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Where to place your Bonsai tree - Bonsai Empire

of your Bonsai

Placing your tree at the right spot

Determining what the optimal spot is to place your Bonsai trees can be hard, as several factors (local climate, time of year, etc.) should be taken into consideration. But the decisive factor is the tree species, and in particular; is your Bonsai an indoor or an outdoor tree?

Placement of a Bonsai video

Indoor Bonsai location

In most houses the only place where an indoor Bonsai will do well is right at a South facing window, as lots of light is crucial for the health of your tree. When placed even just a few feet away from a window the light intensity will drop significantly, slowing down growth and ultimately killing your Bonsai.

Indoor Bonsai are usually (sub)tropical tree species, like the Ficus or Carmona, which means they need a relatively high humidity as well. Placing the Bonsai on a humidity tray will help. Place indoor trees somewhere with a constant temperature throughout the day. Continue reading about Indoor Bonsai here, or use the Identify my Bonsai guide to determine your tree species. You'll need to know what tree species you have exactly to optimize its care.

Indoor bonsai trees
Popular indoor Bonsai trees; a ficus, carmona and Chinese elm.

Outdoor Bonsai location

Depending on where you live, most trees need to be placed outside year-round. The annual cycle is crucial for the health of most trees; overprotecting your tree in the winter season for example will weaken your tree. Make sure to establish what tree species you have and look up the care guidelines here on our website.

As a rule of thumb; place outdoor Bonsai at a bright spot with lots of light. If your summers are especially hot, providing afternoon shade will be beneficial for your trees. In winter you might need to protect your trees, read more about Overwintering here. Continue reading about outdoor species here, or use the Identify my Bonsai guide to determine your tree species.

Outdoor bonsai trees
Popular outdoor trees; a juniper, pine and maple.

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