Cambridge Concise Histories





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Cambridge Concise Histories (全46巻) Kindle版
Cambridge Concise Histories (けい46さつ)
This book provides a concise, illustrated history of Great Britain over the past three centuries, from its formation as a sovereign state between the Union of England and Scotland in 1707 to its partial loss of sovereignty in the accession to the European Community, confirmed in the referendum result of 1975. Professor Speck emphasises political and social trends. In particular he argues that conservative politics prevailed largely in a deeply conservative society, and that reactionary causes generally obtained more support than radical campaigns. The book is highly illustrated with pictures and photographs and contains a bibliography and other features of use to students and general readers.
このシリーズはぜん46さつです。 購入こうにゅうするアイテムすう選択せんたくしてください。
このシリーズはぜん46さつです。 購入こうにゅうするアイテムすう選択せんたくしてください。
Kindle 価格かかく
¥ 13,611 ¥ 24,034 ¥ 47,640 ¥ 141,306 ¥ 188,478 (税込ぜいこみ)
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獲得かくとくポイント: 1881pt (1%)
Kindle 価格かかく
¥ 13,611 ¥ 24,034 ¥ 47,640 ¥ 141,306 ¥ 188,478 (税込ぜいこみ)
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獲得かくとくポイント: 1411pt (1%)
獲得かくとくポイント: 1881pt (1%)
獲得かくとくポイント: 46pt
This book provides a concise, illustrated history of Great Britain over the past three centuries, from its formation as a sovereign state between the Union of England and Scotland in 1707 to its partial loss of sovereignty in the accession to the European Community, confirmed in the referendum result of 1975. Professor Speck emphasises political and social trends. In particular he argues that conservative politics prevailed largely in a deeply conservative society, and that reactionary causes generally obtained more support than radical campaigns. The book is highly illustrated with pictures and photographs and contains a bibliography and other features of use to students and general readers.
その形式けいしき: ハードカバー , ペーパーバック


販売はんばい: Amazon Services International LLC

獲得かくとくポイント: 45pt
This book offers a comprehensive thousand-year history of the land, people, society, culture and economy of Hungary, from its nebulous origins in the Ural Mountains to the elections of 1988. It tells above all the thrilling story of a people which became a great power in the region and then fought against - and was invaded by - Ottomans, Germans and Soviets. The Hungarian people preserved nevertheless a continuous individuality through its Ural-born language and a specifically Hungaro-European culture. Dominated from the sixteenth century by the Habsburgs, while ruling its own national minorities, Hungary was deprived of two-thirds of its lands and peoples through successive treaties which followed the two World Wars, after which it fell under Soviet domination for nearly fifty years. Free and independent since 1990, Hungary continues to seek its rightful position in Europe.
その形式けいしき: ハードカバー , ペーパーバック


販売はんばい: Amazon Services International LLC

獲得かくとくポイント: 45pt
Bulgaria became a member of the European Union in 2007, yet its history is amongst the least well known in the rest of the continent. R. J. Crampton provides here a general introduction to this country at the cross-roads of Christendom and Islam. The text and illustrations trace the rich and dramatic story from pre-history, through the days when Bulgaria was the centre of a powerful medieval empire and the five centuries of Ottoman rule, to the cultural renaissance of the nineteenth century and the political upheavals of the twentieth, upheavals which led Bulgaria into three wars. This updated edition includes the years from 1995 to 2004, a vital period in which Bulgaria endured financial meltdown, set itself seriously on the road to reform, elected its former King as prime minister, and finally secured membership of NATO and admission to the European Union.
その形式けいしき: ハードカバー , ペーパーバック


販売はんばい: Amazon Services International LLC

獲得かくとくポイント: 53pt
The second edition of this accessible study of Mexico includes two new features: an examination of cultural developments since Independence from Spain in 1821 and a discussion of contemporary issues up to the time of publication. Several new plates with captions expand the thematic coverage in the book. The updated edition examines the administration of Vicente Fox, who came to power with the elections of 2000. The new sections reinforce the importance of Mexico's long and disparate history, from the Precolumbian era onwards, in shaping the country as it is today. This Concise History looks at Mexico from political, economic and cultural perspectives, and tackles controversial themes such as the impact of the Spanish Conquest and the struggle to establish an independent Mexico. A broad range of readers interested in the modern-day Americas should find here a helpful introduction to this vibrant and dynamic North-American society.
その形式けいしき: ハードカバー , ペーパーバック


販売はんばい: Amazon Services International LLC

獲得かくとくポイント: 51pt
The second edition of this guide to Poland has been updated to take account of the years from 1989–2005. This period marked its liberation from the Soviet Union, the birth of Poland's 'Third Republic' and, recently, its accession to the European Union in 2004. Poland's history has been marked by its resilience. Once a dominant force in central and eastern Europe and home to a remarkable experiment in consensual politics, it was excised from the map by its neighbours in 1795. Resurrected in 1918, partitioned afresh during the Second World War, it survived to become a satellite of the Soviet Union. Yet in the 1980s, it was Poland which blazed the trail in casting off communism, and was finally able to reassert its Christian heritage. With its updated bibliography and new chronology, the book is the ideal companion for all looking for a comprehensive survey of this fascinating country.
その形式けいしき: ハードカバー , ペーパーバック


販売はんばい: Amazon Services International LLC

獲得かくとくポイント: 45pt
Few countries in Europe have undergone such rapid social, political and economic changes as Finland has during the last fifty years. David Kirby here sets out the fascinating history of this northern country, for centuries on the east-west divide of Europe, a country not blessed by nature, most of whose inhabitants still earned a living from farming fifty years ago, but which today is one of the most prosperous members of the European Union. He shows how this small country was able not only to survive in peace and war but also to preserve and develop its own highly distinctive identity, neither Scandinavian nor Eastern European. He traces the evolution of the idea of a Finnish national state, from the long centuries as part of the Swedish realm, through self-government within the Russian Empire, and into the stormy and tragic birth of the independent state in the twentieth century.
その形式けいしき: ハードカバー , ペーパーバック


販売はんばい: Amazon Services International LLC

獲得かくとくポイント: 51pt
In a second edition of their successful Concise History of Modern India, Barbara Metcalf and Thomas Metcalf explore India's modern history afresh and update the events of the last decade. These include the takeover of Congress from the seemingly entrenched Hindu nationalist party in 2004, India's huge advances in technology and the country's new role as a major player in world affairs. From the days of the Mughals, through the British Empire, and into Independence, the country has been transformed by its institutional structures. It is these institutions which have helped bring about the social, cultural and economic changes that have taken place over the last half century and paved the way for the modern success story. Despite these advances, poverty, social inequality and religious division still fester. In response to these dilemmas, the book grapples with questions of caste and religious identity, and the nature of the Indian nation.
その形式けいしき: ハードカバー , ペーパーバック


販売はんばい: Amazon Services International LLC

獲得かくとくポイント: 45pt
For a small, prosperous country in the middle of Europe, modern Austria has a very large and complex history, extending far beyond its current borders. Today's Austrians have a problematic relationship with that history, whether with the multi-national history of the Habsburg Monarchy, or with the time between 1938 and 1945 when Austrians were Germans in Hitler's Third Reich. Steven Beller's gripping and comprehensive account traces the remarkable career of Austria through its many transformations, from German borderland, to dynastic enterprise, imperial house, Central European great power, failed Alpine republic, German province, and then successful Alpine republic, building up a picture of the layers of Austrian identity and heritage and their diverse sources. It is a story full of anomalies and ironies, a case study of the other side of European history, without the easy answers of more clearly national narratives, and hence far more relevant to today's world.
その形式けいしき: ハードカバー , ペーパーバック


販売はんばい: Amazon Services International LLC

獲得かくとくポイント: 50pt
Based on historical research and debates about Wales and Welshness, this volume offers an authoritative and accessible account of the period from Neanderthal times to the opening of the Senedd, the home of the National Assembly for Wales, in 2006. Within a remarkably brief and stimulating compass, Geraint H. Jenkins explores the emergence of Wales as a nation, its changing identities and values, and the transformations its people experienced and survived throughout the centuries. In the face of seemingly overwhelming odds, the Welsh never reconciled themselves to political, social and cultural subordination, and developed ingenious ways of maintaining a distinctive sense of their otherness. The book ends with the coming of political devolution and the emergence of a greater measure of cultural pluralism. Professor Jenkins's lavishly illustrated volume provides enthralling material for scholars, students, general readers, and travellers to Wales.
その形式けいしき: ハードカバー , ペーパーバック


販売はんばい: Amazon Services International LLC

獲得かくとくポイント: 45pt
Neil Kent's book sweeps through Sweden's history from the Stone Age to the present day. Early coverage includes Viking hegemony, the Scandinavian Union, the Reformation and Sweden's political zenith as Europe's greatest superpower in the seventeenth century, while later chapters explore the Swedish Enlightenment, royal absolutism, the commitment to military neutrality and Pan-Scandinavianism. The author brings his account up to date by focusing on more recent developments: the rise of Social Democracy, the establishment of the welfare state, the country's acceptance of membership in the European Union and its progressive ecological programme. The book successfully combines the politics, economics and social and cultural mores of one of the world's most successfully functioning and humane societies. This is an informative and entertaining account for students and general readers.
その形式けいしき: ハードカバー , ペーパーバック


販売はんばい: Amazon Services International LLC

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