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Velveteen & Mandala (English Edition) Kindle Ausgabe

4,3 4,3 von 5 Sternen 42 Sternebewertungen

The world of Velveteen & Mandala is a dystopia. Tokyo, where the youth used to waste their time to search for answers, is now barren. For a pair of teens who still live along the outskirts of town, Velveteen and Mandala, Tokyo is a nightmare that can only compare to the nightmare that is slowly trying to take over the metropolis.

These two teens are the last line of defense for a nation in ruins. Armed with a fully-operational tank the pair must fight off the zombie hordes while they catfight each other for food, entertainment and maybe even the affection and attention of the opposite sex. They have nothing to lose in this world except their humanity, but then again who are the zombies in this world? Are they the undead or are these two teens who must live among them even still human?
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Velveteen & Mandala feels wrong in the best sense of the word. It’s a creepy, gross little monster of a book, the type that is going to crawl inside your brain and throw up on your frontal lobes… The strongest scenes come from the extreme cruelty that lurks behind high school life or the way that people—and I mean regular people here, like you and me—are casually insensitive to each other in deeply cutting ways… The exact manga you need if you’re a fan of Johnny Ryan’s Prison Pit, Charles Burns’s Black Hole, or seeing some good old-fashioned gross action.” —Comics Alliance

Velveteen & Mandala is as disturbed as its protagonists, and maybe that’s because it manages to be both fun and sad… Just like the way Mandala obsessively shouts ‘Tape recorder!’ at the top of her lungs, Velveteen & Mandala will stay in your head and beg to be reread. Here’s hoping Vertical, or an equally gutsy publisher, pumps out more material like Matsumoto’s in the direction of an otherwise unsuspecting North American audience.” —Otaku USA

“It is funny, but in the black, ghastly way that something like
Catch-22 or M*A*S*H (the original film, at its most embittered) was funny: you laugh, along with the storyteller, that you may not cry… The most significant development over the course of V&M is how it slowly trades the outré, non-sequitur black humor of its opening chapters for something a lot sadder and more expansive. There’s a surprising amount of emotional punch in the conclusion, enough that it invites a second reading of the book…” —Genji Press

"The key in appreciating this genius manga would be to just look deeper. The manga gives focus on how harsh life can be that people would be forced to sacrifice what they have. While this manga isn't recommended for teens, as it contains a lot of disturbing content, it definitely should be read." - Review Stream

Über die Autorenschaft und weitere Mitwirkende

Jiro Matsumoto was born on August 20, 1970. A graduate of the Mushashino College of the Arts with a major in sculpture art, Matsumoto quickly turned his focus on the comics world upon receiving his undergrad degree in 1992. That year he took the top honor in Kodansha's prestigous Morning/Chiba Tetsuya New Comic Artist Award. His debut work Little Field blew the judges away with its fast pacing and unhinged art-style.

While Matsumoto has penned numerous short-stories over the past two decades his first major success was the sci-fi thriller FREESIA. Published by Shogakukan's IKKI magazine since 2001, FREESIA would come to redefine indie comics in Japan when it was adapted into a live action film in 2006.

Velveteen & Mandara will be Matsumoto's first book in English.


  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0893ZHC73
  • Herausgeber ‏ : ‎ Vertical Comics (6. Oktober 2020)
  • Sprache ‏ : ‎ Englisch
  • Dateigröße ‏ : ‎ 548575 KB
  • Text-to-Speech (Vorlesemodus) ‏ : ‎ Nicht aktiviert
  • Verbesserter Schriftsatz ‏ : ‎ Nicht aktiviert
  • X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Nicht aktiviert
  • Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Nicht aktiviert
  • Haftnotizen ‏ : ‎ Nicht aktiviert
  • Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe ‏ : ‎ 344 Seiten
  • Kundenrezensionen:
    4,3 4,3 von 5 Sternen 42 Sternebewertungen

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4,3 von 5 Sternen
4,3 von 5
42 weltweite Bewertungen

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5,0 von 5 Sternen Jiro Matsumoto meets Suda51 and Cronenberg
Rezension aus Mexiko vom 27. September 2023
Aunque en el la industria manga sobran las historias ultraviolentas a las que también pertenece V&M, este tomo único de un poco conocido Jiro Matsumoto se distingue porque el caos mental de los personajes sacude la estructura de la historia y su mundo, que termina por ser un territorio de shocks contínuos ad nauseam. Matsumoto y su dibujo detallista a base de obsesivas repeticiones de líneas sobre un mismo espacio, como arrastrado por el tono mental de la obra, nos propone un infierno no tanto post-apocalíptico sino carnal: la desgracia de poseer un cuerpo cuando es depositario de experiencias en una franja donde circularmente se destruyen y cultivan todo tipo de flaquezas, dolores y horrores. Es, pues, como un cuerpo atrapado en un cerco de memorias traumáticas que se repiten, se reproducen, se desvían y dan lugara a nuevos desdoblamientos traumáticos latentes en los anteriores. Ninguna cosa —incluido el ojo del lector— escapa a ese estrés sin descanso, sin frontera de paz ni cura posible. El mundo repulsivo está balanceado por citas hilarantes de la cultura pop del manga, el anime, los videojuegos, a veces autorreferenciales a la manera de Suda51 (No More Heroes). V&M es un título imperdible —sólo para adultos.
David N. de M.
5,0 von 5 Sternen Fascinating, but be aware
Rezension aus Brasilien vom 23. Juni 2023
This manga is one of the many masterpieces of Jiro Matsumoto, a quite nebulous/underground mangaka.

It is the focus of many of his stories to talk about mental illnesses in a very imagery-ful and symbolic way, and this is no different.
This is full of gore, violence, sex, weird humor and world-ending themes. Nothing is meanigless and exists solely for shock value, but as always, it's required quite some effort to scratch the message of the work.

Aside from what was mentioned already, the artwork is splendid. Jiro Matsumoto has an awesome style unique to him, so it's a good take to buy this even if you just want to forget a little the generic cookie-cutter moe-esque style most manga have.
4,0 von 5 Sternen Not your typical zombie manga.
Rezension aus Kanada am 30. Januar 2014
Jiro Matsumoto's English debut "Velveteen & Mandala" and a violent and vulgar in a funny and unexpected way. Not for the faint of heart this post-apocalyptic tale follows a strange relationship between two teenage girls who live in a tank and often argue with each other while killing the undead. Although this is one of Matsumoto's tamer works there is still plenty of blood, guts and bodily fluids.

The thing that brought everything all together was that it didn't take itself too seriously, the characters few times making fun of the author or the zombies talking amongst themselves about playing a game of mahjong brought a comedic element to the story while not taking away from the story and theme.

A fun one-shot that is rarely seen in English translation due to the adult content and should be read even if you aren't a fan of the genre.
Mr The Beard
2,0 von 5 Sternen Watch Out For "Scatology"
Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 9. Januar 2015
I usually don't regret purchases, but Velveteen and Mandala's incoherently delivered and somewhat boring story which ended up going somewhere I never expected and didn't want to see - Scatology.

It's not included in the Amazon description, but the back of the manga mentions it and it's definitely in the manga - it also wasn't something I wanted to see, not does it help the story in any way.
5,0 von 5 Sternen We're all mad here...
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 8. Oktober 2011
First off, this book is not for children or those with a weak stomach. But if you're an adult with a strong constitution and an open mind, then by all means, check this little gem out. It has terrific artwork, which reminds me of Hiroaki Samura and a storyline that will keep you guessing until the end. The summary on the back of the manga describes the story as Miyazaki meets Evangelion. To me, it felt more like the spiritual brother of Tekkonkinkreet - only more extreme.

Velveteen, the protagonist, lives by the riverside and from the get-go it's unclear if she's alive or dead and if the world that we see through her eyes even exists. She and her frenemy Mandala trek through a microcosm of spirits, the undead, vicious high school girls, and air raids.

I'm not particularly drawn to stories with violence and nudity (which Velveteen and Mandala has in spades), but have a weak spot for things that are unique. Velveteen and Mandala are not the typical moe school girls that pop up again and again in manga. They are apathetic, strong willed, cruel, addicted to drugs, and literally insane. I like that the writer didn't pull punches. He created two twisted heroines who live in the underbelly of Wonderland.
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