Foundation has approved a disaster relief grant of USD 500k in total, which will be split between International Medical Corps and Project Hope.

They have also opened the Amgen Foundation Disaster Relief Matching Gifts Program, allowing all staff globally to receive the Foundation match when they donate to select charities to support humanitarian efforts related to the conflict in Ukraine.



Thoughts at Astellas are with the people of Ukraine, and they hope for a swift and peaceful resolution to the situation.

Their priority is on the safety of Astellas Ukraine employees and their families. Also, they are ensuring on-going partnership and connectivity with suppliers, distributors and key stakeholders to do their best efforts for continuous supply for patients.

Astellas have taken steps to support the people in Ukraine. They are donating 10 million yen to UNICEF to support their humanitarian effort. They are also looking at other philanthropic options including essential drug donation and fund raising.  

At Astellas, they are at the forefront of healthcare change to turn innovative science into VALUE for patients. They remain committed to our mission in all the countries where we operate.  


AstraZeneca continue to provide urgent humanitarian support in Ukraine and neighbouring countries. To date, they have committed over USD 10 million to response efforts, including donations of:

  • Twenty-four pallets of medicines, worth USD 3 million, to their humanitarian relief partner Direct Relief, which is working directly with the Ukrainian Ministry of Health.
  • USD 2 million to support relief agencies working in Ukraine, Poland and surrounding areas with a focus on providing healthcare and humanitarian assistance to those affected by the conflict. Funding is being provided to Project HOPE, working with and through the World Health Organization, and International Medical Corps.
  • Medicines via The Red Cross affiliates in neighbouring countries to respond to the unfolding refugee crisis.
  • >USD 1 million  to UNICEF and The Red Cross, including over USD 500,000 of employee donations, which AstraZeneca is matching.

Supply of medicines

Patients rely on their essential and life-saving medicines, and it is more urgent than ever that medical supply chains continue to operate, enabling health systems and workers to deliver essential care. To this end, AstraZeneca are:

  • Taking all required measures to ensure an uninterrupted supply of our essential and life-saving medicines to all patients in need.
  • Supporting ongoing treatment at settlement sites and working with the governments to address the influx of patients in surrounding countries. This includes working with the EU on the continued provision of care for any Ukrainian refugees now residing in member states.
  • Working together with the wider healthcare community, to ensure sanctions do not impact the supply of medicines to patients in need.

As far as clinical trials in Russia are concerned, they are not starting any new trials at this time and have paused enrolment of new patients into existing studies.

AstraZeneca are not planning any new investments in Russia.

Protecting the safety and wellbeing of our employees

AstraZeneca have 200 people in their Ukraine team and are providing all practical support possible to ensure their wellbeing, physical and financial security. This includes:

  • Providing additional financial support.
  • Setting up advice and emotional support services for employees and their families.
  • Rolling out virtual online sessions for employees’ children to maintain educational activities.
  • Helping those now in neighbouring countries, such as providing temporary accommodation for our team members and their families.


Several months have passed since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. From the outset, Bayer have utterly condemned this brutal aggression against a sovereign country. Their hearts ache as they see the devastation and death affecting innocent civilians, including children. Bayer stand by the people of Ukraine who can fully count on their solidarity and support.

Attacks like these demand a very clear stance. And Bayer have been very clear about theirs. Here is what Bayer are doing:

Supporting the people and rebuilding plans in Ukraine

Bayer is fully committed to Ukraine´s future through investing in the country and supporting President Zelensky’s rebuilding plan – called United24. Bayer aim to continue making significant investments in the country over the next decade – mainly to rebuild Ukraine's agricultural system. This will also positively impact global food security, by enabling Ukraine´s farmers to plant and harvest their produce.

As a start, to cover the corn seed demand in Ukraine and beyond, Bayer will invest more than EUR 30 million from 2022 onwards in the Pochuiky seed plant. This investment includes raising the capacity of our seeds dryer, extra field equipment, additional storage facilities – and new employment opportunities in the region.

Further, Bayer supports the humanitarian non-profit organization “Fondation suisse de déminage” (FSD) in their mission to demine land that was contaminated by mines and unexploded devices since the onset of the war in Ukraine. A donation of EUR 825k will be dedicated to purchasing a large-size mechanical mine clearance machine. The machine is able to process large areas of land such as farmland and will allow farmers to grow food safely.

Bayer also continues to support Ukraine in the areas of health, education and humanitarian relief. They have donated a total of over EUR 10 million so far. This includes establishing a disaster relief fund and product donations, including antibiotics and oncology therapeutics. Bayer will also support the rebuilding of Ukraine's hospital and public health infrastructure.

Bayer employees donated more than EUR 1 million through a Red Cross relief campaign, which Bayer has matched. The matching supports the procurement of several ambulances and defibrillators for Ukraine and the set-up of a mobile medical aid centre serving Ukrainian refugees in Poland.

In addition to the seeds and agricultural inputs that the team in Ukraine supplied and continues to supply to farmers, Bayer has donated more than 40,000 bags of seeds to grow food on nearly 30,000 hectares. The seeds will support 1,250 small farmers in Ukraine who had difficulty in accessing input for the 2022 growing season.

Bayer continue to prioritize the safety of their 700 colleagues in Ukraine and will continue to support them.

Furthermore, Bayer country organisations and employee-led initiatives have organised local volunteering campaigns. One example is the commitment of the team from Bayer Gastronomy, which converted the "Seminar- & Tagungshotel Große Ledder" training centre in Wermelskirchen near the Bayer headquarters in Leverkusen into a shelter. 30 Ukrainians find a temporary home there. Bayer volunteers are supporting the refugees and assist them in administrative issues.

Stopping all non-essential business in Russia and Belarus, while ensuring continued access to health and agriculture products

As a direct response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February, Bayer stopped all spending in Russia and Belarus that is not related to supplying essential products in health and agriculture. This means Bayer have stopped

  • Delivering non-essential products
  • All advertising and other promotional activities
  • Capital investments indefinitely
  • Pursuing any new business opportunities in those countries.

Bayer have also heard voices calling for a complete stop of delivery of all their products to Russia and Belarus. Bayer understand these concerns as the war raises moral and ethical issues for every company.

Bayer's position is clear – this war, initiated by Russia, is taking too many lives every day. As a Life Science company, they have an ethical obligation – in every country they operate in. Withholding essential healthcare and agriculture products from the civilian populations – like cancer or cardiovascular treatments, health products for pregnant women and children as well as seeds to grow food – would only multiply the war’s ongoing toll on human life.

Bayer is fully committed to helping prevent what could become an unprecedented food crisis. They share the view of the UN that global access to Ukraine’s food products and Russian food and fertilisers is essential to alleviate pressure on the global food system. In line with this, Bayer have decided to continue supplying Russian farmers with essential agricultural products to ensure they can contribute to fulfilling the global demand. At the same time, we hope the Russian government continues to safeguard the free flow of agricultural products and never again use food as a means of pressuring the world.

Through our commitments, Bayer act in the spirit of the UN, the G7 and the European Union calling for ensuring global food supply and access to healthcare.

These are difficult times that put us to the test, both, emotionally and ethically. At Bayer, they do everything in their power to live up to their responsibility to reduce the suffering caused by this terrible war. This is what Bayer's vision “Health for all, Hunger for none” calls for.

The situation remains volatile, and Bayer will continue to monitor developments and evolve or adjust their response as necessary. As they do so, Bayer stand with all those calling for an immediate end to this war, and they hope and pray for peace to return to Ukraine – and our world.


Biogen is heartbroken by the war in Ukraine and stands firmly with the global community in providing humanitarian aid. Consistent with their values, the Biogen Foundation launched an employee giving campaign that is doubling employee donations. Together Biogen have already raised a total of more than USD 550k and counting, to provide medical supplies, food, water and other essential support through five charitable organisations: the International Medical Corps, Polish Humanitarian Action, the Swiss Red Cross, UNICEF and UNHCR. In addition, the Biogen Foundation is supporting the Swiss Red Cross and Poland Humanitarian with grants totalling USD 250k.

Biogen are also working closely with patients, the medical community and governments to ensure people living with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) displaced by the war in Ukraine have access to treatment across Europe. To that end, Biogen and the Biogen Foundation have provided a EUR 25k grant to SMA Europe and are in communication with their partners to guarantee continued patient care.

This assistance is part of an overall commitment of USD 1.5 million that also includes Biogen in-kind contributions of essential supplies, employee relief bonuses and volunteering.

Boehringer Ingelheim

Boehringer Ingelheim

Boehringer Ingelheim condemns the military aggression against Ukraine.

“On behalf of the Board of Managing Directors, I would like to express our feelings of sorrow and consternation over the start of a war in the middle of Europe. This affects people across the region, where families have members on both sides of the border, and where sons and daughters are called to duty in a war that only brings suffering and pain”, says Hubertus von Baumbach, Chairman of the Board of Managing Directors. “War can never be accepted as the means of resolving conflicts.”
It was in February 1992 that Boehringer Ingelheim established their presence in Ukraine and Russia, which has grown to a total of nearly 800 employees today. "During these 30 years, we have achieved many milestones together in the interest of health, for the benefit of patients, and in the interest of life. Our Ukrainian as well as Russian colleagues have become integral members of the Boehringer Ingelheim family,” Hubertus von Baumbach continued. "Our thoughts are with them, as well as the many people who simply want to live in peace. On behalf of my colleagues, my deepest sympathies are with them all.”
“We have decided to make a donation of EUR 2.5 million* to charitable organisations providing humanitarian support to Ukraine and its citizens.”

Many Boehringer Ingelheim colleagues are working to ensure the safety and well-being of their employees and their families in any way possible. They are in close contact with their Ukrainian colleagues. At the same time, they are seeking to limit the impact of the conflict on the supply of medicines to patients for humanitarian reasons across both countries. “We would like to thank all who have worked tirelessly during the past days to provide help wherever help can be provided.” Hubertus von Baumbach promises: “We will do everything to help our impacted colleagues, their families and communities.”

Boehringer Ingelheim realise that the war will have a long-term impact. They will therefore donate 12 monthly payments of each EUR 1 million to the Polish and German Red Cross organisations, from this month (March).

* The donation will be distributed to the following charitable organisations:

Read more on the Boehringer Ingelheim website.

Bristol Myers Squibb

Bristol Myers Squibb and the Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation are each actively contributing to relief efforts in Ukraine, donating more than USD 1 million total to date.

The Company has provided donations to a number of organisations coordinating relief efforts; this includes activities organized by the World Institute on Disability and the ECO-ASCO special network, working with WHO Europe to pool information to aid the coordination of transfer and care for Ukrainian cancer patients.

The Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation has provided donations to organisations, including Americares, Direct Relief, International Rescue Committee, and Save the Children.

The Foundation is also matching contributions by their employees globally to organisations providing relief to Ukraine.

Bristol Myers Squibb


Chiesi announced an initial donation of EUR 1 million, part of which has already been committed to support humanitarian NGOs such as the Croce Rossa Italiana and UNHCR Italia, Agenzia ONU per i Rifugiati, operating in Ukraine and a fund for the reception of refugees on the Italian territory and they are currently working to identify further solidarity initiatives for the war-affected populations. Chiesi will continue to prioritise uninterrupted access to their treatments to patients in Ukraine and Russia, despite the unstable situation.

Daiichi Sankyo

To support humanitarian aid for those impacted by the conflict, Daiichi Sankyo Company, Limited will donate USD 1 million (approximately JPY 115 million) to the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). 

Multiple Daiichi Sankyo group companies are likewise donating, by contributing to their local charities and leveraging gift matching programs, adding to their overall support for those affected by this conflict. Daiichi Sankyo are also thankful to their many employees who are helping privately, including by hosting refugees in their homes.

Daiichi Sankyo are working with their partners across the globe to ensure, as much as possible, that patients retain access to their medicines and their clinical trials worldwide.

Daiichi Sankyo


Eisai share deep concern about the situation in Ukraine and sincerely hope that safety and peace will return to that country as soon as possible.

Under its hhc philosophy to increase the benefits that medicines bring to patients and their families, the Eisai Group, as an international pharmaceutical company, strives to contribute to the health and well-being of all people, wherever they may be.

To further this mission, Eisai are working with various partners including the International League Against Epilepsy to make their medicines available to those patients who have been displaced by the war in Ukraine and who are in desperate need of medication. In addition, as humanitarian support to those who have been severely affected in Ukraine and those who have been evacuated to the surrounding countries, the Eisai Group has donated approximately JPY 16 million to the Japanese Red Cross Society, the international non-governmental organization Association for Aid and Relief (AAR), Japan and other organisations.


Throughout the past weeks of conflict in Ukraine, Gilead’s focus has been on safeguarding their employees in the region and ensuring that people who rely on their medicines are able to receive them. Gilead has a long-standing presence in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA). Working with many partner organisations, Gilead provide treatments and support to help people in the region with various diseases and conditions, predominantly HIV, hepatitis and COVID-19. Gilead are now doing everything possible to ensure that this work continues. In a war where too many innocent people are suffering, they feel strongly that no individual should go without medicine that might save their life.

Their teams are working alongside distribution partners as well as humanitarian and non-governmental organisations to get Gilead treatments to people who need them. Ukraine bears the second-highest number of HIV cases in EECA, according to UNAIDS. Gilead are working with others to address the needs of Ukrainian refugees with HIV who are now in neighbouring countries including Poland, Moldova, Czech Republic, Romania and Russia.

Beyond the provision of medicines, Gilead supports multiple partner and grantee organisations in the region that are dedicated to removing societal barriers to care. This includes their RADIAN program, for example, which works to raise awareness about HIV, reduce stigma and link people to testing and care. None of us wants to see any setback in progress for this critical work because of the war. Gilead is in ongoing contact with the various community-based organisations they support to see what additional resources or help they might need. To support the broader humanitarian efforts in Ukraine, the Gilead Foundation has donated USD 3 million and in addition, a matching-donation program for Gilead employees has raised USD 700k to date.

While Gilead remain committed to facilitating patient access to our life-saving medicines in Russia, all non-essential business operations in the country have been suspended. Any profits made from the sale of medicines will be donated to the humanitarian efforts for Ukraine. The initiation of new clinical trial sites in Russia and Ukraine has been paused, and Gilead are working with local trial investigators to see how they can best manage existing trial sites in affected areas. Again, Gilead are fully committed to mitigating any impact on any patient, regardless of what country they are in.

It is shocking that we find ourselves witnessing these tragic repercussions of war, with so many people at risk, not just from the fighting itself but from the many implications of the conflict. Gilead are committed to doing everything in their power to help while also fulfilling their existing responsibilities in the region. Ultimately, Gilead are a company whose purpose is to help people live healthier lives and they will do everything possible to fulfil that purpose, working with others who share their aim.



Grünenthal has donated EUR 400k to the Red Cross to support humanitarian relief efforts in Ukraine and Eastern Europe. In addition, Grünenthal partners with Action Medeor and the University Hospital RWTH Aachen to provide urgently needed pain medication to the region.


Alongside the global community, GSK share deep concern about the tragic events happening in Ukraine. They are taking actions guided by their purpose, and as a company dedicated to health and care for people and patients.

Their first priority is the safety, security and wellbeing of GSK people, wherever they are located. After this, their focus is to make sure their products reach the people who need them, including supporting humanitarian efforts in Ukraine and surrounding countries.

GSK condemn the fighting and the harm and suffering it’s causing to people in Ukraine and beyond. The actions taking place are in violent contradiction to their purpose, and unshakeable belief that all people should be treated with dignity, respect and humanity.

For full information on GSK’s humanitarian support and GSK in Russia, please visit GSK.com [Our response to the situation in Ukraine | GSK].



The on-going tragedy in Ukraine is profoundly worrying, and Ipen's thoughts are with everyone impacted. Like many companies, Ipsen have team members in Ukraine, and they are committed to doing everything in their power to ensure their safety. 

Protecting employees, serving patients

At the start of the Ukraine conflict, Ipsen convened a crisis committee with two key objectives: ensuring the safety of their employees and maintaining access to treatments for patients. At the time of this publication, all of their team members and their families in Ukraine are safe. And together with their partners, Ipsen are doing their very best to limit any impact to the supply of their medicines.

Humanitarian relief efforts

Beyond these two key priorities, Ipsen are also doing their part to provide humanitarian relief to the people of Ukraine via a donation of EUR 1.5 million, split between two humanitarian organisations.

  • Tulipe collects donations from health companies to respond to the emergency needs of populations in distress during acute health crises, natural disasters and conflicts via its partners in the field.
  • The International Red Cross in France an independent charity working alongside governments and public authorities which undertakes neutral and impartial humanitarian action.

In addition, Ipsen have donated medicines and supported nearly 100 patients with three months’ of supply of their necessary treatment including 30 children with central precocious puberty.

Ipsen in Russia

As a pharmaceutical company, Ipsen have a responsibility to maintain patient access to our treatments. In line with Ipsen's relentless commitment to serving patients, Ipsen will continue to tackle their healthcare needs regardless of their race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, country of origin, language, or religion.

Ipsen support global sanctions, and they will take all precautionary measures to comply with them. Ipsen have suspended several promotional activities in Russia, including advertising and participation to non-scientific congresses. Additionally, Ipsen will not initiate any new clinical trials.

As Ipsen continue to hope for a peaceful resolution of this conflict, their thoughts and solidarity are with everyone affected by this tragedy.

Johnson & Johnson

Johnson & Johnson is:

  • Donating USD 5 million to support the work of the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and International Federation Red Cross and Red Crescent to provide humanitarian support for refugees in the border countries.

  • Providing product donations including hygiene kits, health packets and medical supplies.

  • Launching an unlimited matching program for Johnson & Johnson global employees with Global Giving Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund.

  • Continuing to work with their longstanding partners in global health—International Health Partners (IHP, UK), Americares (US), Direct Relief (US), IFRC, Save the Children and UNICEF—to support those in the region by providing them access to the Johnson & Johnson supply chain network to strengthen their reach and capabilities.
Johnson and Johnson
LEO Pharma

LEO Pharma

LEO Pharma stands united with the people of Ukraine and with the international community in condemning the invasion.

As of March 22nd 2022, LEO Pharma has decided to donate close to 740,000 packs and 420,000 vials of antibiotics and anticoagulants via International Health Partners. These medicines are relevant for treating wounds, infections and saving lives to support people in vulnerable communities in Ukraine.

The products have an estimated value of EUR +1.8 million and is a donation on top of the DKK 1 million (EUR 135k) donated to the Danish Red Cross.


Supply of medicines to people in Ukraine

In early March, Lilly announced it was donating USD 7.5 million of insulin to Project Hope, a U.S. non-profit organization that empowers health care workers facing the world’s greatest health crises to build resilient communities and a healthier, more equitable world. Project Hope is currently on the ground in Ukraine and is actively shipping essential medicines and medical supplies to assist Ukrainians. 

To date, Lilly’s supply of medicines, including more than two million doses of diabetes and cancer products, have made their way to hospitals and patients in Ukraine via their humanitarian partners. The most significant supply of medicines includes insulins with more than 117,000 vials and pens delivered thanks to Direct Relief and Project HOPE.

A supply of Lilly’s COVID-19 therapies is in route to Ukraine and two additional supplies of diabetes and cancer products are in process with Direct Relief. Lilly continues to monitor the situation and to do what they can to contribute to the health and wellbeing of people in Ukraine during this ongoing and devastating crisis.

More information is available here Lilly Ukraine Support | Eli Lilly and Company 

Philanthropic support

The Lilly Foundation has made two equal monetary contributions totalling USD 500k to Direct Relief and to Americares to support their respective relief efforts in the region.  Americares is currently working to deliver aid for families facing crisis in Ukraine. They are collaborating closely with the World Health Organisation, regional health authorities, and international, national and local response organisations in Ukraine and neighbouring countries.

The Lilly Foundation will also match eligible Lilly employee donations up to an additional USD 500k. We hope for an immediate end to the hostilities and a peaceful resolution to this crisis as soon as possible. 

Lilly Shifts Business Focus in Russia

For nearly 150 years, Lilly has worked to ensure patients have access to the medicines they need, no matter where they may live. We have an ethical and moral obligation to help alleviate human suffering and to protect the lives of patients. Lilly is deeply concerned with the tragic loss of innocent lives in Ukraine – and recognizes the challenges people are facing with access to essential medications like insulin. 

Lilly have taken several actions in response to the crisis in Ukraine. In addition to their donations of lifesaving medicine and the Lilly Foundation’s philanthropic commitment announced on March 3, Lilly has been focused on the safety of their employees in Ukraine.

Lilly also have suspended all investments, promotional activities, and new clinical trials in Russia, as well as the exportation of non-essential medicines to that country. Their Russian operations are now only focused on ensuring people suffering from diseases like cancer and diabetes continue to get the Lilly medicines they need. Should Lilly generate any profits from their sales in Russia, Lilly will donate them to organisations dedicated to humanitarian relief.

Lilly hope for an immediate end to the hostilities and a resolution to this crisis as soon as possible.

*The Eli Lilly and Company Foundation, Inc. is a separate, tax-exempt organization.



Lundbeck donated DKK 10 million (approximately USD 1.5 million) to the Danish Red Cross to support the emergency relief efforts and are exploring ways to donate essential medicines to the people who rely on them.

Their priority has been and will continue to be to take care of their colleagues and patients both in Ukraine and Russia that are innocent people in the midst of war.


  • To support humanitarian aid in Ukraine, Merck has in total donated more than EUR 4 million. More than half a million Euros came from Merck colleagues from all around the world. The majority was donated to the German Red Cross.
  • Two trucks delivered more than 40 tons of relief supplies in form of food, first-aid equipment, hygiene articles and other urgently needed daily necessities from Merck in Darmstadt to Wroclaw in Poland to support refugees there. Here, too, Merck employees made a big contribution through their donations.
  • In June, Merck donated a six-month supply of its medicines for the treatment of thyroid disorders and for the treatment of colorectal cancer and head & neck cancer to Ukraine.
  • More than EUR 160k were collected in cash and in-kind donations from European subsidiaries, including drug donations of several medicines.
  • Merck also donated more than 20,000 litres of disinfectant.
  • To help those displaced by the war, Merck offer dedicated areas of opportunity in Germany on their “Helping Hands for Ukraine” career page.


MSD has a more than 130-year legacy of saving and improving lives around the world, and they remain committed to doing so. MSD are saddened by the invasion of Ukraine and stand united with the Ukrainian people who face a humanitarian crisis. MSD’s hope is for an urgent resolution, and their paramount concerns are the safety and well-being of their employees and ensuring their patients and customers have continued access to MSD medicines and vaccines.

For humanitarian reasons, MSD has a responsibility to continue supplying essential medicines and vaccines in Russia. Any profits resulting from these sales will be donated to humanitarian causes. MSD will maintain scientific exchange of information with stakeholders in critical therapeutic areas. However, the company will not make further investments in Russia. This includes stopping all promotional activities, capital investments and business development initiatives. Additionally, screening and enrolment in ongoing clinical trials, and planning for new studies in Russia have been suspended. MSD are continuing to treat patients already enrolled in existing clinical trials and collect data from these studies underway, and they are working hard to ensure no patient is left behind. MSD does not have research or manufacturing facilities in Russia and is operating in compliance with all international sanctions while working to ensure continued access to essential medicines and vaccines. During this time of tragedy, MSD’s commitment to helping the people affected is unwavering. MSD are using their resources to help alleviate the human suffering in Ukraine. Merck and Co., Inc. and MSD are taking various actions to address the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, which include the:

Delivery of 135,000 courses of molnupiravir to the country through a supply and purchase agreement they have with the government.
Donation of 100,000 courses of molnupiravir to Direct Relief, an organization that provides emergency medical assistance for distribution to refugees in low- and middle-income countries including people affected by the conflict in Ukraine. MSD are utilizing their global network, including 17 internal and external manufacturing sites in nine countries, which don’t include Ukraine or Russia.
Commitment of USD 1 million to NGOs, including USD 300k to the American Red Cross, delivering urgent assistance to those affected in the region.
Utilization of their donation program for U.S. and Puerto Rico employees to donate to Ukraine relief efforts. Contributions will be matched 100% by the Company. Employees outside of the U.S. can receive a company match toward their donation to the Red Cross and to Direct Relief, and the contribution will be matched 100% by the company.
Donation of vaccines from MSD Animal Health to farmers in Ukraine to support the continued raising of livestock and food production.
Additionally, MSD are continuing to explore ways, in discussion with NGOs and relief experts, to use their resources to alleviate the human suffering in Ukraine.

As of April 13, MSD's  total cash and product donations amount to more than USD 95 million.

MSD will continue to monitor this tragedy and update its response as this crisis unfolds. The focus now remains on supporting the well-being of their employees and doing what they can to ensure access to their medicines and vaccines, and further using their resources to alleviate the unimaginable human suffering in Ukraine.


Novartis condemns the war in Ukraine and has been providing humanitarian support, financial donations as well as considerable volumes of medicines to those people impacted by the war. 

As a medicines company, to date Novartis have delivered more than 1.3 million packs of antibiotics, painkillers, cardiovascular, and oncology treatments - which amounts to more than USD 33 million in medical aid, to maintain the supply to those who rely on these drugs in Ukraine and in the border areas where people are seeking refuge. This is in addition to an initial USD 3 million donation to charities supporting refugees and displaced people in Ukraine and bordering countries. 

Patient organisations (POs) face an unprecedented challenge to deliver their core support services and address pressing additional needs during the war in Ukraine. This includes services such as patient transfer to get treatment abroad, translations of medical reports and patient data and disseminating knowledge of hospitals prepared to admit patients etc. POs are rising to the challenge to ensure the health and safety of their constituents which Novartis is supporting with USD 1 million in aid.  

After studying current safety protocols in the country, and on advice which Novartis will regularly review, they have begun to resume business operations remotely to help the war-torn country restore some basic critical business processes. 

Their team in Ukraine is eager to come back to their work, and to play their part in maintaining our priority to ensure that those in need of life-changing medicines gain the best possible support from Novartis and Sandoz. 

The safety and security of their people remains their number one objective, and Novartis will constantly review the situation and their business operations in Ukraine. 

Novartis are hopeful that the war in Ukraine will soon reach a peaceful resolution.

Novo Nordisk

Novo Nordisk

Novo Nordisk is deeply concerned by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and their thoughts are with all those affected by this unfolding human tragedy.

As a healthcare company striving to improve the health and wellbeing of people across the globe, Novo Nordisk strongly condemn all acts of violence and aggression, and stand with all those calling for a swift and peaceful resolution to this war.

Since the invasion started, Novo Nordisk have been doing all they can to maintain the supply of essential medicines to patients living with chronic diseases in Ukraine and to those fleeing – both by prioritising supplies through the regular reimbursement system still operating in most of the country and through humanitarian donations of diabetes and haemophilia care products. Novo Nordisk has been coordinating closely with a range of national and international actors – including the Ministry of Health and humanitarian actors. Several months of supplies have been donated to Ukraine and neighbouring countries  - responding to requests for donations from the Ministry, hospitals, patient organisations and international actors, including Direct Relief, WHO and the ICRC.

As of May 25th, Novo Nordisk have reopened our office in Kyiv as the situation in the Ukrainian capital stabilises. The reopening is on a voluntary basis for employees and they are continuously reviewing the situation to ensure their safety.

Our products remain available in approximately 80% of Ukraine.  For healthcare professionals and patients, they continue to support questions about product availability through their dedicated hotline:

0-800-801-341 Toll-Free number in Ukraine

032-246-50-73  Number in Ukraine (charges according to local operator)

+48-22-4444911 International number


The Novo Nordisk Foundation has donated DKK 80 million (approx EUR 10.7 million) to support the work of international relief organisations in receiving and assisting refugees, internally displaced people and other vulnerable groups with access to basic necessities such as food and shelter, health and protection.


As the humanitarian crisis deepens in Ukraine, all at Otsuka watch with great sadness and a feeling of helplessness. The impact on the people in Ukraine and those fleeing their homes is unimaginable and we hope that their donation of EUR 100,000 to the British Red Cross will contribute to providing a degree of safety and security to those affected by this humanitarian crisis. Otsuka continue to monitor the situation and respond with support where they can.



Pfizer stands with the unified global community across the public, private, and civil society sectors in opposition to the Russian war in Ukraine and the situation it has created. Deeply concerned by the human suffering we all are witnessing during the ongoing war in Ukraine, Pfizer is committed to contributing to ongoing humanitarian efforts that support the safety, health, and wellbeing of people affected by these tragic events. Consistent with our company values, Pfizer is determined to ensure the safety of our colleagues and their families. They are equally determined to facilitate continued access to Pfizer medicines and vaccines for patients. Pfizer is donating the equivalent of all profits of their Russian subsidiary to causes that provide direct humanitarian support to the people of Ukraine.

Humanitarian Efforts

To date, Pfizer have activated several humanitarian efforts and continue to expand their support, mostly through The Pfizer Foundation, a charitable organisation founded by Pfizer Inc to address the challenges of a complex and evolving global health landscape.

Supporting global and local NGOs

To date, more than USD 22 million has been donated through The Pfizer Foundation to causes supporting the Ukrainian people. This includes grants derived from Pfizer’s decision to donate the equivalent of profits from our Russian subsidiary to causes that provide direct humanitarian support to the people of Ukraine.

To date the Foundation has approved grants for 12 non-governmental organisations (NGOs), including six local organisations in Poland and Ukraine to support humanitarian relief and response efforts. This includes food security and support services, shelter, education for children, and other pressing needs of the people of Ukraine.

Pfizer's humanitarian relief partners:

  • Crown Agents International Development, Ukraine
  • International Medical Corps
  • International Rescue Committee
  • Polish Center for International Aid Foundation
  • Polish Humanitarian Action
  • Polish-Ukrainian Institute for Relief and Development
  • Save the Children Ukraine Emergency Response
  • Ukrainian Red Cross
  • UNICEF Ukraine Emergency Response Fund
  • UNITED 24
  • World Food Program Ukraine Emergency Fund

Collectively, these partners are on the front lines supporting emergency relief priorities in Ukraine and the immediate needs of displaced populations in surrounding countries now hosting Ukrainian refugees. Their work includes repairing vital infrastructure in Ukraine, restoring and equipping health facilities, and supporting displaced populations to address critical needs including food security and support services, child protection and education, and safe shelter.

Maximising the generosity of Pfizer colleagues

Through The Pfizer Foundation, Pfizer have also launched the Ukraine Humanitarian Disaster Campaign matching financial donations already made by thousands of Pfizer colleagues around the world to UNICEF, the IRC, Save the Children, the American Red Cross, CARE, Nova Ukraine, and Sunflower of Peace.

  • As of August 2022, more than 4,300 colleagues from nearly 54 countries have donated nearly USD 936k
  • Including The Pfizer Foundation’s dollar-for-dollar match, the total donation is USD 1.86 million

Providing Pfizer medicines and vaccines to those that need them

Pfizer is also responding to the immediate need for access to life-saving medicines through targeted product donations to Ukraine and organisations supporting the Ukrainian people. This includes over 1,000,000 doses/courses of Pfizer products, including lifesaving antibiotics, antifibrinolytics and oncology medicines to help healthcare providers and relief workers treat patients in Ukraine and neighbouring countries.

In partnership with the U.S. Government and USAID, almost 2 million donated doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine have also reached Ukraine.

Pfizer are also one of the largest donors to Direct Relief. As part of a broader product donation, they have delivered nearly 200,000 courses of PAXLOVID to Ukraine.

*The Pfizer Foundation is a charitable organization established by Pfizer Inc. It is a separate legal entity from Pfizer Inc. with distinct legal restrictions

Our People

Pfizer has a cross-functional team of people dedicated to ensuring the safety of their colleagues and contractors based in Ukraine. Pfizer remain in close contact during this extremely challenging time, and they continue to provide advice and support. At this time, all colleagues have been accounted for and they remain in almost constant contact during this extremely challenging time.

Our Patients

Pfizer are working hard to facilitate patients’ access to the medicines and vaccines they need. Pfizer have established robust and preventative measures as well as flexible routes to help minimize impact on supply to Ukraine. Pfizer also continue to manage stock levels of critical medicines to ensure they can serve patients in the country.

At the same time, Pfizer are continuing their collaboration with research partners in the region to mitigate impact to their clinical programs. In the interests of patient safety, Pfizer made the necessary decision to pause the recruitment of new participants to clinical trial programs on the outbreak of conflict, and they have focused on maintaining continuity of care for patients actively participating in trials.

Pfizer are actively working with all their clinical trial sites in Ukraine to support them however possible in continuing to support patients and advance medical science. Pfizer are truly amazed at the resilience of the Ukrainian trial sites, healthcare professionals, patients, and all those involved—many of whom have continued on their clinical trials as planned despite the challenging situation.

Pfizer are also working with the appropriate channels in the surrounding countries to connect with any displaced participants to facilitate their enrolment onto trial sites in their chosen location.

They will continue to evaluate the situation and adjust their approach as needed.


Roche vehemently condemns the violent invasion of Ukraine. They are doing everything necessary to safeguard and support their employees and their families whilst also ensuring global supplies of their products.

Roche are working diligently to support the country and people of Ukraine with medical products in accordance with Roche’s overall mission. As a first initiative, they donated a critical antibiotic and specialised medicines for the treatment of anaemia, a wide variety of bacterial infections, influenza, rheumatoid arthritis, SMA and various cancers as well as rheumatoid arthritis and COVID-19. They also donated reagents and consumables for automatic testing of blood donations and units for diabetes management.

They remain in contact with multiple global and local partners as well as charities to understand how it can best continue to support the people of Ukraine with additional medical supplies.

Ensuring critical medicines and diagnostics reach the people who need them is extremely important to them and they are making every effort to ensure continued supply within the scope of the available possibilities.

Roche are working with local distributors in Ukraine, and have set up a remote support system for laboratories, through their Diagnostics Customer Support Center in Poland.

They have established a global hotline number and invite patients, caregivers, physicians, clinical trial participants, investigators or coordinators, and healthcare providers to call. The Roche team will do its best to provide everyone who is in need with the appropriate information and support. The hotline is available in multilingual and can be reached on the following number:  +36 146 182 58.

The situation is evolving quickly and further details will be shared when available.

Find more information about their donations here:



Sanofi continue to be shocked and saddened by the brutality of the Russian armed forces against Ukraine and the resulting suffering of the Ukrainian people. The enormity of this tragedy demands a sustained response. Sanofi stand with the international community in opposing the Russian war and actively supporting the people of Ukraine.

Since the beginning of the war, Sanofi have relentlessly worked to provide the Ukrainian people the access to their treatments and vaccines and to mitigate the impact of the situation on their ongoing clinical trials in the country. Sanofi have been working hand in hand with the healthcare authorities and their partners at Foundation S - The Sanofi Collective, accelerating the donation of their essential medicines and vaccines and supporting both patients in Ukraine and Ukrainian refugees in neighbouring countries.  

Through Foundation S, Sanofi have donated EUR 5 million to the Red Cross for Ukraine and neighbouring countries and to UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency. This has supported emergency access to necessities such as food, shelter, medicine, and security, and helps receive and assist refugees from Ukraine. In addition, as of today, we have donated 31 million daily treatments covering various diseases for the Ukrainian people. Moreover, as part of their effort to support the European Commission’s ‘Stand Up For Ukraine' donation campaign, Sanofi have donated 450,000 vaccines to support diphtheria, tetanus, and flu vaccinations for the Ukrainian people. 

Further to Foundation S’ donations, employee donations have also been organized across our country affiliates, with 2,800 employees’ participation leading to EUR 690k collected in a matching fund. 

Sanofi support effort goes beyond donations. They are working with local partners to re-establish sustainable supply channels to distribute Sanofi medicines and vaccines in Ukraine. They strongly believe that they can make a key contribution for a sustainable response to the crisis by restoring the infrastructures that secure supply Sanofi medicines and vaccines in the country.

Sanofi will continue our effort to respond as the situation evolves.


Servier is deeply saddened by the loss of life and destruction caused by the war in Ukraine. Servier condemns this war and calls for a prompt return to peace. All their thoughts go out to those affected by this brutal and tragic situation, starting with our Ukrainian colleagues and their families. In line with the Servier Group’s mission and values:

  • Servier are offering support to their employees in Ukraine and to those who have made the difficult decision to leave the country. Many Servier employees are working to ensure the safety and well-being of their Ukrainian colleagues and their families in any way possible, including offering solutions for housing.
  • Servier are doing everything they can to contribute to humanitarian aid intended for the Ukrainian population. The Servier Group has already made donations of medicines and emergency kits, and has made financial donations, for a total amount that exceeds EUR 1.5 million to date.
  • Servier have also created a fund for their employees around the world so that they may contribute to relieving suffering in Ukraine via voluntary charitable donations. Servier matches all employee donations by applying the 1:1 rule whereby 1 euro given by an employee = 1 euro paid by the Group.

As a company dedicated to saving and improving lives, Servier has a unique humanitarian responsibility to ensure that essential medicines remain available to patients wherever they are. With regard to the quickly-evolving situation and in accordance with international sanctions, Servier have made the following decisions:

  • They are suspending the start of new clinical trials in Russia and Belarus, as well as recruitment of new patients for ongoing trials.
  • Servier are suspending any new investments in Russia and Belarus.
  • They will donate an amount equivalent to the profits of our subsidiary in Russia this year to support humanitarian action in Ukraine.

It is their hope that the war in Ukraine and the suffering of the Ukrainian population will soon come to an end.



Takeda are heartbroken by the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Ukraine and the impact on people living within the country and those who have had to flee their homes.

Their commitment to patients, regardless of where they live, and to their people is unwavering and is even more important in times of crisis. Takeda are making every effort to protect our colleagues in Ukraine and to continue to supply patients in Ukraine and in the region with much needed treatments.

Takeda are supporting the global humanitarian efforts by contributing JPY 300 million (approx. USD 2.6 million) to The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, which is actively providing urgent local humanitarian support to people displaced and impacted by the conflict. Takeda are also donating medicines to hospitals working to provide care around the clock to patients in need, and will continue to evaluate ways to provide additional support services for patients and the treatment community. Takeda colleagues around the world are helping those in need in Ukraine by contributing with their personal donations to several local and global non-governmental organisations.

As the conflict and humanitarian crisis in Ukraine continues, Takeda are announcing an update to their company position in Russia.

Takeda has taken further action to discontinue activities in Russia that are not essential to maintaining supply of medicines to patients and providing ongoing support to their employees. This includes suspending all new investments, suspending advertising and promotion, not initiating new clinical trials and stopping enrolment of new patients in ongoing clinical trials.

Takeda's focus only on essential activities is consistent with their values and ethical responsibility to their patients in Ukraine, Russia and the region who depend on their treatments. Notwithstanding, Takeda are adhering to all international sanctions imposed on Russia.

Takeda will be increasing their humanitarian relief efforts, including monetary and medicine donations to benefit people affected by the conflict in Ukraine, and they will continue to assess new ways to provide support as they look to meet the needs of patients across the region.

Takeda will continue to monitor the situation closely and take appropriate actions grounded in their values.


Teva announced donations of essential medicines valued at over USD 11 million, extending humanitarian support of Ukrainian refugees. 

Teva has shipped over 1.3 million packs of medicines, including antibiotics and other medicines listed on the WHO's list of essential medicines, as well as products for Ukrainian infants and children struggling with poor hygienic conditions. 

Read the full release



In these difficult times, UCB is guided by their purpose of creating value for patients, now and in the future and their focus on contributing to a more inclusive and sustainable world. That’s why they are driven to limit the impact of this unfortunate war on their employees, patients and their respective communities.


UCB are fully focused on supporting the small group of UCB employees living in Ukraine, as well as their families, and they have foreseen emergency support for their colleagues.


UCB feel responsible to bring medicines to people living in Ukraine and Russia no matter how difficult the circumstances. They will do everything within their power to ensure patients have access to their medicines. This is extremely difficult because of disrupted supply chains.  In spite of this, UCB continue to investigate short and longer-term solutions to ensure availability of their medicines in the region.  UCB have a cooperation with NGOs such as Tulipe who are delivering drug donations to patients in the war zone. So far, UCB have donated more than 1,6 million doses of anti-epileptics and 35,000 daily doses of antihistamines. 


To support humanitarian efforts, UCB has donated EUR 300k to the German International Rescue Committee and the Belgian International Red Cross. They are also examining how they can support the communities in the region and those who have fled to safer places in the long-term, through our UCB Community Health Fund.

UCB is also supporting BEforUkraine, a Belgian non-profit organization, in bringing essential equipment to Ukraine: the company has so far financed 3 refurbished ambulances filled with equipment. UCB colleagues around the world are showing solidarity, helping in refugee centres, making personal donations to charities, setting up collection of essential goods at UCB sites, driving to the Ukrainian border to pick up relatives or friends and hosting Ukrainian colleagues and refugees in their houses or those of other colleagues. These are only a few examples. To facilitate this much-needed movement of solidarity, they have developed an employee volunteering initiative to enable their colleagues in Europe to lend a helping hand to this enormous refugee crisis.

UCB in Russia

UCB is still bringing medicines to patients in Russia but they have reviewed the way in which they conduct our business there. Profits generated in Russia will be donated to the German International Rescue Committee and the Belgian International Red Cross to help the people of Ukraine. UCB have already stopped enrolling new patients and are not starting up any new sites or clinical trials in Russia. They are no longer undertaking marketing activities and are exploring other steps they can take to support the sanctions.

Vifor Pharma

In light of the developing humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, the thoughts of Vifor Pharma are with everyone affected - and in particular their patients, employees and their loved ones.

At Vifor Pharma, they are working hard to strengthen wider humanitarian efforts and have donated nearly 60,000 packages of iron therapies to help those in need in Ukraine. The use of the intravenous iron products in this emergency setting is hoped to improve surgical and medical outcomes in patients by optimal management of a patient’s additional transfusion needs during surgery as evidenced in the Patient Blood Management setting.

Vifor Pharma is a patient-centric company, and their greatest priority is to ensure that local healthcare organisations and patients receive the medicines they depend on in these uncertain times.

Vifor Pharma

Last modified: 5 October 2022

Last reviewed: 23 January 2023