(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Rules – aniSearch.com


aniSearch is a community database, which thrives on the support of its users. To make sure that everything goes smoothly, it needs a few rules. To implement these rules, there are employees who have the right to delete, edit, move, or exclude comments and data from further processing.

User Account

Please note that we do not delete existing user accounts. Every user does, however, have the choice to freely edit their profile information and their username, in order to limit the publicly accessible information and protect their own privacy. Please use the account carefully and honestly, without indulging in nonsense. Prohibited are:
  • Children under the age of 16 are not permitted to register for this website. This is a legal requirement due to Article 8 GDPR.
  • Usernames that either reproduce or insinuate the company brands of any kind of publisher working in the anime or manga sector or usernames that possibly violate the rights of registered trademarks.
  • Users who were previously banned (i.e. received a permanent account suspension) are prohibited from registering a new account. This is backed by German law according to §§ 903, 1004 BGB.
  • Multiple accountsthese are only permitted in exceptional cases (Ask an administrator!)
  • Fake public birth dates
  • the hacking of another’s account — the attempt to gain access to other users passwords
  • Distributing viruses, worms and other forms of malware
  • Spam of any kind — including unpermitted advertising and masses of senseless messages


We ask to retain a friendly tone and to refrain from vulgar/obscene messages. Particularly unwanted is the posting of:
  • Gross slander, libel, threats and the like
  • Discrimination against groups — sexually, racially or otherwise of any kind
  • personal information of third parties without their consent — the privacy of your fellow users is to be respected

Inappropriate Content

Requests for and providing of copyrighted as well as any adult, vulgar or otherwise questionable material is strictly prohibited. This as well as hints of sharing such material via private posts is considered a serious offense. Therefore it is, in particular, forbidden to embed or link to:
  • Downloads of whole or parts of commercial anime (DVD/BD rips and fansubs), manga (scans, scanlations), music
  • Streams of complete works, which have not been released by the copyright holder
  • Pornographyeverything rated not suitable for minors
  • Content which violates current German law (Note that swastikas are considered “symbols of unconstitutional organisations” by German law. Posting such symbols is therefore prohibited by law and will NOT be tolerated!)

Separate Regulations for Images in Public Areas on aniSearch:

Any image material in openly accessible areas (forums, comments, clubs, profiles, signatures) shall be such, that members and guests who are still minors can access them without worries. Moreover, images which possess any of the following traits are forbidden:

  • Violation of current German law
  • Glorification of excessive or self-inflicted violence
  • Transgressions of standards of public decency or discrimination against certain groups of people

Additional Regulations for Sexually Suggestive Image Material:

In openly accessible areas it is further forbidden to publish images which show:
  • Close-ups of a person’s breasts, buttocks or lower abdomen
  • Translucent or transparent clothing or undergarments
  • Just barely or strategically covered nakedness (e.g. genitals covered up via retouching)
  • Depictions of women and men in suggestive poses or during the seductive removal of their clothing

The very same regulations apply to links to images, image galleries, or image boards which display such contents.

We are aware that some of the things mentioned here leave some room for interpretation and thus grant our moderators a certain room for manoeuvre in evaluating images. If a moderator regards an image as inappropriate this will be considered a violation of our rules and entail an advisory. Excuses such as, “something like this can be seen in movies rated PG-13,” will be disregarded. Onetime violations will be regarded slip-ups and will generally not have any further consequences for the user in question. Repeated violations to our rules will, however, entail admonishments or account suspensions for our forums or for aniSearch as a whole.


We do not accept any requests for the deletion of any forum posts that do not violate our forums’ rules. This is, so existing discussions are not torn by apart by the subsequent deleting of such posts. Exceptions can only be made if an administrator or the respective club leader explicitly agree to them.
  • The club forums are moderated by its founders.
  • The quoting of complete posts in the general or the club forums is unwelcome.
    Directive: Quote as little as possible, but as much as necessary so that others see what you are referring to.


We reserve the right to swiftly and inexorably delete any accounts that were only created for manipulating the ratings of anime, manga, movies or comments.

Comment ratings should focus on the actual content of the comment in question. Note that you do not rate the author themself, but you are to decide whether you considered the comment as helpful or not. In case we notice the opposite, we reserve the right to exclude you from further use of the rating function and to delete all your existing comment ratings.

The same goes for manipulative mass-ratings, so called “positive” or “negative pushing” of anime, manga or movies. Your right to rate titles may be revoked and your existing ratings deleted for any of those offences as well.


Depending on the kind of rule violation further proceedings are discussed internally. Mischievous violations of the rules can lead to an immediate revoke of membership. All misdemeanors will be documented and, depending on the seriousness of the current and past offenses, lead to an advisory, admonishment, temporary or permanent account suspension.
  • Decisions from aniSearch employees are to be accepted and obeyed.


If a community member has a problem or a complaint with the behaviour of another community member or a team member he or she can contact the aniSearch team by submitting a support tickets. We take every concern and complaint seriously.