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37 weeks pregnant | BabyCenter



Highlights this week

Learn how natural pain relief and breathing techniques could help you in labour.

Baby development at 37 weeks

This week, most of the downy coating of lanugo is shed and the vernix caseosa -- the cheese-like coating that covers your baby in the womb and protects their developing skin -- starts to disappear, though some may remain at birth. The baby swallows both, along with other secretions, and all will stay in their bowels until birth. This blackish mixture, called meconium, will become their first bowel movement. Read more information on your baby's development this week.

baby with a smile
  • Your baby will have a newborn hearing screening shortly after birth
  • Liver, lungs, eyes, and ears need two more weeks to fully function
  • Babies can smile (and frown) in the womb
  • The brain, lungs, and liver will fully mature in the next few weeks
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Your baby is as long as a stalk of Swiss chard

Swiss chard illustration
head to toe
medical chart icon

Pregnancy symptoms at 37 weeks

The next couple of weeks are a waiting game. Try to enjoy this time before the baby arrives -- eat well and get plenty of rest. If you need help to conquer the late pregnancy blues, you can always look ahead and find out what your newborn will be like.
baby in womb at 37 weeks, quite cramped in womb
  • Despite cramped quarters, your baby should be as active as ever
  • You might feel Braxton Hicks contractions more often

Pregnancy Tips

If you're having your baby at home, your midwife will give you a home birth pack about now. Are you sure you've packed everything you need if you're having a hospital birth? Take a look at the hospital packing checklist. It's a good idea to sort out the clothes you want your baby to wear after birth and for the ride home.

Don't forget your own 'going home clothes' -- you'll need something loose fitting such as drawstring pants or a stretchy skirt as you'll still have a tummy after the birth.

This is also your labour partner's last chance to brush up on how to help you. There's plenty of advice in our top tips for labour partners. While you still have time, why not buy a few books for your baby's first year or some toys specially designed for newborns? Finally, make sure your baby's car seat is fitted and ready.

Helping in labour

"My husband rubbed my lower back and held me for hours while I was in labour. What really helped was when he rocked my hips. He was fantastic -- he must have worked as hard as I did." -- Paige M


How to avoid bruising during delivery and the need for stitches, and how to cope afterwards if you do need them -- find out more.

Other hot topics this week

You're likely to have an prenatal appointment this week so tell your doctor or midwife about any new symptoms you're experiencing.

Do you know the difference between an ordinary epidural, and a mobile or ambulatory epidural?

Dreams in the last few weeks. They may be more vivid than ever.

BabyCenter’s talented team of editors and writers has decades of experience creating inspiring content.

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