(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Golo, Óscar Santor Martínez - Footballer | BDFutbol
2024-252014-152004-051994-951984-851974-751964-65 121954-55 121944-451934-35 123
2023-242013-142003-041993-941983-841973-741963-64 121953-54 121943-441933-34
2022-232012-132002-031992-931982-831972-731962-63 121952-53 121942-43 1231932-33
2021-222011-122001-021991-921981-821971-721961-62 121951-52 121941-42 1231931-32
2020-212010-112000-011990-911980-811970-711960-61 121950-51 121940-41 121930-31
2019-202009-101999-001989-901979-801969-701959-60 121949-50 121939-40 123451929-30
2018-192008-091998-991988-891978-791968-691958-59 121948-491928-29 12
2017-182007-081997-981987-881977-781967-68 121957-58 121947-48
2016-172006-071996-971986-871976-771966-67 121956-57 121946-47
2015-162005-061995-961985-861975-761965-66 121955-56 121945-461935-36 123
2024-25 IIIIIIIVV2014-15 IIIIIIIV2004-05 IIIIIIIV1994-95 IIIIIIIV1984-85 III
2023-24 IIIIIIIVV2013-14 IIIIIIIV2003-04 IIIIIIIV1993-94 IIIIIIIV1983-84 III
2022-23 IIIIIIIVV2012-13 IIIIIIIV2002-03 IIIIIIIV1992-93 IIIIIIIV1982-83 III
2021-22 IIIIIIIVV2011-12 IIIIIIIV2001-02 IIIIIIIV1991-92 IIIIIIIV1981-82 III
2020-21 IIIIIIIVV2010-11 IIIIIIIV2000-01 IIIIIIIV1990-91 IIIIIIIV1980-81 III
2019-20 IIIIIIIV2009-10 IIIIIIIV1999-00 IIIIIIIV1989-90 IIIIIIIV1979-80 III
2018-19 IIIIIIIV2008-09 IIIIIIIV1998-99 IIIIIIIV1988-89 IIIIIIIV1978-79 III
2017-18 IIIIIIIV2007-08 IIIIIIIV1997-98 IIIIIIIV1987-88 IIIIIIIV1977-78 III
2016-17 IIIIIIIV2006-07 IIIIIIIV1996-97 IIIIIIIV1986-87
2015-16 IIIIIIIV2005-06 IIIIIIIV1995-96 IIIIIIIV1985-86 III


Complete name
Óscar Santor Martínez
Date of birth
03/04/1978 (46 years)
Place of birth
Birth Country
172 cm
74 kg
Top 250
Type 2ªB 1ª + 2ª + 1ªRf + 2ªRf COP
Seasons 29104
Clubs 2794
Played Matches 102712818
Complete Matches 31361394
Lineup Matches 82312396
Substitute Matches 240422
Substituted Matches 593982
Called Matches 1230
Total Called Matches 112732848
Wins 678843
Draws 369721
Losses 1124(#159)1254
Minutes 6162019220808621
Goals 139402
Goals as substitute 0330
Matches Scoring 135361
Goals per match 0,10,1440,1420,25
Braces 0441
Own Goals 0001
Goals Penalty 0110
Yellow Cards 060600
Red Cards 0330
Age first match 21212121
Age last match 21333331
Age first match scoring 21212123
Age last match scoring 21333323
Play against more teams 10941007
Goals to more teams 130311
Goals with more clubs 1781
Goals in a single season 111112
Goals per match in a single season 0,1110,2970,2970,667
Bookings in a single season 011110
Substituted in a single season 518182
Substitute in a single season 113131
Relegations 055-
Consecutive Days Played 6300-
Consecutive Days Lineup 3270-
Consecutive Days Completed 2140-
Consecutive Days Substitute 180-
Consecutive Days Substituted 38(#209)0-
Consecutive Days Winning 350-
Consecutive Days Drawing 230-
Consecutive Days Losing 140-
Consecutive Days Not Winning 2140-
Consecutive Days Not Drawing 3140-
Consecutive Days Not Losing 580-
Consecutive Days Scoring 120-
Consecutive Days Not Scoring 6170-
Consecutive Played Lineup 64304
Consecutive Played Completed 21402
Consecutive Played Substitute 1801
Consecutive Played Substituted 5802
Consecutive Played Won 5501
Consecutive Played Drawn 2301
Consecutive Played Lost 1502
Consecutive Played Not Won 21402
Consecutive Played Not Drawn 51405
Consecutive Played Not Lost 9903
Consecutive Played Scoring 1201
Consecutive Played Not Scoring 64004
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