North Korea Denuclearization Digest

North Korean ICBMs on Display

This periodic e-newsletter will provide readers with updates and analyses on diplomatic and denuclearization efforts on the Korean peninsula. To receive these by email, subscribe to our regular updates list.

  • Sang-Min Kim, Julia Masterson, and Kelsey Davenport
    May 25, 2021

    Biden, Moon wrapped up their summit after discussing several bilateral diplomacy, missiles, and North Korea amidst a quiet, ongoing arms buildup. Pyongyang remained quiet as Moon pledged to support U.S. efforts toward North Korean denuclearization. 

  • Sang-Min Kim, Julia Masterson, and Kelsey Davenport
    April 14, 2021

    The Biden administration is wrapping up its North Korea policy review as Pyongyang tests new missiles and continues to violate UN sanctions. 

  • Julia Masterson
    June 10, 2020

    North Korean leader Kim Jong Un presided over a meeting where officials agreed to strengthen the country's nuclear deterrent, a move that Trump administration officials criticized. Pyongyang also cut all communication lines with Seoul, but South Korean President Moon remains committed to inter-Korean dialogue. 

  • Kelsey Davenport and Julia Masterson
    January 30, 2020

    North Korea is no longer bound to its self-imposed mortarium on nuclear and long-range missile testing, multiple officials have announced. As the United States and South Korea work to promote peninsular peace and revitalize U.S.-North Korean diplomacy, Pyongyang maintains that future negotiations are contingent on a shift in U.S. policy. 

  • Julia Masterson and Kelsey Davenport
    December 11, 2019

    Tensions mount as the United States and North Korea continue to each issue provocative statements ahead of Kim Jong Un’s end-of-year deadline for denuclearization negotiations. Despite the U.S. good-faith suspension of joint military exercises with South Korea, satellite imagery indicates that nuclear and missile development in North Korea is ongoing.