(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Canales, Juan Garrido Canales - Footballer | BDFutbol
2024-252014-152004-051994-951984-851974-751964-65 121954-55 121944-451934-35 123
2023-242013-142003-041993-941983-841973-741963-64 121953-54 121943-441933-34
2022-232012-132002-031992-931982-831972-731962-63 121952-53 121942-43 1231932-33
2021-222011-122001-021991-921981-821971-721961-62 121951-52 121941-42 1231931-32
2020-212010-112000-011990-911980-811970-711960-61 121950-51 121940-41 121930-31
2019-202009-101999-001989-901979-801969-701959-60 121949-50 121939-40 123451929-30
2018-192008-091998-991988-891978-791968-691958-59 121948-491928-29 12
2017-182007-081997-981987-881977-781967-68 121957-58 121947-48
2016-172006-071996-971986-871976-771966-67 121956-57 121946-47
2015-162005-061995-961985-861975-761965-66 121955-56 121945-461935-36 123
2024-25 IIIIIIIVV2014-15 IIIIIIIV2004-05 IIIIIIIV1994-95 IIIIIIIV1984-85 III
2023-24 IIIIIIIVV2013-14 IIIIIIIV2003-04 IIIIIIIV1993-94 IIIIIIIV1983-84 III
2022-23 IIIIIIIVV2012-13 IIIIIIIV2002-03 IIIIIIIV1992-93 IIIIIIIV1982-83 III
2021-22 IIIIIIIVV2011-12 IIIIIIIV2001-02 IIIIIIIV1991-92 IIIIIIIV1981-82 III
2020-21 IIIIIIIVV2010-11 IIIIIIIV2000-01 IIIIIIIV1990-91 IIIIIIIV1980-81 III
2019-20 IIIIIIIV2009-10 IIIIIIIV1999-00 IIIIIIIV1989-90 IIIIIIIV1979-80 III
2018-19 IIIIIIIV2008-09 IIIIIIIV1998-99 IIIIIIIV1988-89 IIIIIIIV1978-79 III
2017-18 IIIIIIIV2007-08 IIIIIIIV1997-98 IIIIIIIV1987-88 IIIIIIIV1977-78 III
2016-17 IIIIIIIV2006-07 IIIIIIIV1996-97 IIIIIIIV1986-87
2015-16 IIIIIIIV2005-06 IIIIIIIV1995-96 IIIIIIIV1985-86 III


Complete name
Juan Garrido Canales
Date of birth
22/11/1966 (57 years)
Place of birth
Birth Country
180 cm
78 kg
Top 100
Top 250
Type 2ªB 1ª + 2ª 1ª + 2ª + 1ªRf + 2ªRf COP
Seasons 660111113
Clubs 330667
Played Matches 6288015015038
Complete Matches 5787014414438
Lineup Matches 5987014614638
Substitute Matches 310440
Substituted Matches 200220
Called Matches 82(#177)110(#45)36192(#48)228(#35)12(#129)
Total Called Matches 1441983634237850
Wins 22330555515
Draws 2329052529
Losses 17260434314
Minutes 53597889013248132483480
Goals 000000
Goals as substitute 000000
Matches Scoring 000000
Goals per match 000000
Own Goals 000000
Matches without Conceding Goal 28(#174)25053(#241)5315(#80)
Goals Conceded 59107016616638
Yellow Cards 58013132
Red Cards 000000
Age first match 1719-171718
Age last match 2931-313132
Age first match scoring ------
Age last match scoring ------
Play against more teams 24390535324
Goals to more teams 000000
Goals with more clubs 000000
Goals in a single season 000000
Goals per match in a single season 000000
Bookings in a single season 230331
Substituted in a single season 100110
Substitute in a single season 210220
Promotions -0101-
Consecutive Days Played 30220300-
Consecutive Days Lineup 29220290-
Consecutive Days Completed 29220290-
Consecutive Days Substitute 11010-
Consecutive Days Substituted 10010-
Consecutive Days Winning 35050-
Consecutive Days Drawing 34040-
Consecutive Days Losing 33030-
Consecutive Days Not Winning 79090-
Consecutive Days Not Drawing 7110110-
Consecutive Days Not Losing 89090-
Consecutive Days Scoring 00000-
Consecutive Days Not Scoring 00000-
Consecutive Days Conceding 79090-
Consecutive Days Not Conceding more than 1 goal 10(#175)80100-
Consecutive Days Not Conceding 7(#12)307(#21)0(#52)-
Consecutive Played Lineup 4087073038
Consecutive Played Completed 3287073038
Consecutive Played Substitute 110100
Consecutive Played Substituted 100100
Consecutive Played Won 350505
Consecutive Played Drawn 340402
Consecutive Played Lost 330303
Consecutive Played Not Won 990907
Consecutive Played Not Drawn 71101109
Consecutive Played Not Lost 990906
Consecutive Played Scoring 000000
Consecutive Played Not Scoring 000000
Consecutive Played Conceded 890904
Consecutive Played Not Conceding more than 1 goal 11(#143)801007(#177)
Consecutive Played Not Conceding 7(#11)4(#240)07(#39)0(#121)4(#63)



# Season Date Match
1 1994-95 27/09/1994 Deportivo de La Coruña - Rosenborg
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