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About Us | ACEEE

About Us

October 7, 2019

energy efficiency nonprofit - about

Our Mission:

Through research, education, and advocacy, ACEEE advances the efficient use of energy to rapidly and equitably spur economic well-being and combat climate change.

American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy

The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE), a nonprofit research organization, develops transformative policies to reduce energy waste and combat climate changeWith our independent analysis, we aim to build a vibrant and equitable economy – one that uses energy more productively, reduces costs, protects the environment, and promotes the health, safety, and well-being of everyone. 

"ACEEE has been an important partner, offering expertise and recommendations for bipartisan energy efficiency reforms."

Former Senator Rob Portman (R - Ohio)

ACEEE was founded in 1980 by leading energy researchers who were concerned about U.S. dependence on foreign oil. Since then, by significantly improving energy efficiency across all sectors, the United States has halved its energy use relative to the size of the economy. Efficiency now saves more energy each year than the nation uses from any other single energy resource. It also saves money, creates jobs, improves grid reliability, and by reducing harmful emissions, cleans the air and improves people’s health.

"ACEEE has transformed the practice of energy efficiency, not only in the US, but throughout the globe."

Ahmad Faruqui, principal, The Brattle Group

Despite this progress, the pace of climate change due to global energy use threatens our economy, our health and safety, and the ecosystems on which we depend. Energy efficiency is vital to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate impacts. It can transform how all our products, services, and systems work together to improve our use of energy. As the leading U.S. center of expertise on energy efficiency, ACEEE is committed to halving U.S. energy use and emissions by 2050 while bolstering economic growth and equity. Our research lays out a path to achieve this, and to accelerate our efforts, our Call to Action sets bold 2030 goals.

"ACEEE's next challenge is to continue its pursuit of greater deployment of energy efficiency across the globe. For the future of our families and my children's earth, it is imperative."

Monica Martinez, principal, Ruben Strategy Group

ACEEE is uniquely positioned to take on this grand challenge. With its bipartisan approach, highly-regarded convenings, and thorough, externally-reviewed technical work, it collaborates with businesses, governments, academia and philanthropy, as well as public interest, health and environmental justice groups to scale the solutions needed to combat climate change. 

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